Star Trek: Lower Decks - Mobile Game


The Guardian, the Aeon, a Dom-Jot table, the Bozeman, Roswell, the red angel, the Phoenix, a Bajoran orb, the time ship Rasmussen stole, Future Guy, the Atavachron?, Picard's shuttlepod, Isis?, unknown console?, tribbles, the Probert-C, and the Ent-J!

Who knows what those consoles are?
The purple console below the shuttlepod looks like the one Molly O’Brien fell through in “Time’s Orphan”.
Why can’t we login to this game properly yet or get daily rewards etc? I think it is not a good sign that events are being repeated rather than new events being released… it’s almost like no development is going in to the game after it’s initial release so they are just cycling basic content. No new environments either since release…
The adverts with this game are beyond fucking dumb. If anyone ever downloads that State of Survival off the back of those horrendous videos, they should have their devices taken away from them.
Yeah, I found most of them to be pretty cringeworthy. Merge Mansion looks somewhat interesting but the rest of them can go pound sand.
The adverts with this game are beyond fucking dumb. If anyone ever downloads that State of Survival off the back of those horrendous videos, they should have their devices taken away from them.

I gave up on it after I realized that not only was I spending more time watching the same ads over and over than "playing" the "game," I was picking up on subtlties in the ads (first, I noticed that on the one with the theme-park drop ride, the lip sync didn't match the audio at all, then I realized on most of the others, they kept cutting away from the actors faces whenever they said something specific about the game; the weird gimmicks did make a lot sense for a zombie game once I realized there were generic commercials designed so you just dub in your own voice-over and graphics to fit whatever good or service you're advertising).

Luckily, that happened right after Homeworld Mobile released, which is like if Star Trek: Fleet Command had a less interesting plot, but much more interesting gameplay, and no griefers going around blowing up my ships and base in their Jellyfish for the lulz while I'm asleep, at work, reading a book, or, in the instance that got me to delete the game, play with puppies at the dog park.

Homeworld Mobile: A New Phone Game That Doesn't Suck!™

(How is Fleet Command? I stopped playing before they started adding all the Prime Universe stuff, is that all just gameplay and the plot-based missions are still telling a Kelvinverse story, or what?)

Yeah, I found most of them to be pretty cringeworthy. Merge Mansion looks somewhat interesting but the rest of them can go pound sand.

The Merge Mansion ad made me check and see that Triple Town is still available and functioning, despite not having been updated for several years. I recommend that one.
(How is Fleet Command? I stopped playing before they started adding all the Prime Universe stuff, is that all just gameplay and the plot-based missions are still telling a Kelvinverse story, or what?)

Fleet Command has expanded to most of the different shows... they've got Kelvin, TOS, TNG, DS9, Lower Decks, etc. I stopped playing a few months ago because I got tired of getting destroyed by whales constantly. I liked it better than Timelines, but that's not exactly a high bar. All of these games are finely tuned so that you only get enjoyment out of it if you're sinking money into them. I always give them a shot, but I'm never willing to spend much (if any) money on them. They quickly become boring.
Fleet Command has expanded to most of the different shows... they've got Kelvin, TOS, TNG, DS9, Lower Decks, etc. I stopped playing a few months ago because I got tired of getting destroyed by whales constantly. I liked it better than Timelines, but that's not exactly a high bar. All of these games are finely tuned so that you only get enjoyment out of it if you're sinking money into them. I always give them a shot, but I'm never willing to spend much (if any) money on them. They quickly become boring.
I meant more in terms of the storyline. When it first game out, it seemed to me you could just rip the map, text, and units out and plug them into a total conversion mod for Escape Velocity or Endless Sky (or, soon, Cosmic Frontier, which is a future-proofed rebuild of Escape Velocity), and it would actually be a fun Kelvin Timeline space-trading-and-combat game set between STID and BEY. I'm curious if that's still the case, or if it just became confusing STO/Timelines-style wackiness to get every possible ship and character into it.
I get lots of ads for Star Trek Fleet Commander but *really* badly made making the game look like it is set in the South Park universe with similar animation style and characters.
I find it particularly amusing that the ONLY tactically proper female attire to wear while surviving a zombie apocalypse is lingerie and high heels. Very educational. I mean, who knew?