Ok. What is the chance of a Picard spinoff?

Five is pushing it.

They're not going to go there (Not when they've got other stuff in the pipeline -- Starfleet Academy, the Section 31 movie).

On Netflix, it's a miracle if something lasts three seasons.

I would love 5 but the current landscape leaves me less than optimistic, to say nothing of the writers’ strike.
They'll do five. It's SNW.

SFA will do four. Four years at the Academy.

Ted Lasso just called it quits after three seasons (and that was a Top Ten show!) Succession just quit after four seasons.

That's the business. :shrug:

The problem with SNW is that it's backward-looking (even Disco pushed forward into the 32nd century). It's not where Paramount wants the franchise.

You might have a case with SFA.
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It's not where Paramount wants the franchise.

Says who? SNW has proven extremely popular and it doesn't have the ticking clock that Picard had with Patrick Stewart's age.

The other shows you mentioned were very different types of shows thar likely had their entire plot laid out before they ever switched on a camera.

Four is possible, but if they manage to maintain the their level of quality and if the cast is game, five seasons / 50 episodes is perfectly reasonable.
Four is possible, but if they manage to maintain the their level of quality and if the cast is game, five seasons / 50 episodes is perfectly reasonable.

"Reasonable" is one thing.

Financially prudent is another matter entirely.
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I still can't believe we're in an era where 50 episodes is considered a "long" run. I heard about how many Netflix shows were cancelled after one season, and I'm glad DSC's getting five seasons, 65 episodes total.

PIC's a special case, since it's really a follow-up to TNG/DS9/VOY. So I don't feel like 30 episodes was "too short" here. Still looking forward to Legacy, though.
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I still can't believe we're in an era where 50 episodes is considered a "long" run. I heard about how many Netflix shows were cancelled after one season, and I'm glad DSC's getting five seasons, 65 episodes total.

PIC's a special case, since it's really a follow-up to TNG/DS9/VOY. So I don't feel like 30 episodes was "too short" here. Still looking forward to Legacy, though.

Yep, that’s a real sea change in how these shows work. TNG/DS9/VOY had a lot of episodes (heck even TOS did even though it was fewer seasons) and it just gives time for the characters, settings, and stories to get established, be fleshed out, feel lived-in. It’s not always a good thing; sometimes you can feel the filler, but overall I appreciated the ability to be “in” those shows more than the 10 episode seasons. Combine that with the fact that it’s often a year or more between shorter seasons and it’s a very different fan experience. The upside, I think, is that we have several different trek shows going on at once and I do appreciate that.
Netflix shows cancel early because of the way they pay their stars. Money increases exponentially or somesuch, so unless a show is a Stranger Things huge hit, 3 seasons max is the usual limit for them to have a good ROI.

Having zero idea how Paramount+'s contracts work or differ, we don't know why they choose to end shows when they do. I recall interviews where they said there was a possibility of Picard going for more than 3 seasons, but as we know they chose to end it there. Discovery was supposed to have a 6th season, but they've reshot the ending to 5 in order to make it a conclusion.
Netflix shows cancel early because of the way they pay their stars. Money increases exponentially or somesuch, so unless a show is a Stranger Things huge hit, 3 seasons max is the usual limit for them to have a good ROI.

Having zero idea how Paramount+'s contracts work or differ, we don't know why they choose to end shows when they do. I recall interviews where they said there was a possibility of Picard going for more than 3 seasons, but as we know they chose to end it there. Discovery was supposed to have a 6th season, but they've reshot the ending to 5 in order to make it a conclusion.

There was some speculation that the DISCO crew was on a seven year term before contracts were up for renegotiation, hence the sudden decision to cancel at season five rather than go to the table.
Sir Patrick wasn't able to physically handle the workload (the man IS 82).
Yeah, you can really tell that in Season 3. Maybe because S2 and S3 were filmed back-to-back he had much less energy for S3, where it seemed like most of his stage direction consisted of “enter the room dramatically and immediately sit down”. He still gave a great performance, but it looked like he could have used a couple of months off between seasons.
If the financial situation at P+ allows, they would be absolutely stupid not to do something with it - Picard S3 has been a bonafide hit, arguably their biggest mainstream commercial and critical success since Discovery rebooted ST (both in terms of ratings and overall acclaim). Its put P+ content on the streaming map as a serious competitor more than any other content they've produced, charting in the top 10 regularly up there with all the big household name streaming shows. There is talk of serious Emmy nominations. In short - its broken through with the masses, and a new streamer needs that to prove longevity.

They aren't gonna ignore that commercially or creatively. I'd expect at least a made-for-streaming movie or a mini-series to follow-on from it to capitalise on that success, even if just to test the waters for doing more. As a business, they're not gonna totally ignore the success they've enjoyed from this final season and not try to capitalise on it, even if done economically. The sets are all built, the cast are in - its gonna be a case of dotting the i's and crossing the t's, and perhaps even reviewing and changing their existing plans to enable funding for something to be done.

The only caveat will be the question of whether they can keep the momentum, capture lightning in a bottle twice, and if without the big draw of a TNG cast reunion it can capitalise on what S3 has started with anywhere near similiar levels of success. I suspect that how best to do that will be the crux of their thinking right now! My personal view would be to capitalise on any TNG stars who want to return for recurring/guest roles, but expand it out to all the 90's Trek to extend the "legacy" theme to all of the 24th century shows. Maybe make that long-awaited 24th century show mash-up for a movie, using the Enterprise G and Captain Seven as the platform.

That was a much longer musing than I set out to post! But I think the short answer is I have no doubt there will be "something" following up on and attempting to capitalize from the apparent success of Picard S3 - but what that "something" ends up being is up in the air. There will be "something" though, as it makes zero sense at all for P+ to not want that.
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Ted Lasso just called it quits after three seasons (and that was a Top Ten show!) Succession just quit after four seasons.

I’m not sure Ted Lasso and Succession are great examples here.

Jason Sudekis always had a three year plan with Ted Lasso. And there’s been much talk of a spin-off.

Succession, while an amazing show, particularly in its first two seasons, had a relatively limited story. At some point, the title needed to come into play. Not exactly a concept that could go on indefinitely. And Brian Cox isn’t getting any younger.

Strange New Worlds has an expiration date, no question. At some point, Pike will need to leave the Enterprise and have his accident. But if you believe the show is taking place in 2260 in its second season, you potentially have four more years before Kirk takes command ahead of “Where No Man Has Gone Before.” It all depends on story intent and continued profitability.
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Strange New Worlds has an expiration date, no question. At some point, Pike will need to leave the Enterprise and have his accident.

It can happen offscreen.

Does anyone REALLY want the show ending with Pike in a wheelchair? It's a rather morbid way to end a series.
It can happen offscreen.

Does anyone REALLY want the show ending with Pike in a wheelchair? It's a rather morbid way to end a series.

Well of course we don't want it to end that way. But I'm betting that Pike ending up in a chair isn't the end of his story anyway.

I would imagine that the last season will involve him leaving and perhaps flashforwarding past to see what's next for Chris Pike.

Regardless, the show conceivably could go to 5 seasons even if they don't do that.
We never see Pike after "The Menagerie", so they can go anywhere with him after that. We don't know Number One's fate either. Both of those things can take SNW out of what I call The Prequel Trap.

Pike ending up on Talos IV is too baked into SNW. So they can't not show that. And 2026 -- the 60th Anniversary -- is an open invitation to show Captain Kirk in command of the Enterprise. So there are still certain directions that are spelled out, but some that aren't.
We never see Pike after "The Menagerie", so they can go anywhere with him after that. We don't know Number One's fate either. Both of those things can take SNW out of what I call The Prequel Trap.

Pike ending up on Talos IV is too baked into SNW. So they can't not show that. And 2026 -- the 60th Anniversary -- is an open invitation to show Captain Kirk in command of the Enterprise. So there are still certain directions that are spelled out, but some that aren't.
It would be cool to see Pike and Vina find their way out of Talos IV eventually, maybe sometime between TOS Season 3 and TMP era, or even beyond. Hell, they could put it in the Lost Era.
It would be cool to see Pike and Vina find their way out of Talos IV eventually, maybe sometime between TOS Season 3 and TMP era, or even beyond. Hell, they could put it in the Lost Era.
I’d like to see a time jump in SNW following Pike’s tenure, that puts the show in the postTMP era. Not looking forward to complaints about the size the reimagined refit, though, ;)
Yes, the post-TMP era and Lost Years would be a great setting for SNW. But I doubt that's going to happen.