Star Trek: Lower Decks - Mobile Game

It's an idle game. That says it all. Idle games are all about number generation to get to the next big unlock. It's nothing more than a more modern cookie clicker.
I actually met a guy once who apparently played one of these games. He was frantically touching his phone screen non-stop, and numbers kept appearing and floating away. Couldn't even talk properly, cause he was so focused on pushing and pushing. thanks :D
Here's my summary so far:


Bridge, shuttlebay, and warp core simulations; one event shows you SFHQ, and a later sim seems to be the Cardassian interrogation room


Borg, Genesis planet, and 31 ship - note that upgrades add more drones, let the worms grow, and give 31 less Cardassian features (Jen is just playing with her hair all the time btw) :D


This is a great feature, and I want a GOF clock. Has no one ever made these? They'd sell well, I imagine! At some point, I was spot-on number 47, and during one event, you have to collect Borg babies :D


The best parts are the little cutscenes with nice canon references.

The worst? Insane loading time whenever I switch back to the game! Just reading the news in between - and it has to reload everything from scratch. :brickwall:
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Yep, whatcha got here is what they call an "idle clicker" game. If you've ever come across Cookie Clicker, you'll see the resemblance. Only Cookie Clicker doesn't require money to increase the number.

The Guardian, the Aeon, a Dom-Jot table, the Bozeman, Roswell, the red angel, the Phoenix, a Bajoran orb, the time ship Rasmussen stole, Future Guy, the Atavachron?, Picard's shuttlepod, Isis?, unknown console?, tribbles, the Probert-C, and the Ent-J!

Who knows what those consoles are?
The middle console is either the Atavachron, yeah, or Gary Seven's console (I think they used similar parts, particularly that circular rear-projection screen). That black thing might be the contraption that Ens. Reg Barkley was sitting in when his brain was amped up, but I'm not sure. I can't place it.

That white thing above Isis I believe is Berlinghoff Rasmussen's time travel pod. There's also Shaxs and K'orin on the center- and top-left, and Badgey looking down through the Guardian. This pic has a lot to show.
I got kind of tired of these types of games as it seems like once you get to somewhat more advanced stages, you have to either keep spending money to make reasonable progress, or end up grinding for months and months just to get anything done. But this looks like it could possibly be fun.

Still waiting to see it in the Apple Store. I checked there a couple of days ago and nothing. Wondering where all these screen caps are coming from.
I've merged the 2 threads that were discussing the same game. Well, I hope it is the same game. Please comment if you think it is worthwhile to play or just a grind type game unless you pay cash on a regular basis (vs one off cost which is fair enough).
More nice things...


The interrogation room has 4 lights


Upgraded shuttlebays get type 6, then type 12 shuttles, so maybe the LDS shuttles are type 5 or 4 :D


Fair Haven with a cute train and a kal-toh game


TOS sets with the Cage cannon, Rigel painting, crystal entity on the screen, tribbles, Sulu's plant from Man Trap, Gorn skin nailed to the wall with Sulu's sword? :D, planet killer on the screen, and food cubes :D

So I played it. Not too bad, but I quickly got buried in the slog at Episode 7. Everything's going slow now. Dilithium and Latinum production gets quite diminished, which I'm sure is on purpose as many of the missions require character upgrades which you can't easily do without them, thereby forcing people to buy it. Someone did their psychology research when they built this game.
I have some cool crew now. :bolian:
Made a few minor tactical micro transactions when I first started playing but I’ve gone free to play now. It’s kind of addictive. Harmless background fun which beats candy crush in my opinion.
Huh... I don't have those gold wall models yet. Do those get added as you advance through the missions?
Huh... I don't have those gold wall models yet. Do those get added as you advance through the missions?
They are event awards. I’m up to mission 29 now, I am not sure how many missions there are in total and if the gold models will be obtainable through them at some point. There is also a random Tricorder on a display stand which was an event award too. :shrug: