News Star Trek: Section 31 Movie with Michelle Yeoh Announced!

Why do you assume IMDB has 'inside info'? She's the only one listed because she was the only actor attached to the project in Paramount+'s announcement (IMDB is often wrong too anyway.)

Because when the Section 31 series was first announced, it was speculated that both Yeoh and Latif would be in it.
All the 90s era stuff likely ends with Picard. It doesn't make sense to continue it further, if they want a new, younger audience for Trek.

Returning characters aside, that doesn’t actually establish a timeframe. Right now we’ve got live series in three different eras (more if the animated shows count). Even when Picard concludes, that still leaves pre-TOS and DSC S3+, plus maybe post-TNG.
We've been thinking about a trivia game in the zoom meetings. My group won a Trek trivia game in LA 3 years ago mostly because I knew things the others weren't sure about and vice versa. We were the only ones to get all questions right :D


I say we do it!!!
Section 31 shouldn't exist. This was addressed in several TOS & TNG episodes where a conspiracy at Startfleet was taking place. For Section 31 to exist, it would be an adversary such as the Borg. The political connotations to a Section 31 film with Emperor Georgiou are overt.
Michelle Yeoh was AWFUL in Discovery, and the portrayal of S31 in that show was probably one of the single dumbest things in all of Star Trek.

I do like the idea of a one off movie though. Just not this. I suppose they're trying to capitalize on Yeoh's recent increase in notoriety.

There's very few people who are still interested in Discovery. If this movie had a full theatrical release it would tank hard.
I love how one person's dislike so often translates to an assumption that they are one of many. And how you are here in the Discovery thread for no other reason than to be a shithead. Bless your little heart.

There ARE (the grammatically correct way to say that btw) many people who will miss this show, who came back to Trek or started loving it because of this show.
Michelle Yeoh was GREAT in a so-so, often mediocre series. I don't blame her for how those writers handled both the Section 31 and Mirror Universe concepts. She did a masterful job with the material she was given and in most cases elevated it beyond the dull dreck it could have easily been. Yeoh improved DSC.
I've been a Yeoh fan for years, she's one of the action movie GOATs and it's great to see her finally breaking out in the West lately. But I hate hate hate the idea of doing a S31 centric movie. It worked okay in DS9 but since then, it's portrayals have been less savory.

They're an abjectly evil organization doing evil things, the CIA of Trek, not a cool edgy organization. With S31 being your protagonists, no chance it's gonna be 2 hours of watching evil characters do evil things you root against...wouldn't make for a good movie. And portraying S31 any other way rubs me the wrong way.
I'm a fan of Breaking Bad. Section 31 didn't bother me in the '90s, it doesn't bother me now. What S31 did to the Changelings wasn't exactly "savory" either.

Aside from that "Mission: Impossible meets Guardians of the Galaxy" sounds like they're going to change the portrayal again. How about we save the "holier than thou" routine until we actually see it? Rhetorical question. I know that's not going to happen.
I'm a fan of Breaking Bad. Section 31 didn't bother me in the '90s, it doesn't bother me now. What S31 did to the Changelings wasn't exactly "savory" either.
Doing a Breaking Bad or Barry where you're watching a "likeable" bad guy until they do the rugpull at the end reminding you of the consequences so to speak, would be cool and if they do that, I'd be happy.

And yeah I should've specified, Pic S3 handled it okay. I was moreso speaking to them in Discovery (as this is a spinoff of that).
Now this is a movie I'm intrigued by it. I tuned out of Discocery early in S2 though and consider myself not a fan of that series now. It lost me and so far I've felt zero compulsion to go back to it. So I'm not even sure what the story will be for this, how much it is required to have knowledge of Discocery to understand what's happening, etc, but now that it is a movie I would be sure to check it out. I've a feeling they may be doing something that stands alone.

Interesting they say they are doing one movie every two years. So is that to mean we should expect a movie in: 2024, 2026, 2028 and 2030? Potentially 4 streaming movies by the end of the decade? I'm on board with it. And it's a strategy to limit saturation too. It think the reality is that mistakes have been made in recent years. Picard Season 2 was for example, a season that could have been a movie instead and worked a lot better that way. I personally don't consider that season as terrible and I'll still take it over Discovery, but it was flawed and often frustrating after a very early decent first two episodes.
Interesting, Paramount Insiders were worried about oversaturation of the Star Trek IP.

Sounds like this is the limit of how much Star Trek spinoffs and projects we can get on P+

We would’ve gotten more Trek if the renewed franchise would’ve attracted more viewers. Franchise fatigue is real, there is just too much mediocre content.
Apparently they believe that a Star Trek teen show would be the best way to attract new viewers and cut costs at the same time. I somehow doubt, that they actually thought this through.

When SFA first airs in 2025 and if SNW gets renewed for a 4th season, we will have a teen drama Star Trek show and a sort of reboot of TOS as the only remaining live action shows. This can’t be it, even if they additionally produce a tv movie every 2 years…
Great news, especially the part where it's part of a plan for other movies. Maybe we'll finally get something resembling that anthology series, or a kind of Short Treks, but long.
Will probably be divisive, as Trek is always better in a series format, but I can't wait to see Yeoh again. Loved her work on Discovery.
Apparently they believe that a Star Trek teen show would be the best way to attract new viewers and cut costs at the same time. I somehow doubt, that they actually thought this through.
Pretty sure they did. They are a business after all and due diligence before investing is kind of how that works.

If I was 13 or 14 years old right now I'd be watching ALL the WB shows. I would have watched Reign and Vampire Diaries and the 100 and anything with sexy girls and boys they wanted to throw at me. I would have happily watched a show about young adults attending Starfleet Academy if it had been offered. And I will watch it as an old lady because it's THE STAR TREK
When SFA first airs in 2025 and if SNW gets renewed for a 4th season, we will have a teen drama Star Trek show and a sort of reboot of TOS as the only remaining live action shows. This can’t be it, even if they additionally produce a tv movie every 2 years…
I'm an actual fan of DSC and PIC, unlike you, and even though SNW isn't my thing and SFA probably isn't going to be my thing, I'm okay with them doing things that aren't my thing because I was only looking for one new Star Trek show back in 2017. I ended up with two that I really liked and close to 100 episodes plus, thanks to Section 31, a TV Movie.

I'm okay with moving on. "But how can you be?!" Because Star Trek isn't the end all and be all. And with this much Star Trek, there's no way I'm going to be a fan of all of it. Yeah, "franchise fatigue" is real, but I already got what I wanted.
We would’ve gotten more Trek if the renewed franchise would’ve attracted more viewers. Franchise fatigue is real, there is just too much mediocre content.
Apparently they believe that a Star Trek teen show would be the best way to attract new viewers and cut costs at the same time. I somehow doubt, that they actually thought this through.

When SFA first airs in 2025 and if SNW gets renewed for a 4th season, we will have a teen drama Star Trek show and a sort of reboot of TOS as the only remaining live action shows. This can’t be it, even if they additionally produce a tv movie every 2 years…
None of this is true, streaming in general is past peak TV. The Star Trek shows on P+ made money, it was the diminished advertising dollars that put Paramount in the red. Modern Trek is more popular than its ever been and partly because it avoided the franchise fatigue espoused by the previous administration. Although this idea is most likely not very accurate.