News Star Trek: Section 31 Movie with Michelle Yeoh Announced!

Since initially, Carl sent her to the Terran Universe in Discovery time, I'm guessing she'll be going to the Prime Universe at around the same time +/- a few years.
That's awesome.

A few of the people I beat over the years were actual editors on Memory Alpha, so if I could beat them, you certainly could.

The movie.

A movie or miniseries might be the only way we will get more more Deep Space Nine. For that reason alone I heartily support this development.

Every two years. By 2026, it seems more likely they'll use Nu Trek properties for the 'TV movies,' assuming the TV movie plan continues.

All the 90s era stuff likely ends with Picard. It doesn't make sense to continue it further, if they want a new, younger audience for Trek.
A Romulan War miniseries would be epic.

And while we are on the subject: get Diane Duane’s agent on the phone, and negotiate the rights to make a miniseries from her Rihannsu novels.
If it means we get Surak as an internet blogger on pre-reform Vulcan (which greatly resembles 20th century Earth) with S'Task as his BFF until they fall out and he founds the Romulan Star Empire I am 100% for it.

Been awhile since I read Spock's World and The Romulan Way, but that's the jist of it, right?
The movie could show how it transitioned from a widely known regular intelligence branch to a secret group barely anyone knows about.
Perhaps Georgiou exposes a serious mistake they made, there's public outrage, and it's officially dissolved, only to keep existing in the shadows in case it is needed again...
Doesn't link the secret ENT organization to the open DIS one, but at least connects DIS to DS9.

Too late.

Michelle wants to do this, she was still talking about wanting to do it during her Oscar news tour.
Isn't it great that a new Oscar winner tells everyone she wants to do more Trek :D

And I also agree that a movie is better. Not I just because of Michelle Yeoh's schedule, but the story will be faster-paced. I'm guessing everything that would've been covered in 10 episodes, we'll see in two-ish hours. This will be tight and laser-focused.
So true, and after Disco 3 and 4 or PIC 2 this really is the better way :D

TREK knowledge is NEVER worthless. (Says the top winner of the DragonCon TREK TRAK trivia contest... for 14 years. I stopped years ago because it was time for others to win and have their time in the sun. More fun overall that way.)

I have spoken.
We've been thinking about a trivia game in the zoom meetings. My group won a Trek trivia game in LA 3 years ago mostly because I knew things the others weren't sure about and vice versa. We were the only ones to get all questions right :D