Ok. What is the chance of a Picard spinoff?

But it might also mean restricting the creative choices of the creators of any future live-action show starring Seven, which Kurtzman might want to avoid. Easiest way to avoid that potential problem is for Seven to just not play a role in Prodigy

She was a Fenris Ranger ... That much is known.

One other challenge for a potential Seven-led spinoff: a segment of Seven "fans" have been treating the character and the actor as a sex object rather than seeing her as a leader for twenty-five years.
That ship sailed in S1 when she wore the leather jacket, jeans, boots, and t-shirt. :drool:

But I do think that Ryan's fanbase is large enough, her star power and leadership strong enough, and that the misogynists are a small enough percentage, that she can overcome that and lead a spinoff.

It's not going to be JUST her.

There's also the crew (the La Forge sisters, Esma, Mura, Jack Crusher, etc.).
There's also the crew (the La Forge sisters, Esma, Mura, Jack Crusher, etc.).
AKA Ensigns "I have a famous dad" and "I'm here because I'm the actor's actual daughter," the techno-jargon dispenser, dramatically staring Bajoran dude and Gary Stu.
Who wants that? The post you replied to makes no mention of hitting a reset button on anything other than format and vibes.
True, but I connected it more to a thread here about a month ago that covered presentism vs continuity / history in Star Trek. It seems many of the critics about a potential Legacy series is not wanting too much continuity.
I would hope that a Legacy series would be as tonally different as TNG was from TOS, or SNW from DIS. If this is to be about the next next generation, I feel they should have their own look and feel, rather than looking like Picard season 4.
I would hope that a Legacy series would be as tonally different as TNG was from TOS, or SNW from DIS. If this is to be about the next next generation, I feel they should have their own look and feel, rather than looking like Picard season 4.

Well for one thing I hope they turn on the lights
Stewart's involvement wasn't enough to get Picard into the Top 10 streaming shows before S3, nor buzz about emmys, nor the acclaim - the reunion of all the cast seems to have contributed though as a hook.

Paramount streaming shows didn't get added to the streaming charts till Picard S3 was airing so there's no way to know if any other Star Trek shows would have made it. Picard just got lucky because it was the one airing when they started tracking.
Unfortunately I'm not fluent in internet snark, so that probably doesn't help things either :shrug:
I would hope that a Legacy series would be as tonally different as TNG was from TOS, or SNW from DIS. If this is to be about the next next generation, I feel they should have their own look and feel, rather than looking like Picard season 4.
All three seasons of Picard had a different feel, so I expect Legacy would too.

Legacy would look like Picard Season 3 since it's set on the same ship. Not a lot of leeway there. Maybe we'd see more location shooting and more sets in general, since they won't have to worry about affording the TNG Cast.
Its not continuity that I for one have a problem with. Not at all. You need a level of continuity in whatever story you tell, particularly with a longstanding franchise such as Star Trek. For example, let's say in one series that you decide the Andorians are going to leave the Federation and they become the new baddie. Because of their more confrontational nature, that makes a lot of sense. You better have a good explanation as to why in story, but it generally tracks. Now same idea but this time with the relatively pacifistic, logical Vulcans? That might be a harder pill to swallow and need one DAMNED good explanation as to why. Both work even if you need to work hard in one case to get there.

Its using continuity as a crutch that I have a problem with. Same idea, but instead you discover that the Vulcans and the Andorians both have decided to leave the Federation and be the new baddies because of a multigenerational story, something involving, that prior to his disappearance, Spock and Tuvok discovered something from Shran's final mission with an aged Admiral Archer aboard Pike's Enterprise before Spock joined the ship. This led directly to Sarek and Sybok having another part of the story which in turn led to another side issue having to do with first contact with the Cardassians and the Bajorans by a young Picard aboard the Stargazer.

Some might say "Kewl!" I say, "Huh?"

Why tell a convoluted story that connects all points in Star Trek just because you can? Come up with a good story first that goes from A to B to C and if it actually makes sense to put in a continuity reference, do so.

Edited for clarity and spelling.
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I'm sure this has been discussed on here - I'm only now checking this forum again after a hiatus since Picard finished up - but I feel that the chance of a spinoff decreases as the writer's strike goes on. Any thoughts on that?
I'm sure this has been discussed on here - I'm only now checking this forum again after a hiatus since Picard finished up - but I feel that the chance of a spinoff decreases as the writer's strike goes on. Any thoughts on that?
I feel it has no effect. Everything is on pause. Terry Matalas doesn't strike me as the giving up type. He'll push for it until it happens, and cite where support for Legacy is versus where support for Strange New Worlds was. The thing that would effect it would be if Jeri Ryan, Michelle Hurd, Ed Speelers, and Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut (and somehow Todd Stashwick?) are still available by the time they're able to get things going.

Remember: DSC Season 2 finished airing in April 2019. SNW premiered in May 2022.
I'm sure this has been discussed on here - I'm only now checking this forum again after a hiatus since Picard finished up - but I feel that the chance of a spinoff decreases as the writer's strike goes on. Any thoughts on that?
Not really. It just delays it and might give a different spin on whatever follo up. But, Matalas was pretty darn specific in what he wanted so some variant probably will occur.

Or not.

Six of one, half dozen of another.
I'll echo what others are saying. It will still probably happen. Will just be awhile. I'm betting it won't be until SNW has finished it's run, which hopefully won't be until around 2026.

The way I figure it, CBS will use the stages in Toronto that they used for Discovery, on the upcoming Section 31 Film and the Starfleet Academy series, while the CBS studio in Mississauga will continue to be used by StrangeNewWorlds. Once SNW has run it's course, they'll use that space for this "Legacy" series.