Star Trek: Lower Decks - Mobile Game

Are the event leaderboard rankings determined by speed to complete milestones or by total merit points?
Are the event leaderboard rankings determined by speed to complete milestones or by total merit points?
Total Merit Points.
Total points, but I wonder how the group is determined - same geographic region?
I *think* that the groups are determined by people who play similar to you. If I miss an Event or do badly in the event I am in a lower numbered and easier group for the next event. On the other hand, if I do really well in an event, then the next group I am in will be really hard to compete in, sometimes impossible without spending money (which I avoid).

I have some cool loot now btw, including a Probey @Markonian . :D
Total Merit Points.

I *think* that the groups are determined by people who play similar to you. If I miss an Event or do badly in the event I am in a lower numbered and easier group for the next event. On the other hand, if I do really well in an event, then the next group I am in will be really hard to compete in, sometimes impossible without spending money (which I avoid).

I have some cool loot now btw, including a Probey @Markonian . :D
View attachment 34372
View attachment 34373
That's amazing, it's really filling up!
I started an event 4 h late and checked my rank right at the beginning, and I was 22nd :D
So either a lot of other people also started late, or groups are formed in mysterious ways...
Nice promenade picture too


And they added a new funny mini game :D

Wel, I think that I jinxed myself with my previous post, I have *not* been able to place in a single event since. :shrug:

I *really* wanted a Wesley Crusher and an NX 74205 Defiant too. :sigh:
Am I the only person finding it impossible to make a top 20 placement and win anything decent in events these days? I’m actually throwing in tonnes of latinum that I have collected aswell as other currencies and activating simulations correctly, but the event games are just becoming too hard.

The main game itself is easy, when new levels are released I complete them within an hour or so usually, leaving me in sandbox mode.:shrug:
Yes it seems like they make the event maps intentionally difficult to complete. I spent a little money on the game back in the very beginning, but I haven't for a while. I'm glad I'm not, especially if buying characters and resources doesn't seem to improve one's chances to get a high pay-out on completion. I'm treating it what it is - an idle clicker that I pick up when everything else has been taken care of for the day.
The last update was a downdate - it now takes 2 min to load, sputtering at 91% for a full minute, and still has to reload from scratch a lot :mad:

My recent results: 5/8 milestones, rank 29/200; 16/16 milestones (see below), rank 41/200

I checked right after I started the event, and was 31st with 0 :D


And this happened for the first time :D

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What's the last episode now? Used to be 57 or so IIRC, but I'm finishing that one soon and still have unlocked characters. What happens when the last episode is done? I wanna play all episodes again but with all my upgrades to see the story again - I missed many parts tapping too fast to empty boxes :lol:
Don't play when you're not fully awake yet! This morning, I opened it, checked if I can upgrade someone for automation, and just tapped automatically on what I thought was one of those "ok" buttons, but it was a "buy it for >150 latinum" button, and I lost all I had just earned after the event :scream:
What adverts are y’all getting in the game at the moment? I’m getting Pandora jewellery and subscription meal prep from a company which I have forgotten the name of.
Don't play when you're not fully awake yet! This morning, I opened it, checked if I can upgrade someone for automation, and just tapped automatically on what I thought was one of those "ok" buttons, but it was a "buy it for >150 latinum" button, and I lost all I had just earned after the event :scream:
OMG I kinda did this yesterday too, but when I was ‘sleep trading’. I accidentally clicked on the Ferengi and exchanged a load of epic Boimlers for worthless dilithium which I could have got from watching a load of adverts instead. :wah: