Spoilers Star Trek: Picard General Discussion Thread

From that video, it looks like we are kinda-sorta going to hear about the fate of the Enterprise-E, but it’ll be something that could in theory be expanded on by a novel or something in the future.
And did he say we'll know it by the end...? So the E reveal, whatever it is, will be at the end? :D
I believe RMB mentioned it on his Twitter. (Not saying this makes it credible but it does seem like as if he has really seen season 3, or at least some version of it.)

Trek Central has a new interview with Terry Matalas. Beware of season 3 spoilers, obviously.

Yep, source on Stashwick's character's name is RMB, who is now saying he's seen the season for a third time.

Meanwhile, the WGA has released their December Star Trek Writer's Panel on YouTube.

Terry Matalas and Christopher Derrick (who was a staff writer on seasons 2 and 3) participate. Just watch Terry's face when executive interference and getting notes comes up, and he talks about how different regimes greatly impacted what made it to the screen. One potential season 3 spoiler via an idea they didn't get to include (the Vulcan psychiatric planet).

Some really cool interplay between Matalas and Brannon Braga as well.
That’s not really new, Matalas has hinted at “interference from the studio” (or words to that effect) regarding PIC’s second season on a few occasions, most notable example being how the studio seems to have insisted that the Trek timeline should be our timeline regardless of the obvious discrepancies that previous canon established. He can’t be too open and specific of course tho - he’s still under contract, his tune regarding season 3 right now is often (and pretty much HAS to be) “Paramount has been great”.

However, I expect a lot more candid interviews at some point in the future. Might take a while, but it’s gonna happen.
That’s not really new, Matalas has hinted at “interference from the studio” (or words to that effect) regarding PIC’s second season on a few occasions, most notable example being how the studio seems to have insisted that the Trek timeline should be our timeline regardless of the obvious discrepancies that previous canon established. He can’t be too open and specific of course tho - he’s still under contract, his tune regarding season 3 right now is often (and pretty much HAS to be) “Paramount has been great”.

However, I expect a lot more candid interviews at some point in the future. Might take a while, but it’s gonna happen.

One thing I really admire about Picard season 2 is how they managed to maintain prior continuity through Easter eggs and flying under the radar. Well, minus Guinan / Times Arrow smh.

Likely he has a ten year NDA a la Bryan Fuller. But if all the interference had to fall on the time travel with no real stakes season, and the season with all the TNG characters back in what is likely to be the final chance to have them all... well, I'm glad it was season 2 that fell on that sword. I'm really really hoping Matalas has a chance to do a The Next Next Generation series following up all the Berman Trek 24th century threads.
For now ... :shifty:

I really understand they have to hype things up but the whole “one day we say this is goodbye and the next day we say that it might not be and then we go back to saying it’s goodbye” thing isn’t helping very much. I don’t know who planned this marketing strategy - it’s one thing to keep stuff ambiguous but this can easily turn into “this verbal ping-pong is getting annoying”. I realize that they’re trying to say “if the fans really like this, who knows what might happen” (Goldsman said this from the very beginning, he said that the show’s made for three seasons, but who knows, if Sir Patrick wants to we can have a fourth season, and Sir Patrick himself said the same thing, “I’d have to think about it” were his words, I believe) but not everybody reads or sees all the interviews. In fact, most people read maybe one or two headlines. And to those people confusion reigns over what the deal is now.

And the showrunner actively speaks against some of what the cast members are saying. Matalas talked about it very briefly in that interview with Trek Central - he basically said that “one or two” of the cast members “might have been projecting” and named Leonard Nimoy coming back from Spock’s death (in a movie) as the example they’re projecting. I’m guessing he was trying to say “hey some of you guys’ characters die at the end of season 3, we’d need movie time to bring you back first”. Matalas never seems to like the idea much, maybe because he thinks it would diminish his work or something. I can partly see that - he made a final season for the TNG characters. A final goodbye. To then have the cast members be like “oh haha just kidding that wasn’t goodbye, maybe we can make a movie” at various conventions and in interviews must rattle his cage a little.
Yeah, I figure the next series will probably be an early 25th century show with a smattering of Picard/TNG characters, a few new ones plus a couple from DS9/VOY.

The new sword seems to be a long meqleH with a hole at the end, perhaps for the other hand
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