Random Thoughts...or...What's on Your Mind?

I was hesitating between putting this on the Things that frustrate you thread or this thread, and I chose this thread. I'm practicing for a job interview and I've been practicing with my mom and best friend and of course I get conflicting tips which confuse me, my mother wants me to say my work experience including all of my voluntary work, my friend says only your current work and one example of voluntary work.

My mom wants me to say it because it shows that I've been busy while being furloughed and might have related skills to the work in the job description (absolutely not), while my best friend says only the one you're doing now because if you get asked why you want that job you can answer "there is a lot of furlough, and I've been doing my voluntary job when I'm unemployed but unfortunately it just doesn't cut it."

My mom cites her seasoned advice, my best friend cites the fact that he's younger and more in touch with what the current recruiters ask. And I even got into an argument with my mom about it, the worse part is that she said that "if you're going to follow your best friend's advice I might as well cancel my leave of absence and not join you on the on the day on your job interview."

I got mad, hung up and blocked her on everything, it's one thing to have a difference of opinion, it's another not listen to each other and start to threaten. What's with let's agree to disagree? Fact is and remains that I'm mad, confused and don't know who to listen to and what to do. So if anyone who's a recruiter and can help me or something DM me
I was hesitating between putting this on the Things that frustrate you thread or this thread, and I chose this thread. I'm practicing for a job interview and I've been practicing with my mom and best friend and of course I get conflicting tips which confuse me, my mother wants me to say my work experience including all of my voluntary work, my friend says only your current work and one example of voluntary work.

My mom wants me to say it because it shows that I've been busy while being furloughed and might have related skills to the work in the job description (absolutely not), while my best friend says only the one you're doing now because if you get asked why you want that job you can answer "there is a lot of furlough, and I've been doing my voluntary job when I'm unemployed but unfortunately it just doesn't cut it."

My mom cites her seasoned advice, my best friend cites the fact that he's younger and more in touch with what the current recruiters ask. And I even got into an argument with my mom about it, the worse part is that she said that "if you're going to follow your best friend's advice I might as well cancel my leave of absence and not join you on the on the day on your job interview."

I got mad, hung up and blocked her on everything, it's one thing to have a difference of opinion, it's another not listen to each other and start to threaten. What's with let's agree to disagree? Fact is and remains that I'm mad, confused and don't know who to listen to and what to do. So if anyone who's a recruiter and can help me or something DM me
i'm in continental europe (germany) and here your mom would be totally right about what to say - otoh 'if you don't follow my advice' is a rather bad way to open any sentence
I can give you lots of advice about your writing and grammar but I can't give you much advice on job seeking. With that said, in my limited experience, I have found that if you have a limited work-history, it's often wise to list volunteer activity, because it can indicate other skills and personality traits that might be applicable to the job you are seeking.
As a manager, I am looking for all experience, not just volunteer or work. If I am looking at a candidate, I would like to know what strengths and experiences they bring to my team and how they are willing to learn within the environment. If there are gaps in employment history, and it's not health related, then I appreciate hearing what experiences people have.

My focus is on skill and willingness to learn a new task.

But, I work in the healthcare industry, and in the United States. As a retail manager, though, I was usually looking for experience as well.
If the TikTok ban means getting rid of vapid, preening, airheaded "influencers", then bring it on.
I don't think theirs going to be an actual ban, this whole thing is just a way to get them to see it to a company outside of China, and I see that happening long before it actually comes down to a ban.
And since I am friendly with several people who could be considered influencers, I feel the need to point out that not all of them are like that, and I would hate to see them lose a significant income source.
I saw another story about one of the residents history of abuse and neglect at one of the animal sanctuaries I follow on IG, and it got me thinking again about how I absolutely cannot understand how anybody is capable of doing the kind of things that happen to these animals. I guess my brain just operates so differently that it just can't comprehend that kind of thing. I'm someone who feels guilty for hours if I accidently step on my dogs toes. And one of the neighborhoods where I rode my bike has a blind corner, and a couple times I was going towards it I spooked a horse, and I felt so horrible that from that point on a slowed down as much as I possibly could without falling over every time I came up to the corner. And it's like my brain can't even process the thought of purposefully causing animals the kind pain and suffering so many sanctuary animals have gone through.
This randomly popped into my head. Back when Netflix sent DVDs by mail, if you had more than one they allowed you to send them back in the same envelope. One time I sent two back in the same envelope but they only checked in one and charged me MSRP for the other one since they filed it as unreturned. I complained and they removed the charge. I wonder what happened since they would’ve received both at the same time.
After looking up her Facebook page, I just found out a sweet lady from my bank who I might have started to develop very early feelings for, is actually engaged already. I haven't experienced anything like this in almost 20 years, and now I have to ignore it - sometimes, this part of life just plain sucks. For anyone here who believes in God, I'm asking you to pray for me. Thanks.
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After looking up her Facebook page, I just found out a sweet lady from my bank who I might have started to develop very early feelings for, is actually engaged already. I haven't experienced anything like this in almost 20 years, and now I have to ignore it - sometimes, this part of life just plain sucks. For anyone here who believes in God, I'm asking you to pray for me. Thanks.
Or, and here's a truly novel idea, you could be happy for her. That's the emotionally mature thing to do. I know, I know... it's easier for you to be all self-absorbed and, as Spock put it, wallow in a pool of emotion. Honestly, it's obvious she never had any romantic inclinations toward you. Don't mistake good customer service for genuine emotional connection.

You're right on one thing - unreciprocated feelings suck. That's a universal truth. And dwelling on uncommunicated feelings is deeply unhealthy. Do yourself a massive favour and get out of your own head. Your only reasonable role in this is to get over this little crush and spare yourself the embarrassment.

I'm genuinely happy for your favorite teller. She's far luckier than she knows.
Or, and here's a truly novel idea, you could be happy for her. That's the emotionally mature thing to do. I know, I know... it's easier for you to be all self-absorbed and, as Spock put it, wallow in a pool of emotion. Honestly, it's obvious she never had any romantic inclinations toward you. Don't mistake good customer service for genuine emotional connection.

You're right on one thing - unreciprocated feelings suck. That's a universal truth. And dwelling on uncommunicated feelings is deeply unhealthy. Do yourself a massive favour and get out of your own head. Your only reasonable role in this is to get over this little crush and spare yourself the embarrassment.

I'm genuinely happy for your favorite teller. She's far luckier than she knows.
Oh, I didn't mean to misrepresent myself. I never said or did anything towards her, to make her think I was interested. But it was just a very basic and sudden thing, and I wasn't prepared to deal with it. As someone who believes in the power of prayer, all I knew to do was go to God with it and say, "I'm powerless. I don't entirely understand this, and its just too much. Please help me."

As for being "self-absorbed", that wasn't my intention at all. I've always worn my heart on my sleeve, though; its just part of who I am. I'm truly happy this lady has a man in her life; I just keep wondering when my own turn for romance will finally come around again. Social situations are very tough for me, and I'm not getting any younger.
Oh, I didn't mean to misrepresent myself. I never said or did anything towards her, to make her think I was interested. But it was just a very basic and sudden thing, and I wasn't prepared to deal with it. As someone who believes in the power of prayer, all I knew to do was go to God with it and say, "I'm powerless. I don't entirely understand this, and its just too much. Please help me."

As for being "self-absorbed", that wasn't my intention at all. I've always worn my heart on my sleeve, though; its just part of who I am. I'm truly happy this lady has a man in her life; I just keep wondering when my own turn for romance will finally come around again. Social situations are very tough for me, and I'm not getting any younger.
Oh, I didn't mean to misrepresent myself. I never said or did anything towards her, to make her think I was interested. But it was just a very basic and sudden thing, and I wasn't prepared to deal with it. As someone who believes in the power of prayer, all I knew to do was go to God with it and say, "I'm powerless. I don't entirely understand this, and its just too much. Please help me."

As for being "self-absorbed", that wasn't my intention at all. I've always worn my heart on my sleeve, though; its just part of who I am. I'm truly happy this lady has a man in her life; I just keep wondering when my own turn for romance will finally come around again. Social situations are very tough for me, and I'm not getting any younger.
That was rather the point. It's clear you assumed/imagined/invented some level of emotional connection with this girl and, to quote Captain Jack Sparrow, were unable to woo said strumpet. I'm not sure what you think you "misrepresented" because it rings through loud and clear. Otherwise, you wouldn't be moping about all glum and brokenhearted. Your Facebook cyber stalking of her is an egregiously creepy twist on your maudlin little tale.

If you're going to pray to God, it helps to give him something to bless. "Heavenly Father, the pretty girl at the bank who doesn't even know I exist went and got engaged. WHY WASN'T IT ME??!!" isn't much of a prayer. It's a petulant, self-pitying whine. God isn't ever going to drop a prayer-order bride into your lap.

That you see yourself as powerless, sitting idly by waiting for someone else to enlightened you and fix your problem for you, speaks volumes. The solution, however, has a rather simple starting point: grow up. No one really wants Peter Pan for mate.
Your Facebook cyber stalking of her is an egregiously creepy twist on your maudlin little tale.
I didn't stalk anyone. She gave me her bank card at the end of our last meeting, and more from curiosity than anything else, I decided to see if she was on Facebook. Her profile right away listed her as being engaged, and while I admit I was disappointed, I didn't break down crying or anything.

If you're going to pray to God, it helps to give him something to bless. "Heavenly Father, the pretty girl at the bank who doesn't even know I exist went and got engaged. WHY WASN'T IT ME??!!" isn't much of a prayer. It's a petulant, self-pitying whine. God isn't ever going to drop a prayer-order bride into your lap.
I strongly suspect you're deliberately mocking my previous post. The prayer I described is pretty much the way I said it, not your exaggerated alternative.

That you see yourself as powerless, sitting idly by waiting for someone else to enlightened you and fix your problem for you, speaks volumes. The solution, however, has a rather simple starting point: grow up. No one really wants Peter Pan for mate.
I didn't mean "powerless" as in "permanently incapable". I just felt backed into an emotional corner at the time, and I didn't know how to react properly. One thing you learn as a Christian, is there's no shame in admitting you're vulnerable. As for your Peter Pan comment, I am a "child at heart" in many ways...but some very tough life experiences have built up several walls as well. Speaking with this woman was the first time in ages, that I felt safe enough to let my guard down...but what I quickly experienced as a result truly hit me out of left field.
I didn't stalk anyone. She gave me her bank card at the end of our last meeting, and more from curiosity than anything else, I decided to see if she was on Facebook. Her profile right away listed her as being engaged, and while I admit I was disappointed, I didn't break down crying or anything.

I strongly suspect you're deliberately mocking my previous post. The prayer I described is pretty much the way I said it, not your exaggerated alternative.

I didn't mean "powerless" as in "permanently incapable". I just felt backed into an emotional corner at the time, and I didn't know how to react properly. One thing you learn as a Christian, is there's no shame in admitting you're vulnerable. As for your Peter Pan comment, I am a "child at heart" in many ways...but some very tough life experiences have built up several walls as well. Speaking with this woman was the first time in ages, that I felt safe enough to let my guard down...but what I quickly experienced as a result truly hit me out of left field.
Actually, I'm mocking you in general. You're a sad little man who lacks the self-awareness possessed by a damp rock. But you do little old incel you.

The only bit that was fully intended as helpful, and you completely missed the point as usual, was about prayer. I should have known I was dealing with a self-proclaimed expert on the subject. A pity you have such a superficial grasp of the subject.

Keep on creeping, Creepo. Good luck steering clear of restraining orders. We're done.
After looking up her Facebook page, I just found out a sweet lady from my bank who I might have started to develop very early feelings for, is actually engaged already. I haven't experienced anything like this in almost 20 years, and now I have to ignore it - sometimes, this part of life just plain sucks. For anyone here who believes in God, I'm asking you to pray for me. Thanks.
Life just sucks sometimes. Will pray for you.

But you do little old incel you.
Dude, come on? How is this helpful at all?

That you see yourself as powerless, sitting idly by waiting for someone else to enlightened you and fix your problem for you, speaks volumes. The solution, however, has a rather simple starting point: grow up. No one really wants Peter Pan for mate.
Ah yes. The wonderful adage that has rang out through the ages with no declarations of how to do so. For the record, as I noted with my wife today, I still go to school (I work with kids at a school), I still have homework, and I still play with toys and buy action figures, and play with my kids.

Is that "grown up?" If not, what is the recommended behaviors of a grown up?

Man, I would hate to be God. Whiny people asking for help, non-stop, over things they should be able to handle on their own.
Kind of like being a parent.
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