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News Star Trek: Section 31 Movie with Michelle Yeoh Announced!

What an utterly terrible idea to make a character such as Emperor Georgiou the star of a Trek movie.
A TV Trek movie, not a mega-million-dollar cinematic release.

I think this is a win-win for everyone.
  • Paramount gets the buzz of having an Oscar winner starring in her own movie.
  • Michelle Yeoh fans who are not Star Trek fans could be lured into the fold.
  • Fans who are not enamored of the concept (FWIW I occupy that slice of the Venn diagram) don’t have to worry that a lot of time and expense is being spent on a full-blown TV series that could’ve been spent on a series they do want (for me, Star Trek: Legacy).
  • And fans who want to see another installment in the adventures of Emperor Philippa Georgiou will get their wish. And if the producers nail the concept, execution, and reception, the movie will be a backdoor pilot to a series (which is exactly what happened with the 2003 Battlestar Galactica miniseries).
I think this is great news for two reasons:
  1. Even though the Emperor was not one of my favorite characters on DSC, Michelle Yeoh definitely is one of my favorite actors. I would watch her reading a phonebook, so of course I will watch this movie when it comes out. Personally, I’d love to be proven wrong re the viability of this concept as a series (but I don’t think I will be).
  2. This will be the first Star Trek TV movie. That’s a big deal! I’m rooting for this to succeed because if it does, it will open the door to more one-off movies and miniseries set in the Star Trek universe. This opens up all kinds of possibilities for stories that aren’t a good fit for a multi-year streaming series and at the same time are too niche for a theatrical release.
Think of the possibilities! We could finally get the Klingon miniseries so many of us have been begging for! We could check in on what’s been going on with Harry Mudd (I still can’t believe we haven’t revisited him since DSC S1). Nick Meyer could finally get the Khan miniseries he was working on. Hell, we could lure new fans in an almost untapped demographic with a Star Trek romcom!

No matter where you fall on the idea of more Section 31 content, the fact that Paramount is willing to explore new avenues for delivering live action Star Trek is, for my money, unquestionably great news. LLAP!
Ok, so how do we move forward now? Do we ignore it and reboot Georgiou? Would people welcome that?
Honestly, during the first season, I thought they had a great opportunity to bring her back and resolve the Klingon-Federation war plot. When they return from the Mirror Universe, I thought they might go with the idea of the fungal network sending them into the past and they would be given the chance to avert the war from ever happening, as well as saving Prime Georgiou and absolving Michael of her infamy.

But, instead, they decided to go with it sending them into the future where the Federation is losing badly, kept the Emperor, and went with "lets put a bomb at the core of Qo'noS" plot.
Honestly, during the first season, I thought they had a great opportunity to bring her back and resolve the Klingon-Federation war plot. When they return from the Mirror Universe, I thought they might go with the idea of the fungal network sending them into the past and they would be given the chance to avert the war from ever happening, as well as saving Prime Georgiou and absolving Michael of her infamy.

But, instead, they decided to go with it sending them into the future where the Federation is losing badly, kept the Emperor, and went with "lets put a bomb at the core of Qo'noS" plot.
That isn't the question though. You're speculating to the past. What would you do now with the current set up to return Prime Georgiou?
That isn't the question though. You're speculating to the past. What would you do now with the current set up to return Prime Georgiou?
I think that ship has sailed. Especially with Discovery being in the 32nd century. Unless they want to return them to the 23rd century in the final season and hit some reset buttons, I don't see it.
A Romulan War miniseries would be epic.

Band of Brothers Star Trek :bolian:

To be fair the sort of stories we could see with limited Mini Series or one off movies are wide ranging. Early Years of the Federation, Romulan War, Cardassian Border Wars, Untold stories from the Dominion Wars, Gamma Quadrant stories post DS9, Return to DS9, Enterprise B, Enterprise C, Starfleet Intelligence show, or why not a Klingon story so something non Federation.
Sad it's a one off and not a series - Section 31 still holds promise, but at least we get her back for an appearance.

Might still lead into a spin off show and even occasional guest spot from Yeoh.
I don't like the Section 31 idea, but I love Discovery, I love Michelle Yeoh, and I really liked Emperor Georgiou. I'm curious to see how they chose to continue this character's arc. A character who started out as a ruthless dictator but grew into someone who can feel compassion and love for others, now thrust into the midst of a morally ambiguous organization. Possibilities!!
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