Spoilers Strange New Worlds General Discussion Thread

I didn't expect to find out that Anson Mount is trying to "both sides" an active genocide but here we are... I sincerely hope that he is simply uninformed.
All I'll say is that I don't recall a Starfleet Captain standing aside while one group conducts an ethnic cleansing on another because of the Prime Directive or anything like that.
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Brianna Wu:

Jessie and I took very different lessons from Star Trek. But that’s because Star Trek has a LIBERAL message, not a PROGRESSIVE message.

She is upset at the lead actor from Strange New Worlds for suggesting Israel and Hamas should talk. I think there is no message that is more Star Trek than trying to end a cycle of violence through dialogue. This happened with the Klingons, the Cardasians, and even Species 8472. This is literally the primary theme of Star Trek, how do you end the cycle of war?

...None of this is a line with Star Trek values, meaning LIBERAL values. Progressives can no longer imagine the future where we even talk to conservatives, let alone try to bridge our differences. So I take offense to wrapping an extremist view on Israel/Palestine in the flag of Star Trek.

There's some arguable stuff in the Tweet, but her point about the traditional ideological content of Trek is correct: it's always been pretty conventionally American mainstream with a leftish/liberal bent. In recent times there are progressive rhetorical flourishes, but that's not the DNA.

Trek never has been what Roddenberry claimed it was. It's what somewhere close to a thousand hours of studio-produced content have made it.

And, BTW, included in that mix are quite a few hours of plain ol' Hollywood "Let's blow up the bad guys before they kill us" storytelling - in every series and most of the movies.

At the end of the day, it's nothing but a TV show.

Everything Mount has said is reasonable, fair comment. He's better informed than the few brats still haranging him on Twitter.

This stupid mobbing trended for maybe an hour the day they went after him and has thus far gathered no momentum to speak of even on clickbait sites. I'm sure some YouGoober will try to run with it, which is... meh. ;)
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I remember the 40th anniversary convention for Star Trek and I was very surprised at the number of "fans" trying to turn the Trek convention into a political convention in front of Shatner and Nimoy. Shatner dodged one loaded question but I can't remember what it was (this was 18 years ago). Nimoy responded to "Should the US have a prime directive for how it deals with other countries" with "There should be a prime directive about what you can say in here"

(Shatner and Nimoy were appearing together at the event and had not re-ignited their feud yet which apparently happened shortly before Nimoy died almost a decade later in 2015)
Kira Nerys said it best, "Nothing justifies genocide." And btw the Cardassian occupation of Bajor wasn't a historical allegory, it doesn't matter who the Cardiassians and the Bajorans represent, it's an ethical allegory about colonialism and fascism.

How would you engage in a dialogue with a side that's trying to exterminate you? How would you facilitate a dialogue between two sides when one doesn't give a rat's ass about your attempts to pacify? Would you say that the Nazis and Jewish people just needed to talk it out? How does talking begin if violence is still ongoing? It needs to end first.

Anson is a cool and decent guy, he's proven that, and he isn't wrong to think that everyone should be able to talk things out but he's wrong to think that this is the next step. Star Trek has always espoused conflict resolution through nonviolent means but that doesn't mean Star Trek is pacifist.

I guess it's easy for us to talk when we're all sitting comfortably at home.
I know in the Discovery that Pike saw a vision of his future of being burned in a radioactive leak. I'm just wondering if there will be a scene where Pike accident happens for real and the aftereffects.

Another thing has me curious is the lack of blinking squares display screens from TOS unless I missed something and they do exist on SNW.
They no longer blink and they're at the tops of the bridge stations. They're static indicator lights now, which I don't like but they ARE still on the bridge.
The reason is probably "these don't make sense as eye-level readouts by modern day computer standards so it'd look dumb for Ethan Peck to always be looking at colored rectangles instead of an actual recognizable image" but this is supposed to be the same ship as Kirk's so they just moved them to the tops of the stations.

Why they don't blink, though, is a huge missed opportunity.