Star Trek: Lower Decks - Mobile Game

I think that it was 47, but I was not counting as I did not expect to get to Endgame so quickly. This seemed like an endless game and it caught me off guard. Somewhere in the 44-47 range. :shrug:
I dropped it in episode 33 or so :D
(Too many bugs, too tedious, always has to reload from scratch for over a minute, crashes when the ads are supposed to play leading to loss of many h of 2x reward, some ads are much longer now, interactive ads take long to load and also crash the whole thing, closing ads instead opens the store, etc...)
Well, I tweeted the people that make the game and told them that they have ran out of episodes. They said that more are on the way.
I haven't played in months. I liked seeing the gang in TMP-era uniforms. Loved seeing the time-warp image with the Aeon, Enterprise-J, etc.
For those who have played, has there been any episode/storyline that stands out to you? For being good, deep, terrible, confusing, etc?
I haven't played in months. I liked seeing the gang in TMP-era uniforms. Loved seeing the time-warp image with the Aeon, Enterprise-J, etc.
For those who have played, has there been any episode/storyline that stands out to you? For being good, deep, terrible, confusing, etc?
Dinosaurs on a Borg cube was cool.
Captain Picard Day was cute.
NOMAD was just like, OMG!!!!!
Well, I have finished all of the episodes again. I am trying to figure out what the best thing for me to do is in between episode releases. Do I upgrade all my characters and simulations as much as I can with event dilithium even though I get no rewards for doing so, or do I save all of the dilithium for the new episodes? Either way, by continuing to play in sandbox mode and completing events, new future episodes will be *really* easy for me with the resources that I am gathering.. :shrug:
Genuinely thinking of starting again (again). I've completed all the episodes and it's a bit boring only playing events.
I don’t know why they don’t have more episodes than they do, they cannot be too hard to put together. I don’t mind maintaining the ‘endgame’ sandbox mode and collecting resources in between episode releases… resource gathering. You would think that episodes would be released in blocks rather than 1 or 2 new episodes per update. :shrug:
The writing for the dialogue is quite good, humorous and well thought-out, IMO, and very much in keeping with the LDS look-and-feel. I would think that probably takes the most time to write a cohesive story for the characters to negotiate. But, yes, I would agree that the building of the "world" levels should just be a simple matter of adding some new scenario re-configurations of existing assets and resource build variables. Not time intensive at all.
I don't understand how a few simple 2D animations can take that long to load, and why it has to re-load so often :mad:
Is anyone running into the situation where a bunch of the ads aren’t playing? For nearly all of them now, it’s just showing a black screen. Pressing anywhere on the screen brings up the purchase sub-screen and that’s it. It basically hangs the game without any way out and needs to be restarted. I don’t mind doing the ads to get extra dilithium and such, but outright breaking the game is unacceptable. :mad:
So cute :D


Got some random gifts...


Awesome 8472!


Highest place so far!


Nomad Probey :D


And just after
it returned on PIC
I got this one, my first ship!


...and it says it's a character ;)