So is Capt Shaw the new, reigning biggest a##hole in Trek?

Where did I say that there was? I was noting how Sisko's attitude toward Picard differed from Shaw's. Sisko acted professional. Shaw didn't.
I didn't say you did.

You're quite right. I just don't know that Picard earned the courtesy at that point. Though, Shaw's trauma was also showing through.
In a job environment like Starfleet, professionalism shouldn't be an earned courtesy; it should be basic behavior for any officer, especially a command-level one.

I'm sure that many of us here have careers in which we're expected to deal with clients/customers and fellow employees in a professional manner, even when there's friction.
And times were I've been less than professional.

It happens.

And it's not like Picard was always courteous. I may not agree with, or even like Shaw, but I understand him.
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Say what you like about Shaw's attitude towards least Shaw was HONEST about it. He wasn't being extremely passive-aggressive like Sisko was in "Emissary".

Honesty trumps rudeness, every time.
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Say what you like about Shaw's attitude towards least Shaw was HONEST about it. He wasn't being extremely passive-aggressive like Sisko was in "Emissary".

Honesty trumps rudeness, every time.
There was nothing passive-aggressive about sisko during his encounter with picard. He didn't fuck about and straight up said the two met in battle.
I think it was Behr in the DS9 doc that says this and I agree. Nog has maybe the greatest character arc in all of Star Trek.
Imagine if Star Wars made a Gungan character who became one of the show's stand-out characters in an ensemble of so many other great characters. Preposterous? Well, that's what DS9 did with the Ferengi.

See what you get when you don't have writers who love to write stories about how awesome Humanity is compared to everyone else? You get characters who aren't a-holes.