Spoilers Star Trek: Picard General Discussion Thread

Why can't he just simply like it?
Look I don't like the guy, I have him blocked on twitter he's a real piece of work, but I can't see why he can't just simply like what is happening.
He hates things - we have a huge discussion.
He loves things - we have a huge discussion.
What would happen if he were neutral about something? :D
Why can't he just simply like it?
Look I don't like the guy, I have him blocked on twitter he's a real piece of work, but I can't see why he can't just simply like what is happening.
He can like it all day long and I don't believe him.

Boy who cried wolf etc.
Besides, it’s Hollywood. One of the most dishonest places in the entire world. Everything is glitz and glamor but also usually very fake. It’s wise to take ANYONE who drums up hype for a show with a grain of salt and to always wonder why they’re doing it. Usually the (boring) answer is “because their contract tells them to promote their show and has them say everything about it is spectacular and awesome”, but sometimes it’s a little more complicated. But like I said, it’s always wise to wonder why someone who is working in Hollywood and/or has connections to the industry there says they like something and yells about it the way RMB is. Especially when it’s such a sudden change from “I hate this show and I yell about it all the time for attention” to “I love the new season and I yell about it all the time for attention”. It arises… questions and suspicions as to why the desired attention seems to suddenly have shifted.
Also, I’m sure I’m not the only one who cringes when he hears the words “love letter to the fans” being used in this context. Gives me some very unpleasant “These Are The Voyages” vibes. Some broad parallels are there, too. Final season, showrunners want to go out with a “love fest for the fans” and drum up hype, TNG characters replace the show’s actual characters in importance/appearance… etc, etc.

Usually, these “love letters to the fans” work out in Star Trek. TUC, AGT, & WYLB were all great sendoffs for TOS, TNG & DS9, respectively. It was only when VOY had its finale that series finale as a love letter faltered, and even then, that finale’s flaw is that it’s an average or below average sendoff compared to what came before it. But its still watchable. Then came the second TNG sendoff, NEM, which wasn’t going to top the sendoff of AGT whatsoever.

“Terra Prime” was a return to form and a good sendoff for ENT. But was undermined by TATV airing the very same night as “Terra Prime”, and was written as being the franchise finale with ENT being used for that backdrop.

At present time, I have very little reason to be concerned about the finale, even though this is the third TNG sendoff. If this is to be believed as to who is writing what episodes for S3, then there is no reason to fear the actual finale being bad. Of course, we’ve never seen Terry Matalas write a finale before. But we do know that based off of the first couple of episodes of S2 that his work is very, very good.

I'll give it a chance.
I'm trying to wonder why the crew of La Sirena would stay together other than they were the show's cast for the first two seasons? Picard wouldn't have had a reason to stay on La Sirena after finding and rescuing Soji. What would Soji do on La Sirena? Same question applies to Jurati, who worked at the Daystrom Institute. I can see Raffi staying on La Sirena with Rios and Seven staying since she didn't have a ship anymore and would want to stay with Raffi. And Elnor would have no place to go. He could've stayed on La Sirena with Raffi, as she would've formed a new surrogate family with her makeshift "spouse" and makeshift "son", but the Academy is the best place for him.

So, in fact, the seven members of the original PIC cast didn't have much reason to stay together. The story of Season 1 organically brought them together. For the story of Season 2, it was more just something they tried to make work.

I think had PIC not returned for a second and third season, they were thinking of having Picard's death at the end of the first season be permanent, so they could end the story if they needed to. Speculation only, but that's why I think they went through with shooting Picard's death and the reactions to it afterwards. They wrote it in before they knew if there would be a second season, and then left it in just in case they wanted to have a storyline about Picard's new body, which they ultimately didn't really do.

When they say they had plans for PIC to be a one-season show, a three-season show, or a five-season show, I can see the case for all three. A one-season show for what I described above, a three-season show in the case of what we're actually getting, and a five-season show, where there would've been a season of story slotted between the actual Season 1 and Season 2 and another season of story slotted between Season 2 and Season 3.
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I'm trying to wonder why the crew of La Sirena would stay together other than they were the show's cast for the first two seasons?

I would say that only Picard and Jurati had no reason to stay onboard. And Jurati was in a relationship with Rios by the end of S1 and had a reason to at least visit La Sirena.

That left:

- Rios, captain and owner of La Sirena, plus all of his emergency holograms

- Seven, a Fenris Ranger without a ship; its not clear if she could afford a new ship, or if Rios was opposed to becoming a Fenris Ranger himself

- Raffi, who was no longer employed by Starfleet and had started a relationship with Seven

- Soji, who had no direction or purpose for her life at the end of S1, but could probably be mentored by Seven. Similar to Janeway mentoring Seven on VOY.

- Elnor, who had no reason to return to Vashti and could take up someone else’s lost cause. And Picard had already let over a decade pass without speaking to Elnor, so history is bound to repeat there.

Unless a contrived reason brings them back together, like with S2, or they agreed to be the anti-Starfleet to counter the direction Starfleet was going in, Picard would just move on to different people. While the La Sirena crew would have their adventures without him.
Just commenting on the cast changes. It's pretty clear now that the intention always was to bring back the TNG cast in some capacity for the final season. Gates McFadden basically admitted at a convention in the last week or two, she was approached by Terry Matalas in early 2020 right when lockdowns were just starting. So the TNG cast basically already had contracts in place while the first season was still airing.

I get that it's disappointing that everyone but Raffi is been written out, but in reality that's the nature of acting. You don't become an actor because you crave job security. Alison Pill has also said she pretty much knew from day one that she'd only be on the show for two seasons. It's also how television is done now. Unlike back in the previous eras of Trek, it's customary in most TV shows to have major changes in the ensemble over the course of a show's run. Don't get me wrong, I really liked some of the new characters. But I suspect that if there is a 25th spin-off, we'd likely see some of the Picard cast (like Elnor and Soji) return.
It's far more realistic too. Staying together over multiple years is just not how many people run their lives. I am a person who loves my job but even I consider leaving after a certain length of time, and have faced multiple changes in staff members. Changing positions makes more sense than the TNG style static process.
Alison Pill has also said she pretty much knew from day one that she'd only be on the show for two seasons. It's also how television is done now.

She can always come back as Queen Borgati (if they're doing a Borg civil war arc along with a highly-likely Seven spinoff, she probably WILL come back at some point).

Unlike back in the previous eras of Trek, it's customary in most TV shows to have major changes in the ensemble over the course of a show's run.

How many times has NCIS turned over ITS cast over the course of nineteen seasons?
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How many times has NCIS turned over ITS cast over the course of nineteen seasons?

for the first 13 seasons, I think there was only one change in the main cast. But over the last few years they’ve had quite a bit more turnover.

something like the original Law & Order changed out either one or two cast members every 2-3 seasons.
for the first 13 seasons, I think there was only one change in the main cast. But over the last few years they’ve had quite a bit more turnover.

something like the original Law & Order changed out either one or two cast members every 2-3 seasons.
Depends on definition. New agent, New director by season 3. New director around season 6. Temporary agents with reassignments of main agents.

Fairly stable but they always found ways to mix it up.
Depends on definition. New agent, New director by season 3. New director around season 6. Temporary agents with reassignments of main agents.

Fairly stable but they always found ways to mix it up.

I was just talking the main “every episode” cast, not ancillary characters like the Director…even if they put the Director in the opening credits.

and in that case you had just 1 new agent in the first 11 seasons.

L&O had a new lead detective in its first 3 seasons. Swapped out the LT and ADA in S4, a new detective in S6, a new ada in S7, etc…
I was just talking the main “every episode” cast, not ancillary characters like the Director…even if they put the Director in the opening credits.

and in that case you had just 1 new agent in the first 11 seasons.

L&O had a new lead detective in its first 3 seasons. Swapped out the LT and ADA in S4, a new detective in S6, a new ada in S7, etc…
Makes sense.
How many times has NCIS turned over ITS cast over the course of nineteen seasons?
NCIS's Cast changes:
Season 2: McGee promoted to main cast
Season 3: Kate leaves, Ziva and Director Sheppard join
Season 6: Sheppard leaves, Director Vance promoted to main cast
Season 10: Palmer promoted to main cast
Season 11: Ziva leaves, Bishop joins
Season 14: DiNozzo leaves, Torres, Quinn and Reeves join
Season 15: Quinn leaves, Sloane joins
Season 16: Abby and Reeves leave, Kasie promoted to main cast
Season 18: Sloane leaves
Season 19: Gibbs and Bishop leave, Knight promoted to main cast, Parker joins
It's far more realistic too. Staying together over multiple years is just not how many people run their lives. I am a person who loves my job but even I consider leaving after a certain length of time, and have faced multiple changes in staff members. Changing positions makes more sense than the TNG style static process.
Can't argue with that. The most I've ever stayed at a job was four years. That's happened a few times. And by the time I hit the third and fourth years, I was sick to death of where I was. If it wasn't one thing, it was something else.
I don't know if NCIS is the most apt example of a "contemporary" show given it has been on the air for almost 20 years (it debuted when Enterprise was still on the air). NCIS still tends to follow as longer network television series still do (though less and less), a more episodic show where characters arcs continue over seasons, but the "mystery of the week" is wrapped up by episode's end. Cable and streaming shows tend to have more turnover in character due to their more serialized nature where characters are often plotted to have specific journey and then are written out with perhaps a small core of characters remaining constant.

I think one thing to remember with Picard as well is that it was never designed to be an ensemble show. It's Patrick Stewart's vehicle so it makes sense that the supporting cast would change. In all honesty, S2 felt very contrived in terms of everyone just happened to get to the Stargazer (I know contrived "only ship in the sector" is very Star Trek).

She can always come as Queen Borgati (if they're doing a Borg Civil war arc along with a highly-likely Seven spinoff, she probably WILL come back at some point).

Akiva Goldsman has already hinted Jurati is likely to reappear at some point down the road.