Spoilers Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 1x03 - "Ghosts of Illyria"

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A fan fixed that.

Ha! But even in that new picture it’s missing the CV-6.
Getting the sense Ilyria is a multi-system nation in its own right...

That's kinda what I'm thinking. Especially considering the "instead of Terraforming" line implies they have multiple colonies. Who knows if they stay into the 24th century, but the ban is still around...
My ONE quibble is Ortegas' hair. She needs to fade it up better. Might as well have a Moe haircut or something...
After the first 2 stellar episodes, upon first watch this one is a bit of a misfire. Nothing horrible, but not much really worth praising either, it all just fell flat into a jumble of....meh. The reveal of the heritage of Number One did absolutely nothing for me, the resolution to the crisis was weak, and the secret M'Benga was hiding was kind of silly and didn't resonate. I just had no reason to care about any of it. I did bump it up a point for the mention of augments, the discussion of La'an's heritage, and the spectacularly bonkers scene of Hemmer trying to beam up a piece of the mantle.

As I'm writing this, I'm realizing that I just don't remember a lot of specifics from the episode. That is rather unusual for me, so I'm willing to entertain the idea that maybe I just wasn't in the right mood or frame of mind while watching it, and it was me that was meh, and not the episode. I'll give it another watch in a couple of days, to see if it hits differently the second time around.
I have a feeling where we're rapidly moving to a place where we can safely say: "An average episode of SNW is better than the best episodes of other nu-Trek." At least, that's how I feel about it.

You can safely say you'd think that.

I couldn't disagree more. I find SNW to be (kind of pleasantly) vapid compared to DSC/PIC so far.

As you say, it's all in the eye of the beholder. IDIC and all that.

My ONE quibble is Ortegas' hair. She needs to fade it up better. Might as well have a Moe haircut or something...

Hard disagree. Looks great and I'm considering it for my next hair-do. I've really grown my hair out over COVID lockdowns, but I like extreme styles like that. Something of The Expanse and the Belters about it.
I'd prefer that they go with Metric Day & Metric Time for a (±Star Year / Star Date Unit ¦ Star Time Unit ) Star Date Notation.
1 ISO Star Year = 1 Average Gregorian Year = 365.2425 Days = 8765.82 Earth Hours
1 ISO Star Year = 1000 Star Days = 8765.82 Earth Hours
1 Star Day Unit = 1000 STU (Star Time Units)
1 Star Day = 8.76582 Earth Hrs = 525.9492 Earth Mins = 31556.952 Earth Secs = 8 Hrs, 45 Mins, 56.952 Secs
1 STU (Star Time Units) = 31.556952 Earth Seconds

The Backstory behind this was when the Star Date was born and based off the Average Gregorian Year. All the founding members in the ISO (InterStellar Standards Organization) within the newly minted UFP, which is a supersceding organization to ISO (International Standards Organization) on Earth, wanted to base the Star Year on the Average Gregorian Year on the Earth Calender. The rest of the founding members were keen to let it happen given that Humanity was the Glue that bonded all the other members together thanks to the actions of Jonathon Archer in numerous previous escapades.

But the Vulcans wouldn't let Humans have their way of arbitrarily defining everything, since the Vulcans found the Metric System to be so logical and took a keen liking to the simplicity of the system, they required that Metric Star Days and Metric Star Time be used if we're going to use the Metric System as a ISO standard with the Average Gregorian Year as the foundation for the Star Year. Many of the humans weren't that keen on Metric Star Day & Metric Star Time; but eventually they gave way to Vulcan Logic and internal consistency. Ergo the simpler and more consistent Star Day & Star Time sub-units for Star Date.

I have been battling with the inconsistencies of Stardates a lot in my head recently. I just can’t find an overarching pattern, consistency or actual any sense to them. I wish that this could all have been finalised and worked out properly by the production staff over the years as it is all quite frustrating.

hopefully a standardised stardate system can be implemented for future Star Trek productions to give a sense of consistency?

I even heard once that star dates change depending on where you are in the galaxy, maybe this is a a result of light travelling? So for example, the stardate on Earth and Vulcan would be different to the stardate on Alpha Centuri because the light reaching these systems would take different amounts of time to travel to them from other places, and thus give a different stardate from wherever this light is viewed from?

Perhaps stardates should be recorded from one (or a combination of a few?) points of celestial reference. This (or these) reference point(s) can be combined with the actual local dates and time from nearby planetary perspectives? This combined number is not only a record of time, but also a record of space like coordinates (if more than one celestial body is used as a reference point as previously mentioned). It could be like an intergalactic x and y axis grid (space) combined with time. It would need more than an x and y axis though as space is not 2D, it is actually 3D.
Stardates could be:

x, y, -x, -y, *local date and time*, *time it takes for light to travel from point A*,*Time it takes for light to travel from point B*

This could be put in any order just like how around our planet in different places we change the order of the date:

2022, 05, 20
20, 05, 2022
05, 20, 2022

I have been battling with the inconsistencies of Stardates a lot in my head recently. I just can’t find an overarching pattern, consistency or actual any sense to them. I wish that this could all have been finalised and worked out properly by the production staff over the years as it is all quite frustrating.

hopefully a standardised stardate system can be implemented for future Star Trek productions to give a sense of consistency?

I even heard once that star dates change depending on where you are in the galaxy, maybe this is a a result of light travelling? So for example, the stardate on Earth and Vulcan would be different to the stardate on Alpha Centuri because the light reaching these systems would take different amounts of time to travel to them from other places, and thus give a different stardate from wherever this light is viewed from?

Perhaps stardates should be recorded from one (or a combination of a few?) points of celestial reference. This (or these) reference point(s) can be combined with the actual local dates and time from nearby planetary perspectives? This combined number is not only a record of time, but also a record of space like coordinates (if more than one celestial body is used as a reference point as previously mentioned). It could be like an intergalactic x and y axis grid (space) combined with time. It would need more than an x and y axis though as space is not 2D, it is actually 3D.
Stardates could be:

x, y, -x, -y, *local date and time*, *time it takes for light to travel from point A*,*Time it takes for light to travel from point B*

This could be put in any order just like how around our planet in different places we change the order of the date:

2022, 05, 20
20, 05, 2022
05, 20, 2022
You can't make any consistency because there are too many cooks in the kitchen messing with the StarDate increments.


The only consistentency is that the First 3 Digits Left of the Decimal Point seems to indicate which 'Day of the Year' AKA "Star Day"

Any Digits Left of the First 3 Digits past the Decimal Point indicates the Star Year.

But the Star year getting bunched up with the Star Date is hard to read and pronouncing it is a PITA (Pain In The Arse).

Look at DISCO's StarDate 3190 AD = 865 783.7
Look at VOY's __ StarDate 2379 AD = _ 56 947.0

3190 AD - 2379 AD = 811 Year difference
StarYear 865-56 = 809 Year difference.

You can argue that Leap Year is screwing with things, but to be off by 2 years because of leap years in 800+ year time frame? I find that hard to believe.

As for readibility, it's a Cluster Eff of digit soup.
In my Head Canon, the ISO StarDate Version is updated to 5.0 to account for the differences that I introduce.

±S.Y / SDU ¦ STU = (±Star Year / Star Day Unit ¦ Star Time Unit)
The “/” is described as “Slash” & “¦” is described as “Bar” which is short hand for (Vertical Broken Bar)

I set the Starting Point for 0 of the StarDate to be:
Earth Date = 2155/03-05 Wed 00:00;00.0 PST = Founding of Coalition of Planets

The UFP formed from Jonathon Archer's founding of the "Coalition of Planets" and the day it was signed into existence.

Ergo, my Star Year can have ± to indicate Before or After the "Official Starting Point" that led to the Founding of the UFP, the signing of the "Coalition of Planets".
+ = After Federation: After the UFP was formed/founded
- = Before Federation: Before the UFP was formed/founded
You can't make any consistency because there are too many cooks in the kitchen messing with the StarDate increments.


The only consistentency is that the First 3 Digits Left of the Decimal Point seems to indicate which 'Day of the Year' AKA "Star Day"

Any Digits Left of the First 3 Digits past the Decimal Point indicates the Star Year.

But the Star year getting bunched up with the Star Date is hard to read and pronouncing it is a PITA (Pain In The Arse).

Look at DISCO's StarDate 3190 AD = 865 783.7
Look at VOY's __ StarDate 2379 AD = _ 56 947.0

3190 AD - 2379 AD = 811 Year difference
StarYear 865-56 = 809 Year difference.

You can argue that Leap Year is screwing with things, but to be off by 2 years because of leap years in 800+ year time frame? I find that hard to believe.

As for readibility, it's a Cluster Eff of digit soup.
In my Head Canon, the ISO StarDate Version is updated to 5.0 to account for the differences that I introduce.

±S.Y / SDU ¦ STU = (±Star Year / Star Day Unit ¦ Star Time Unit)
The “/” is described as “Slash” & “¦” is described as “Bar” which is short hand for (Vertical Broken Bar)

I set the Starting Point for 0 of the StarDate to be:
Earth Date = 2155/03-05 Wed 00:00;00.0 PST = Founding of Coalition of Planets

The UFP formed from Jonathon Archer's founding of the "Coalition of Planets" and the day it was signed into existence.

Ergo, my Star Year can have ± to indicate Before or After the "Official Starting Point" that led to the Founding of the UFP, the signing of the "Coalition of Planets".
+ = After Federation: After the UFP was formed/founded
- = Before Federation: Before the UFP was formed/founded
Why try to over complicate something that could be so simple though?

Perhaps the production staff are just really bad at maths? Maybe someone *really* bad at maths like Elon Musk came up with the star dating idea on a whim? :shrug:
You can safely say you'd think that.

I couldn't disagree more. I find SNW to be (kind of pleasantly) vapid compared to DSC/PIC so far.

As you say, it's all in the eye of the beholder. IDIC and all that.

That's: "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations" to you, baby! Shagadelic! Discovery SUUUUX! :evil:
I think one of the most interesting things about the ending isn't even the fact that Una nicely subverts the "everything is good, emotional problems resolved" ending Star Trek tends to have about characters. Una saying, "I'm one of the good ones" as a way undercutting the situation is both true to life and highlights the issue. It's also the fact that it shows how prejudice and systemic racism (genetic engineering bans here) destroy personal relationships.

I 100% believe Pike does not give a crap about Una being an Illyrian and his reaction if this had come out the day before would be identical--possibly because he feels immortal but not at all because Una saved his ship. He's always been half in love with her from "The Cage" but know Pike is also the Paragon Shepherd of the setting before Captain Kirk. At least from DISCO onward. However, Una can't allow herself to be comfortable with that and allow herself to trust the person that probably cares for her most. Because that way can burn you.

It's really tragic if you ship them like Beverly Crusher not believing Captain Picard that he has her back always.

I also like the bait and switch with La'an. She's someone who has gone ALL IN on trying to assimilate to the greater culture to the point that she considers Augments to be monsters. Her ancestors either had their own genes degraded or they lost that over generations of interbreeding. Her fighting Una was basically like Wolverine fighting Scrappy Doo and that was good visual storytelling. It wasn't even a contest. Una just was playing keep away the entire time. It's a way of illustrating people dealing with generational trauma.

Doubly so the accusation Una was lying due to the fact she "passes" as a human being.