So is Capt Shaw the new, reigning biggest a##hole in Trek?

Well, he called himself an asshole today, so I guess that settles that. The man certainly has issues. I think he needs to have some sessions with a counselor.
If this was Discovery, Shaw would have died on the bridge instead of just being injured. I'm glad that this season of Picard has writers who aren't so trigger-happy to kill characters for being mean.
If this was Discovery, Shaw would have died on the bridge instead of just being injured. I'm glad that this season of Picard has writers who aren't so trigger-happy to kill characters for being mean.

Hopefully they won't kill him off but they most likely will. He might retire but he seems too young. They want to make room for 7. This whole season is a torch passing and obviously a door for a new series especially since STD is canceled.
Shaw could stay on Titan and Seven gets the next Enterprise.

They have suggested this is setting up the next, next generation.
At least we learned more about Captain Shaw in tonight's episode:
  • He's from Chicago, Illinois.
  • He was aboard the USS Constance as an engineer when it took part in the Battle of Wolf 359.
  • He was one of ten people who made it off and has survivor guilt
  • He has a prosthetic leg. Whether or not he got that during or after the Battle of Wolf 359 or doing last week's episode is still unknown.
That was his cast/brace from getting injured on the bridge. He doesn’t have a prosthetic leg
So I've come to realize who Captain Shaw is based on.....

I mean..... his last name is Shaw and he even has his own Indianapolis speech.
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Last episode I was starting to like him more. This episode, he's redeemed his asshole-ish-ness. But, then again, a lot of grease-monkeys I've seen can be assholes. They're not all people persons. But, then, that makes him an odd choice for command. To quote on Lee Adama over on Battlestar Galactica, "Command is about people."
I imagine several officers were ranked up due to the all the ship loses in the past decade.

yeah, the war had to have cleaned out the Officer ranks quite a bit. I mean, on DS9 Nog goes from cadet in the field at the start of S6 to a full Lt. by the series finale.
yeah, the war had to have cleaned out the Officer ranks quite a bit. I mean, on DS9 Nog goes from cadet in the field at the start of S6 to a full Lt. by the series finale.

The Dominion War plays a role this season.

Shaw could stay on Titan and Seven gets the next Enterprise.

They have suggested this is setting up the next, next generation.

I'd have it the other way around (Send Shaw to Enterprise and give Seven the Titan).
I don't know why but I really like this guy Shaw. He is a good man. He really is. I hope he will be live at the end of this season.

Mr. Shaw we love you and we would like to share Chicago style deep dish pizza with you ♥️
We had one named Rios the past 2 seasons. They decided to weeping angel him despite his popularity with the fans and even calls for a Stargazer show.

Fans don't decide everything. It's nice to have that happen for a change.