Ok. What is the chance of a Picard spinoff?

Not looking forward to complaints about the size the reimagined refit, though, ;)
Pike's character arc in Season 1 is coming to terms with his eventual fate. I think SNW exists in part to make TOS for people who don't want to watch a '60s show (would've been the Kelvin Films, but since those stalled out... ), so they'll show this fate in SNW. They won't be like, "Go check out "The Menagerie"!"

In this way, I think TNG has fared better than TOS in the Kurtzman Era.
They won't be like, "Go check out "The Menagerie"!"

More likely, they'll be lazy little s%$#s who will do exactly that. :shifty:

On a related note, I'm wondering how Prodigy is going to handle Seven of Nine. Are they going to say, "Go watch Voyager"?
The only caveat will be the question of whether they can keep the momentum, capture lightning in a bottle twice, and if without the big draw of a TNG cast reunion it can capitalise on what S3 has started with anywhere near similiar levels of success. I suspect that how best to do that will be the crux of their thinking right now! My personal view would be to capitalise on any TNG stars who want to return for recurring/guest roles, but expand it out to all the 90's Trek to extend the "legacy" theme to all of the 24th century shows. Maybe make that long-awaited 24th century show mash-up for a movie, using the Enterprise G and Captain Seven as the platform.

Picard / a 24th Century-based series only went ahead because of Stewart's involvement. Same with S31 and Yeoh's involvement (though her recent ascent to A-list status no doubt helped cajole the execs). Absent Stewart, there's no star power in the ranks.

There isn't all that much to build a spin-off on, really. Certainly not something that could be positioned as a driver of new subs to the platform. Ultimately, I think any Legacy project would be an exercise in diminishing returns.
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Picard / a 24th Century-based series only went ahead because of Stewart's involvement. Same with S31 and Yeoh's involvement (though her recent ascent to A-list status no doubt helped cajole the execs). Absent Stewart, there's no star power in the ranks.

Where's the star power in Strange New Worlds?

Stewart originally didn't want to do Picard (he saw himself as being through with the character). He had to be dragged into it.

Seven has a massive, salivating fandom. The Popcast petition has almost 60,000 signatures (double the SNW petition in 2019).
Though I would like to see a Star Trek: Legacy show, I do not think it is realistic for there to be another live action show. We are heading into the lean years and there just isn't as much money to spread around.
On a related note, I'm wondering how Prodigy is going to handle Seven of Nine. Are they going to say, "Go watch Voyager"?
I think they would. It would get kids to watch the older series. And, of them, VOY is the least dated.

ENT is too much of the Bush Era. DS9 was ahead of its time, the only problem is that unintentionally brings it in line with the Bush Era too. VOY doesn't have that problem, has more women characters, including the two main leads, and that makes it fit in better with Today.
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More likely, they'll be lazy little s%$#s who will do exactly that. :shifty:

On a related note, I'm wondering how Prodigy is going to handle Seven of Nine. Are they going to say, "Go watch Voyager"?

Why does Prodigy need to 'handle' 7 of 9 at all? She has absolutely nothing to do with the show.
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Besides, we have seen there's a bit of a territorial aspect when it comes to using the Voyager characters on different shows. IE, Picard couldn't feature Janeway or Harry because of Prodigy. It's possible Prodigy will likewise be restricted from using Seven because she's already on Picard.
Besides, we have seen there's a bit of a territorial aspect when it comes to using the Voyager characters on different shows. IE, Picard couldn't feature Janeway or Harry because of Prodigy. It's possible Prodigy will likewise be restricted from using Seven because she's already on Picard.

Potentially, but it's a bit of a different situation. PIC using Janeway locks Janeway into a future fate while the PRO writers are still making major decisions on what she's doing back in the post-NEM era. But PRO touching on Seven would just be filling in her backstory.
Picard / a 24th Century-based series only went ahead because of Stewart's involvement. Same with S31 and Yeoh's involvement (though her recent ascent to A-list status no doubt helped cajole the execs). Absent Stewart, there's no star power in the ranks.

There isn't all that much to build a spin-off on, really. Certainly not something that could be positioned as a driver of new subs to the platform. Ultimately, I think any Legacy project would be an exercise in diminishing returns.

Stewart's involvement wasn't enough to get Picard into the Top 10 streaming shows before S3, nor buzz about emmys, nor the acclaim - the reunion of all the cast seems to have contributed though as a hook.

Certainly Jeri Ryan and Seven are big draws for a lot of people - I'm just not sure you can say that a show needs some star power alone to make it a success. Strange New Worlds seems to be doing fine, and they don't even have a Jeri Ryan.

No potential in the Enterprise G and it's adventures with a known and well-loved character leading the show, weekly adventures, and opportunity for guest slots from the well-loved 24th century character catalogue? I'm not sure that washes - otherwise no ST spin-off would have gotten made. If anything, Legacy has the potential to do it all at once - nostalgia, new adventures, requel and progressing the 90s era shows and world to the max.

The 60k+ and still going petition doesn't seem to think it is an issue.,,
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Potentially, but it's a bit of a different situation. PIC using Janeway locks Janeway into a future fate while the PRO writers are still making major decisions on what she's doing back in the post-NEM era. But PRO touching on Seven would just be filling in her backstory.

Janeway certainly was referred to as being alive in S3, so that seals her fate at least somewhat
Potentially, but it's a bit of a different situation. PIC using Janeway locks Janeway into a future fate while the PRO writers are still making major decisions on what she's doing back in the post-NEM era. But PRO touching on Seven would just be filling in her backstory.

But it might also mean restricting the creative choices of the creators of any future live-action show starring Seven, which Kurtzman might want to avoid. Easiest way to avoid that potential problem is for Seven to just not play a role in Prodigy.

Stewart's involvement wasn't enough to get Picard into the Top 10 streaming shows before S3 - the reunion of all the cast seems to have contributed though.

Sure, but StarMan never claimed Stewart's involvement was enough to get Picard into the top 10 streaming shows before S3. He's saying that he questions whether or not the audience would be sufficiently interested in a show without Stewart's involvement as to sustain an audience even without making it into the Top 10.

I don't agree that Jeri Ryan isn't a big enough name to lead a show, but let's address the argument he's actually making.

Certainly Jeri Ryan and Seven are big draws for a lot of people - I'm just not sure you can say that a show needs some star power alone to make it a success. Strange New Worlds seems to be doing fine, and they don't even have a Jeri Ryan.

In fairness, Strange New Worlds also has the selling point of Anson Mount, et al having starred in Discovery Season Two and the return of Mister Spock -- a pop icon on a scale no other Star Trek character has ever reached, not even Picard or Seven. But I do broadly agree that Strange New Worlds indicates the audience is open to a cast of mostly-unknowns more than not.

One other challenge for a potential Seven-led spinoff: a segment of Seven "fans" have been treating the character and the actor as a sex object rather than seeing her as a leader for twenty-five years. But I do think that Ryan's fanbase is large enough, her star power and leadership strong enough, and that the misogynists are a small enough percentage, that she can overcome that and lead a spinoff.
No potential in the Enterprise G and it's adventures with a known and well-loved character leading the show, weekly adventures, and opportunity for guest slots from the well-loved 24th century character catalogue? I'm not sure that washes - otherwise no ST spin-off would have gotten made. If anything, Legacy has the potential to do it all at once - nostalgia, new adventures, requel and progressing the 90s era shows and world to the max.
I just don't get the appeal of essentially hitting the reset button on the bulk of Star Trek's established characters and mythology.
I just don't get the appeal of essentially hitting the reset button on the bulk of Star Trek's established characters and mythology.
Freedom. That's what it comes down to. It's art and artists like their freedom to create and move things around and reduce barriers to audiences actually enjoying their work.

It's funny to me how people go "Oh, established continuity is a boon" and there are times when it isn't. I remember going to conventions and basically getting looked down upon for not knowing that information. It starts to feel like a barricade of knowledge to say that people need to know these things to connect with it. And after so long that's exactly what Trek started to feel like. Like, I had the TOS Concordance and the Trek Encyclopedia but even that was no longer quite keeping up.

So, you might not get the appeal being nested in it for so long. But even I have found difficult at times and that's frustrating, especially if I want to share it and they're like, "Nope, that's too much."
I just don't get the appeal of essentially hitting the reset button on the bulk of Star Trek's established characters and mythology.

Who wants that? The post you replied to makes no mention of hitting a reset button on anything other than format and vibes.
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