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So is Capt Shaw the new, reigning biggest a##hole in Trek?

My comment will probably get criticism but Nog is what I remember Trek's character development being like and not what we seemingly get now where characters suddenly act wildly out of character or regress in some fashion and we're told it's in the name of character development.
I think it assumes that character development is linear. Except it isn't. Kirk felt like a completely different character in TMP, comes across as a jerk, and very insensitive and out of touch. Which is a far cry from what he was in TOS. He suffers similarly in TWOK and makes mistakes as well. He has his blind spots, and I don't see that as regressive but that as he aged he faces new challenges.
It's enough that I do jokingly wonder sometimes if Terry Matalas and Rian Johnson are the same person. :lol:

Please, don't... that manchild makes me want to sit his ass down on the naughty step to make him think about what the hell he's done every time he crops up on social media lol
Definitely top 4 for me.

I'd rather chew off my own hand and replace it with a shapeshifting prosthetic Zoom app than watch it again.

Shaw I find myself enjoying more and more... tbh I don't think I could even find it in me to hold it against him if he'd threatened to toss old JL out the airlock himself. :whistle:

@Tuskin38 I don't know if it's simply that you can't handle the idea of people having differing opinions to your own, or if I've somehow personally insulted you at some point, but since your style of response literally every time we interact comes across as either needling, contrary, undeservedly condescending, and/or designed to provoke one on one arguments rather than open debate, feel free to put me on ignore, and I shall do the same. :techman:
Shaw is now what Seven of Nine used to be on Voyager -- a lover of structure, order, and discipline.

The Voyager-era Seven still exists within her (she had Mozart's Ave Verum Corpus playing in her quarters).

It's telling that Seven can't handle a reflection of her previous self. What do you do when things fall apart? (Like they are right now?)

It's easy to "enjoy structure" when your staff does the bulk of your job for you! (Shaw hasn't done much of anything other than get injured, whine, and yell).
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Good god, the JJBridge...how could anyone see their controls with all that glare? It's literally got a row of eye-level lightbulbs ringing the bridge! Actual military ship CICs keep the lighting dim so the crew can see their illuminated controls.

Anyone who wants to respond that they're special future lights, special future controls, special future eyes...please don't bother.
Of course, the number of films and shows with lighting that resembles reality is so small as to be insignificant. One can like or not the aesthetics of light design but complaints about how unrealistic the design might be are…kinda pointless.
Uniformly well-lit like the Ent-D bridge isn't a problem; lightbulbs literally shining in everyone's eyes stretches suspension of disbelief too far for me.
Uniformly well-lit like the Ent-D bridge isn't a problem; lightbulbs literally shining in everyone's eyes stretches suspension of disbelief too far for me.
That’s fine. We each have preferences. I don’t look for “realistic” visuals in most films/shows (unless they are documentaries). I am quite happy to trade “realistic” for “interesting” in visual arts. I want the artist to at least attempt to elicit a mood. YMMV.
TOS had some interesting lighting choices. There was a lot of darkness and shadows and faces in half shadow. Also lighting up the eyes.
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