News Star Trek: Section 31 Movie with Michelle Yeoh Announced!

I'm looking forward to it.

To anyone who isn't: It's a one-and-done TV Movie. No need to watch it if you don't want to.
Funny enough going from a series to a movie is what has changed my mind about the project.
Not a hope I was investing in 8/10 hours of a premise and character I don't like but I'll give a movie a chance.
The only way this isn't happening now is if Paramount changes their minds, and with a Best Actress Oscar winner as part of the Star Trek family now that isn't likely.
Given how expensive Yeoh would be now that she's an Oscar winner, and her schedule is likely VERY full, a movie was probably the best case scenario to get Yeoh back.

I noticed in the IMDB site that she is the only cast member listed. No Shazad Latif?
Michelle Yeoh was AWFUL in Discovery, and the portrayal of S31 in that show was probably one of the single dumbest things in all of Star Trek.

I do like the idea of a one off movie though. Just not this. I suppose they're trying to capitalize on Yeoh's recent increase in notoriety.

There's very few people who are still interested in Discovery. If this movie had a full theatrical release it would tank hard.
Given how expensive Yeoh would be now that she's an Oscar winner, and her schedule is likely VERY full, a movie was probably the best case scenario to get Yeoh back.
Yup. It sounds like this is of strong interest to Yeoh and Kurtzman so they made hay with what they had.

Also, glad that they are following through on a passion project. Exciting for me.
So where do we think Georgiou's going to land? The 23rd Century or the 25th? At first, I would've thought the 25th, but I'm going to guess that's all Terry Trek now. I think the 23rd is better anyway, only because I think S31 will touch upon certain things about the 23rd Century's underbelly that I don't think SNW would (because it's not that type of series).

And I also agree that a movie is better. Not I just because of Michelle Yeoh's schedule, but the story will be faster-paced. I'm guessing everything that would've been covered in 10 episodes, we'll see in two-ish hours. This will be tight and laser-focused.

If we got two TV Movies like this for DSC, it would essential be "Season 6" and "Season 7" boiled down. If.
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"Paramount+ today announced it has officially greenlit Star Trek: Section 31 starring Academy Award winner Michelle Yeoh. In this special original movie event for the service, Yeoh will return to her role as Emperor Philippa Georgiou, a character she first played in Star Trek: Discovery’s first season.

In Star Trek: Section 31, Emperor Philippa Georgiou joins a secret division of Starfleet tasked with protecting the United Federation of Planets and faces the sins of her past. Produced by CBS Studios, production will begin later this year."
This is great for Trek fans at large, it's a high profile actress at the top of her game and already a favorite in Trek land.
Yeah, Kovich told Mirror Georgiou that there hadn't been a crossover between the two universes in over 500 years.