Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman to star in Deadpool III (2024)

I'm so bored of these movies now. I felt absolutely nothing.

And I have no interest in it after the exceptional Logan movie brought an end to that character's story. Money always more important than art. We'll see RDJ brought back eventually I bet.
I loved the first 2 Deadpool movies, but hated Logan (I do not consider it the canon ending to the FOX X-Men, I consider it another alternate universe while the happy DoFP ending is where I count the original X-Verse actually ending) so I'm happy to see Hugh Jackman get one more run as Wolverine in a movie that I'm sure I'm going to enjoy a whole lot more then Logan.

I'm also really glad to see an actual Wolverine costume, which I'm betting was done both for the fans but also so that Jackman doesn't have to ruin his health trying to get ridiculously buff at his age again (which I think was his problem playing Wolverine near the end, which makes sense because apparently its really rough getting into the kind of shape he did in, say, DoFP or The Wolverine).

I hope the movie takes full advantage of its cast and characters and just goes all out.
Yeah, but as I understand it, this new movie takes place before the events of Logan, and the upcoming plot hasn't been revealed yet. Anyway, I really think Hugh was pushing it, even before the 2017 film was made.

The trailer doesn't say that this Logan is the the same Logan from the 2017 movie.
The TVA says, "This Wolverine let down his entire world."
That could mean any number of things.
Dr. Strange established the multiverse and Loki established multiple timelines.
This Logan could be from any number of timelines where things went to sh*t; along with Toad, Pyro, Lady Deathstrike and Azrel, who are glimpsed in the trailer.
The trailer doesn't say that this Logan is the the same Logan from the 2017 movie.
The TVA says, "This Wolverine let down his entire world."
That could mean any number of things.
Dr. Strange established the multiverse and Loki established multiple timelines.
This Logan could be from any number of timelines where things went to sh*t; along with Toad, Pyro, Lady Deathstrike and Azrel, who are glimpsed in the trailer.
The way they were talking, it sounds to me like this is going to be a different Wolverine than the one in Logan. It sounds like his Earth's fate was a lot worse than the one in Logan.

Red Skull’s car has an iron man mask on the hood ornament instead of the Hydra symbol. Plus with the hot rod flame paint, I wonder what universe it was pruned from lol. Maybe one where Howard Stark took it and then Tony modified it?
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I'm also really glad to see an actual Wolverine costume, which I'm betting was done both for the fans but also so that Jackman doesn't have to ruin his health trying to get ridiculously buff at his age again (which I think was his problem playing Wolverine near the end, which makes sense because apparently its really rough getting into the kind of shape he did in, say, DoFP or The Wolverine).

I think it's less for the fans and more, as you said, for health reasons. Jackman said the whole reason he wanted to retire the role with Logan was because he was in his 50s (he's now 56) and his body can't sustain the training (translation: Lots of carbs, lots of protein, all the steroids and incredible dehydration to look so cut) needed anymore. So by giving him a variation of the classic costume, he can wear some padding and doesn't need to go shirtless and look like a freak of nature again.
I'm also really glad to see an actual Wolverine costume, which I'm betting was done both for the fans but also so that Jackman doesn't have to ruin his health trying to get ridiculously buff at his age again (which I think was his problem playing Wolverine near the end, which makes sense because apparently its really rough getting into the kind of shape he did in, say, DoFP or The Wolverine).

I think it's less for the fans and more, as you said, for health reasons. Jackman said the whole reason he wanted to retire the role with Logan was because he was in his 50s (he's now 56) and his body can't sustain the training (translation: Lots of carbs, lots of protein, all the steroids and incredible dehydration to look so cut) needed anymore. So by giving him a variation of the classic costume, he can wear some padding and doesn't need to go shirtless and look like a freak of nature again.

Remember how we all thought Jackman looked hella ripped for the first X-Men and it's basically considered normal male appereance by today's Hollywood Standard?
I can't blame him for saying no to that.
Remember how we all thought Jackman looked hella ripped for the first X-Men and it's basically considered normal male appereance by today's Hollywood Standard?
I can't blame him for saying no to that.
A year or two ago, I remember on Twitter someone posting a pic of him in that first film, where, as you say, he looks good but basically normal Hollywood appearance today, alongside one from Days of Future Past, where he was super ripped and shredded, abs looking like they’d been carved into his stomach, veins popping etc. Most women commenting on the thread said they preferred his look from the first film.