Spoilers Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 1x03 - "Ghosts of Illyria"

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FANTASTIC production value on this show, even by the standards of Live Action Streaming Trek. The Enterprise looks so great and modern, but also like the same ship we know from the 60's -- it is a TRICKY line they are walking, and the manage it beautifully.

For my part, I feel like the SNW aesthetic really strikes the right balance between honoring TOS designs and incorporating some modern elements as well, in a way that DIS and the Kelvinverse didn't accomplish quite as well IMO. I find it refreshing. :D

Though I admit, I do find it interesting (and perhaps a bit odd) that some of the SNW uniforms keep the TOS style gold braids for rank and others have braids the same color as the uniform, which stands out less (La'an for example). It's not bad, but it seems like a strange choice to me.

My next question for scientists is if it is actually possible to reverse engineer eugenics? Surely when genetic changes have been made, Genetic structures and R/DNA have been irreversibly altered from a none interference perspective? Even ‘reverse’ eugenics would be considered as eugenics as unnatural changes are still being made with further unknown repercussions to genetics?

Not sure if this will provide any help, but to use a non-Trek example, the Clans of Kerensky in the Battletech gaming series have been using genetic engineering for several centuries to both maintain population and to alter genetic strains to produce superior (at least in their view) warriors. The Clans use iron wombs to artificially birth children, which initially arose as a solution to the relatively scant resources on most of the worlds they colonized. It's become so common that the idea of physical, emotional love in the traditional manner is somewhat foreign to them, and "freebirth" (biological) is considered repugnant, if not insulting. All Clan warriors wear a codex that chronicles their accomplishments, and those who perform well are guaranteed a place of honor in both Clan history and the genetic pool for the next generation.

The Clans also possess advanced medical technology, to the point where growing replacement organs is not usually difficult if a warrior loses an arm or leg in battle. They've created several special phenotypes, with giant Elementals piloting advanced power armor as infantry and Clan aerospace pilots being smaller and better able to handle high-G forces. Generally the Clans don't otherwise modify the basic human template that much, especially since politics are controlled by the warrior caste and they're more interested in technology with military applications.

This was a solid episode.

* Chapel's demeanor is toned down just a bit this episode, but she's still upbeat. She's clearly excellent at her job, I just like that she's also a fun, bubbly, engaging person. It's nice to see.

I think Chapel had a better character balance in this one, relative to the pilot where she kind of surprised everyone. :rommie: I think if we get to see more of both aspects combined well, it'll be a nice version of her. :)


HEMMER: I'm here to explain to you how we make Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. First, we pour solid milk chocolate into the moulds you see here. And then we beam the peanut butter inside them. Free samples coming right up!

We totally need to add more Reese's products to the show, if only to prove they exist in the Trek universe. :biggrin:
we actually see an Enterprise-style, forehead-ridged Illyrian in the "Override, override!" scene where Una looks at a roster of genetic modifications. Seems clear they're the same species.

Forgive me if I'm misinterpreting these posts!
I honestly can't see ridges at all on any of them.

Huh... just noticed this very nice detail here.

The Ready Room desk has one too

So if the Illyrians so badly wanted to join the Federation, I guess they forgave Archer for stealing the warp coils off of one of their ships.
Well it was this specific colony, not the entire species.
Getting the sense Ilyria is a multi-system nation in its own right...also, Hetemit gets its name from an Egyptian goddess...?
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For what it's worth here's the scale comparison and evolution from the NX-Delta in 2144 to Enterprise NX-01 in 2151 with the Franklin the evolutionary midpoint between the two in the NX warp program:

The Franklin really reminds me of the old FASA Loknar Class Frigate. :adore:
Not really. There isn’t such a thing as a warp 4 ship in the prime universe. After the warp 2 test, they went on to design the warp 5 engine. In the novelVerse, there were two competing designs. One by Henry Arch for the NX Class and the other for the Daedalus.

Not really. Based on your standards, technically, the NX class ship should not exist, based on TMP.
View attachment 27976

NUMBER ONE: First Officer's Log. Supplemental. We have arrived at the biggest dumpster fire in the quadrant. Starfleet is calling it "The Burn." From our current position, it looks like it can never be extinguished. It probably began with a discarded cigarette.

View attachment 27977

PIKE: It's tires. All the tires from every car ever made brought to this planet for final disposal. The Illyrians were so desperate to join the Federation they offered to take all Earth's old waste and recycle it. Instead, it became the biggest tire pile fire ever recorded. Goodyear, Firestone, Michelin...the final resting ground of all the restless souls of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. And it poisoned the atmosphere and killed them all...the poor devils...

View attachment 27978

ENSIGN AT WINDOW: Major! Behold the Prophets of Bajor! They have returned to save us from the Cardassian filth!

View attachment 27979

ENSIGN: You're not the Prophets of Bajor! You're Jack Dawson!

View attachment 27980

HEMMER: I'm here to explain to you how we make Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. First, we pour solid milk chocolate into the moulds you see here. And then we beam the peanut butter inside them. Free samples coming right up!

I'm surprised that you didn't throw in a DUNE reference, considering that the red shirt looks like the actor who stars in the most recent adaptation of that film...
Besides it sort of makes sense the NX-01 should be the last image in that display. Decker says "all those vessels were CALLED Enterprise." Past tense. The NCC-1701 still exists, just in a different design configuration. ;)
6. I may have to turn on subtitles in the future for M'Benga. I'm having trouble understanding him some of the time.
I have trouble understanding him. Not the accent but the timbre of the actor's voice. I'll have to use the good headphones next time.
I have that problem with him all the time - does he speak like that in his other movies/shows? He sounds like Picard at the end of that epidemic episode when Data couldn't understand him :D

I meant to say 23:02. I was looking at the wrong time index.

Thank you, NCC-73515.

I am wondering if that is a yet unknown Enterprise.
I knew immediately what you meant and didn't even bother with times :D

Also how can Kirk be born in Riverside Iowa if she was in labour on that ship?
Preterm birth in January, expected regular birth in March - happens a lot in real life ;)

As far as La'an, we still have no idea whether her ancestor that may, or may not, have been Khan's direct descendant, was born before or after his augmentation.
One review claimed she is Khan's
Another great episode. The whole "colony turning into energy beings" probably could have used a bit more time, and the solution to the virus problem was kind of stupid, but those are just nitpicks. Overall it was another great episode.