Spoilers Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 1x03 - "Ghosts of Illyria"

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My biggest worry about SNW was that it might be Star Trek's version of Happy Days. A look back to a "happier", "simpler" time before "everything hit the fan". I've never actually watched a full episode of Happy Days, but that's my image of it. And I thought SNW would just be "that happy time before DSC and PIC!" With Pike's accident being a metaphor for things taking a turn for the worse later on. It can be about that, but it shouldn't be just about that. "Children of Illyria" showed me it wouldn't be. And that's what ultimately sold me on this series and put any doubts I had to rest.
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I'd prefer that they go with Metric Day & Metric Time for a (±Star Year / Star Date Unit ¦ Star Time Unit ) Star Date Notation.
1 ISO Star Year = 1 Average Gregorian Year = 365.2425 Days = 8765.82 Earth Hours
1 ISO Star Year = 1000 Star Days = 8765.82 Earth Hours
1 Star Day Unit = 1000 STU (Star Time Units)
1 Star Day = 8.76582 Earth Hrs = 525.9492 Earth Mins = 31556.952 Earth Secs = 8 Hrs, 45 Mins, 56.952 Secs
1 STU (Star Time Units) = 31.556952 Earth Seconds

The issue with the damned decimal system is how hard it is to divide 10 into anything useful except 2 and 5. Base 12 would be much smarter. But humans have 10 fingers and that's basically how we got there.

I think Rebecca Romijn looks great. You got to remember that she's 49 y/o now and a mother of twin daughters as well.
She's not the 20 something Super Model that she used to be. She's aged gracefully like "Fine Wine" and looks spectacular IMO. Jerry O'Connell is a Lucky man to be married to her.
Don't misunderstand me. I'm simply talking about comparing her with 2 years ago, not 20.
The issue with the damned decimal system is how hard it is to divide 10 into anything useful except 2 and 5. Base 12 would be much smarter. But humans have 10 fingers and that's basically how we got there.
Since the Metric System uses Base 10 and Humanity uses Base 10 for our fundamental math's, and most UFP Aliens seem to be ok with using Base 10, I came up with a storyline issue as to why they use 1000 as the defining # of units to split things by. It's all because of the Metric System. So blame the "International System of Units" (SI) that makes the system so popular that most of the UFP founding members agreed to it because it was logically designed that the ISO members from all the founding species fell in love with it due to it's simplicity.

But since every UFP member species have their "Local Customary Units", the ISO based SI units co-exists with thier "Local Customary Units". In a similar situation to how the USA uses the SI system & US Customary units.

Don't misunderstand me. I'm simply talking about comparing her with 2 years ago, not 20.
Then like the other posters stated, maybe she lost a bit of weight and got more fit for her role?
This was a solid episode.

* Hemmer is cool AF and is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters.
* Chapel's demeanor is toned down just a bit this episode, but she's still upbeat. She's clearly excellent at her job, I just like that she's also a fun, bubbly, engaging person. It's nice to see.
* Una big, strong. Me want comforting embrace from Una.
* Spock's "I am arming myself with knowledge" was perfect. :lol:
* Subjective, of course, but this new Enterprise has my favorite interior, hands down.

I love that they're touching on the beans and cornbread of how Starfleet is at this time period, definitely forward thinking, pushing for the best in humanity, but still ran by human ethnocentricity at times and, as Dr. M'Benga says, a different kind of bigotry. Una's predicament makes me think of all the people out there who are different in some way, a way that isn't necessarily accepted by mainstream society, and how they live in constant fear of being exposed, that some may win the affections of close friends if they're "one of the good ones."

What happens to those who aren't seen as "one of the good ones," or who never get the opportunity to prove themselves? Why should they have to prove themselves just for existing? Nice theme to touch on, very relevant right now, and I expect it will continue to be touched on amongst all the other worthwhile themes SNW seems to want to explore while we explore the galaxy.

I don't really do ratings anymore, as it's so subjective, but if I had to rate it, this episode would have received a "9" out of 10. I consider it a very strong entry in the SNW library, and can't wait for next week.
I doubt M'Benga would be the first person to think of Transporter Stasis after the invention of the Transporter.
I'm pretty sure somebody early on thought of it and only fairly recently with the advent of the Warp Core, did it become practical to run for a long time. But Hardware Reliability over the years is a difficult thing to measure over the span of decades given Scotty's 50% success rate.

I've never seen it before either in any medium that I've viewed so far.

I'd prefer that they go with Metric Day & Metric Time for a (±Star Year / Star Date Unit ¦ Star Time Unit ) Star Date Notation.
1 ISO Star Year = 1 Average Gregorian Year = 365.2425 Days = 8765.82 Earth Hours
1 ISO Star Year = 1000 Star Days = 8765.82 Earth Hours
1 Star Day Unit = 1000 STU (Star Time Units)
1 Star Day = 8.76582 Earth Hrs = 525.9492 Earth Mins = 31556.952 Earth Secs = 8 Hrs, 45 Mins, 56.952 Secs
1 STU (Star Time Units) = 31.556952 Earth Seconds

The Backstory behind this was when the Star Date was born and based off the Average Gregorian Year. All the founding members in the ISO (InterStellar Standards Organization) within the newly minted UFP, which is a supersceding organization to ISO (International Standards Organization) on Earth, wanted to base the Star Year on the Average Gregorian Year on the Earth Calender. The rest of the founding members were keen to let it happen given that Humanity was the Glue that bonded all the other members together thanks to the actions of Jonathon Archer in numerous previous escapades.

But the Vulcans wouldn't let Humans have their way of arbitrarily defining everything, since the Vulcans found the Metric System to be so logical and took a keen liking to the simplicity of the system, they required that Metric Star Days and Metric Star Time be used if we're going to use the Metric System as a ISO standard with the Average Gregorian Year as the foundation for the Star Year. Many of the humans weren't that keen on Metric Star Day & Metric Star Time; but eventually they gave way to Vulcan Logic and internal consistency. Ergo the simpler and more consistent Star Day & Star Time sub-units for Star Date.

I like your solution, I'll adopt that as part of my Head Cannon. And Archer asking the Vulcans for a favor after saving Earth makes alot of sense. I doubt they would want to see Archer's face and it would a "Shoot on Sight" incident.
The apologies would have to come later formally after all the crisis were solved.

I think Rebecca Romijn looks great. You got to remember that she's 49 y/o now and a mother of twin daughters as well.
She's not the 20 something Super Model that she used to be. She's aged gracefully like "Fine Wine" and looks spectacular IMO. Jerry O'Connell is a Lucky man to be married to her.

Rebecca Romijn looks fantastic to me. But, I've always been more into darker hair than blondes.
I don't really do ratings anymore
I generally despise numerical rating systems because the same number has different meanings to different people, and because the ratings are, in fact, categories and are not numerically proportional to one another, so calculating averages is pointless.

Here's my rating scale: Terrible, bad, okay, good, great, excellent, amazing. Easy to understand, one word. Done. :)
Was 9-10 fir me.
When they said Irrilyan colony my ears perked up.. Knowing from the books Una was from there..Happy to see , At least with her, there keeping it semi close to the books not just automatically diverting.

Only quibble was lockdown.. Thought a hard lockdown as in doors locked, whoever's on the bridge .. Well there there for the duration with separate life support. Your in your work area.. Your locked in. But still light in the halls, uhura (with hair cap, nice touch) going back to her bunk.. Just weird.
I generally despise numerical rating systems because the same number has different meanings to different people, and because the ratings are, in fact, categories and are not numerically proportional to one another, so calculating averages is pointless.

Here's my rating scale: Terrible, bad, okay, good, great, excellent, amazing. Easy to understand, one word. Done. :)

Whatever tweaks your freak, pal.
Only quibble was lockdown.. Thought a hard lockdown as in doors locked, whoever's on the bridge .. Well there there for the duration with separate life support. Your in your work area.. Your locked in. But still light in the halls, uhura (with hair cap, nice touch) going back to her bunk.. Just weird.
Yeah. And I thought they'd turn off the lights completely or something. Not much of a lockdown... but again Starfleet doesn't know anything about security.

I love how Hemmer just snaps his finger for his crew to get to their lockdown stations.
Whatever tweaks your freak, pal.
Try this. If I say an episode is a 7, what does it tell you? For some, it's going to mean "disappointing". To me, it's "very good". But if I use words instead, everyone understands. Also, a perfect 10 is certainly not only worth two meh 5-rated episodes, so averages are out. :)
I really like Hemmer. But, at the same time, I'm liking all of the characters.

I would think, however, "lockdown" would mean bed restraints/forcefields in sickbay and locked doors so people can't just walk into transporter rooms and beam planetary mantels, or it if sickbay to shutdown containment fields. That for these doors to open the CO would get asked fir permission by the computer it something.

But, let's face at, Trek has never been good/consistent with this stuff.
Rebecca Romijn looks fantastic to me. But, I've always been more into darker hair than blondes.
I've just been a fan of Rebecca Romijn since she was a Super Model.

Hair color is kinda whatever to me, I obviously have preferences, but I've always liked Rebecca Romijn since her young Super Model days.

So far, I'm liking the entire cast. There isn't a main character on board that I don't like.
Try this. If I say an episode is a 7, what does it tell you? For some, it's going to mean "disappointing". To me, it's "very good". But if I use words instead, everyone understands. Also, a perfect 10 is certainly not only worth two meh 5-rated episodes, so averages are out. :)

I was more quote-dropping from Ortegas than criticizing your system. While at the same time saying to do what works for you. The 1-10 system obviously works since so many use it.

I've just been a fan of Rebecca Romijn since she was a Super Model.

Hair color is kinda whatever to me, I obviously have preferences, but I've always liked Rebecca Romijn since her young Super Model days.

So far, I'm liking the entire cast. There isn't a main character on board that I don't like.

Same. The whole cast of characters are great.
I generally despise numerical rating systems because the same number has different meanings to different people, and because the ratings are, in fact, categories and are not numerically proportional to one another, so calculating averages is pointless.

Here's my rating scale: Terrible, bad, okay, good, great, excellent, amazing. Easy to understand, one word. Done. :)
Pretty much. I've seen people say an episode was meh, and give it an 8. I've seen people who've loved an episode and given it a 6. It's so subjective, which is why I usually like to give commentary, so I can say how I came to my conclusion. Like you, though, I'd rather just talk about the pros, the cons, and why I enjoyed or disliked it. Still, numbers are a fast way to convey a point, so they do come in handy.

Yeah. And I thought they'd turn off the lights completely or something. Not much of a lockdown... but again Starfleet doesn't know anything about security.

I love how Hemmer just snaps his finger for his crew to get to their lockdown stations.
That would be one of my "Hemmer is cool AF" moments.

I've just been a fan of Rebecca Romijn since she was a Super Model.

Hair color is kinda whatever to me, I obviously have preferences, but I've always liked Rebecca Romijn since her young Super Model days.

So far, I'm liking the entire cast. There isn't a main character on board that I don't like.
That's another good point. This is the first cast, in recent memory, that I've liked all the way around. They're all good people, worthwhile characters, IMO.
Just thought..
Denobulans are generic engineered.. Wonder if it's a line like, you do it for disease etc. Your okay, but if you try to improve or tweak its wrong?

I remember Soongs rant about how a total ban is wrong, as a slight genetic tweak would have helped Archers Dad with his disease.

Plus.. It's not the person's fault .. It's the parents or the civilization fault. Una or Bashir aren't at fault so they should be okay to serve.