Space Battleship Yamato 2205

Not that I’ve ever seen/heard. I’ve only ever seen it on CrunchyRoll and Funimation streamers, but I there may be others.
Adult Swim ever air any episodes?
Back in 2013, the US version of the Syfy channel actually tried to air some of the original Space Battleship Yamato series found in the U.S. as Star Blazers (dubbed by Voyager Entertainment back in 1978). The problem was that the tapes provided by Voyager Eentertainment we're probably three quarter inch Masters and looked terrible. They aired 5 episodes before they stopped; and to this day I don't know if they thought they were getting the rights to air the SBY 2199 remake and didn't realize what they had signed until they got the material.

Outside of the current FUNimation streaming site, I don't believe any cable channel has aired Space Battleship 2199; but given all the other stuff animation has put on Cartoon Network, I'd love to see SBY2199 get aired on it.

I doubt it will happen though.
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We should be getting something about Rebel 3199 soon. They announced the art directors, writers and director. With reports that some character and mech designs will appear soon.

Character Design: Nobuteru Yuki
Mechanical Design: Junichiro Tamamori
Series composition: Harutoshi Fukui
Script: Harutoshi Fukui / Hideki Oka
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Have some news finally. We should be getting a teaser soon. We have confirmation that space battleship Arizona will be in the new series. There will be elements from both Be Forever, Yamato and Yamato 3 (The Bolar Wars). Yamato herself sports a 3D anchor on her bow and a painted one on her sides, as well as getting the three white stripes on her gun barrels.
Any updates on a translation of 2205 and Age of Yamato? 2199 and 2202 came around a lot faster than this. Have they given up?
No news on that front. I imagine those might come up if they start to translate the Rebel 3199 series. Sort of like they didn't work on a dub for 2199 until 2202 was halfway over.
Someone recently asked Tim on the CosmoDNA/Star Blazers Facebook page if he had heard anything re. a dubbed version of 2205 and he replied that there's been no movement on either side.
Hell, at this point I'll settle for basic subtitles. I don't need a dubbed version, I just want to actually see the damn thing!
:lol: That was pretty funny. Well, at least the Arizona will appear. Hoping it gets the same upgraded mech treatment as other ships received.

So here are some questions - does the title of the new project imply that we’re supposed to be some 1000 years in the future? If so, why does the Yamato look generally the same? Was Nishizaki’s Yamato 2520, showing much more advanced ship designs by Syd Mead, decanonized? Is there some time travel component involved here? I’m just a tad-bit confused where this new thing is supposed to fit.
I believe the title has double meaning. 3199 is potentially the future the Dark Nebula Empire is trying to defend (timelines wise), while the "3" in 3199 likely is there as an indicator that this is the third series in the 2199-2202 line of series (one reason it was 2202 was to indicate it was the second series, while the majority of the series actually took place in the year 2203).

The Rebel 3199 will start in the Earth year 2207, so only about two years after the events of the 8 episode mini-series Yamato 2205.
Some ship news for Rebel 3199:
Rebel 3199 Ships

Mostly Earth Federation ships.
The unmanned battleship and destroyer from Be Forever, Yamato are there, the battleship named Gladiator and the destroyer as Ajax. The unmanned ships are part of the Air Force.
There is also the Asuka-class supply carrier.
Dreadnought-class battleship in Martian camo
Andromeda-class battleships Aldebaran and Alpheratz
The Patrol Cruiser and Escort seen in Yamato 2202 (Bandai had a prototype 1/1000 scale model of those just before COVID hit in 2020...they will probably release it this time)
Also a Dark Nebula weapon of some kind. Labels as "Grand Reverse"