Random Thoughts...or...What's on Your Mind?

My mom mentioned a while back that she thinks Gilligan from Gilligan's Island could be autistic, and it definitely seems to me like it could fit.
I wonder what it is that make people approach me to ask me for directions. First, an elderly couple asked me for directions, then an English speaking couple with a child asked for directions.

They both had to go in the same direction, but the elderly couple had to farther and could only take 1 tram in that direction, the English speaking couple wanted to the train station but could take two trams
Ever post a comment on a YouTube video... and then happen to see your own similar comment from 4 or 5 years ago?
My mom and stopped for a few minutes while out walking the dogs on one of the city paths and had a nice conversation with a homeless couple that were passing through. We made a point of treating them like you would anybody else, because we both agreed that the way a lot of people are mean to them and look down on them really isn't fair. A lot of them are decent people who just ended up in a bad situation without doing anything wrong, and don't the deserve the crap they get from a lot of people.
My mom and stopped for a few minutes while out walking the dogs on one of the city paths and had a nice conversation with a homeless couple that were passing through. We made a point of treating them like you would anybody else, because we both agreed that the way a lot of people are mean to them and look down on them really isn't fair. A lot of them are decent people who just ended up in a bad situation without doing anything wrong, and don't the deserve the crap they get from a lot of people.
Should I be concerned that I got a Nextdoor invite to my work email? And it's not spam because it's the correct neighborhood. I don't even know if anyone here knows where I work.