Spoilers Star Trek: Picard General Discussion Thread

Yeah, that's so odd........don't know how the hell he got access to it. Terry claims it was NOT through him.....

I did not know what a skin flute was and assumed it was somehow a soundtrack leak with a bit referencing the inner light flute bit (:lol: very funny in retrospect) and went looking for it. I have now seen things you people wouldn't believe
It's an "Only Nixon can go to China" move. Terry Matalas wants to make a Proper Trek Movie with the TNG Cast, something that feels like it could fit in with the TNG Movies while one-upping them, and reached out to someone who's as Anti-New Trek as you can get to say "This feels like Old Trek! I felt like I was back in 1998!"

I think Terry Matalas is making a huge mistake, if that's what he's going for. I've posted on bulletin boards since I was 16 and I know for a fact that once a fan ends up stuck at a certain point, they usually stay there. For them to get out of where they're stuck is pretty rare. He's not going to win most of these people over. They're very good at coming up with ways not to like something.
RMB is already alienating his usual base QUITE a lot - they want to loathe “Klutzman Trek”, it doesn’t matter to them if Matalas has made the best season of anything ever. They still want for the Trek franchise to crash completely so that a mysterious gatekeeping savior of their choosing can make it great again.

The only explanation I can come up with is that RMB is so friendly because a lot of old school Trek people he knows are/were working on PIC s3, and he wants in just in case there’s a spin-off and someone might have a seat for him somewhere then. I doubt he’s this kind towards this one season just because he really thinks it’s good. He’s the type who tends to have an ulterior motive for either liking or disliking something. It’s there, and it WILL reveal itself in time. It always does with things like this.

Like I said before tho, the fact that he likes it so much is more like a red flag because it means they’re following Matalas’ TNG fanboy demands instead of making a unique show. The fact that they ditched most of the original PIC cast for this final season indicates this sort of direction, too. It’s all Matalas’ TNG fanboy dream season, and RMB shares that dream (for some reason).

Also, I’m sure I’m not the only one who cringes when he hears the words “love letter to the fans” being used in this context. Gives me some very unpleasant “These Are The Voyages” vibes. Some broad parallels are there, too. Final season, showrunners want to go out with a “love fest for the fans” and drum up hype, TNG characters replace the show’s actual characters in importance/appearance… etc, etc.

Bottom line is… this is either going to be the super wonderful thing Matalas promises or it’s nothing more than a tired old TNG movie plot with a few “shocking moments” (meaning name drops, Easter eggs and fanboyish retcons) stretched out into ten episodes. There isn’t much room in-between.
They still want for the Trek franchise to crash completely so that a mysterious gatekeeping savior of their choosing can make it great again.
Gene Roddenberry was born in 1921, Rick Berman in 1946, and Alex Kurtzman in 1973. If this pattern holds, the next regime of Star Trek on TV will be headed by someone born in 2002....

.... thinking about when this person would've been growing up...

Wow. Of the ones who'll still be around, can you imagine how much these people who are currently hoping for Alex Kurtzman to fail would end up hating Fourth Generation Star Trek?
I did not know what a skin flute was and assumed it was somehow a soundtrack leak with a bit referencing the inner light flute bit (:lol: very funny in retrospect) and went looking for it. I have now seen things you people wouldn't believe

There are some things that are not meant for ensigns. ;)

Gene Roddenberry was born in 1921, Rick Berman in 1946, and Alex Kurtzman in 1973. If this pattern holds, the next regime of Star Trek on TV will be headed by someone born in 2002....

Kurtzman is younger than ME! :eek:
Also, I’m sure I’m not the only one who cringes when he hears the words “love letter to the fans” being used in this context. Gives me some very unpleasant “These Are The Voyages” vibes. Some broad parallels are there, too. Final season, showrunners want to go out with a “love fest for the fans” and drum up hype, TNG characters replace the show’s actual characters in importance/appearance… etc, etc.

Having seen "These Are The Voyages..." not super long ago on Netflix, I think that episode was heavily marred by Berman and Braga burned out on Trek in comparison to Cotto, and it felt rushed with a sense of spite (because Enterprise was cancelled relatively prematurely next to its Berman era peers).

Picard was compromised in that it likely only intended to be one season in its planning stages under Chabon with Rios, et al, given short-ish support roles, but writing room shuffle, and Picard was spared being fully killed off (and we had a muddled "buffer" season with the more divisive S2 where most of the S1 character baggage got resolved).

I'm hoping we'll get a TNG version of Star Trek Beyond where it's not perfect, but it is solid and got enough oddity to hold up to repeat viewing and got 10 episodes to breath (while Season 2 felt like it went on for 4 or 5 episodes too long).
The only explanation I can come up with is that RMB is so friendly because a lot of old school Trek people he knows are/were working on PIC s3
Most of them also worked on Season 2.

The fact that they ditched most of the original PIC cast for this final season indicates this sort of direction
According to Patrick it was always the plan to have 2 seasons with a new cast to earn the right to bring back the TNG cast or something. Now how they execute that, the story they tell is all Matalas and his team.

and he wants in just in case there’s a spin-off and someone might have a seat for him somewhere then. I doubt he’s this kind towards this one season just because he really thinks it’s good. He’s the type who tends to have an ulterior motive for either liking or disliking something. It’s there, and it WILL reveal itself in time. It always does with things like this.
Why can't he just simply like it?
Look I don't like the guy, I have him blocked on twitter he's a real piece of work, but I can't see why he can't just simply like what is happening.
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According to Patrick it was always the plan to have 2 seasons with a new cast to earn the right to bring back the TNG cast or something. Now how they execute that, the story they tell is all Matalas and his team.

Yeah, I know. This wasn’t something they did spontaneously or because of some “the execs hated season 2” conspiracy theory nonsense. But somehow I doubt all of it was the plan from the start because back in the early days Sir Patrick said his idea was that by the time PIC ended we got to see all the TNG characters and what they were up to. It sounded more like extended guest appearances over the course of the whole show than an entire season that ditches the previous cast and dedicates itself fully to the TNG crew. And he did make that remark about how they “tore the family apart”. I think it was mostly Matalas who really pushed for this. He makes absolutely no secret about the fact that he really, really wanted to make that whole “farewell to the TNG crew” thing. And he has also basically said that they ditched the original PIC cast because they ultimately had to decide between the two casts because there was no way they could have paid all of them. And Matalas chose the TNG cast. For better or worse. That is yet to be determined.