What is happening with Star Trek?

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Vice Admiral
I'm getting worried when I see the current trends in Star Trek, all the character destruction and destruction of important planets in the Star Trek Universe.

Let's start with TrekLit which seems to have lost everything in recent years.

I was very angry when I discovered that
Una McCormack destroyed Garak and made him look like an idiot in the book Second Self before killing him off.

Now I have found out that in the Kathryn Janeway Biography
Chakotay, Paris, Tuvok and The Doctor leaves Starfleet, Janeway moves to Ireland where she gets pregnant with herself! :eek:
What I find in those books are downright crap and nothing else!

So what in the world is going on? Has author Una McCormack gone totally insane or into some destructive mode or is it some directed actions from above that the popular and beloved characters from TNG, DS9 and VOY are going to be wiped out to make room för the newer characters from the series made after 2001 or what?

Is the 24th century about to be dumped from TrekLit by making the events in the books so horrible that no one will read about the 24th century anymore?

We have the same trend when it comes to series and movies. Romulus and Vulcan destroyed, Picard turned into an android, Romulus and Vulcan destroyed. Not to mention the overall dark theme in most of the current series and NuTrek movies.

So wnat will happen next?
Will Picard be killed off and Riker end up in prison? Will Kira commit suicide after discovering that she actually is a Cardassian?
What will happen to Bashir? What splendid surprises when it comes to destruction destruction will TrekLit and ongoing TV series and upcoming movies give us in the near future.

I'm worried for Star Trek. If the current trend with character destruction, doom-and-gloom and erasing of what was built up in the 80's and 90's continues, then Star trek will lose all the popularity it once had.

In fact, back in the days when we had three great series going (TNG, DS9 and VOY) and TOS on constant re-run on many channels, all of that were on the TV channels of bigger networks and watched all over the world.

Now it's mostly available on streaming services which people have to pay for and also sign up for some streaming service where 95% of the content is downrigt crap, dystopian movies and series.

No one, except the most fanatical or naive Star Trek fans will pay for that.
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I can’t speak to the books, as I haven’t followed them since sometime in the 90s, but as to filmed Trek: After TOS had entire planetary populations die, TNG had what was then implied to be a huge chunk of Starfleet wiped out, DS9 had millions die in warfare plus a side order of terrorism, and VOY showed that any number of civilizations had been literally ripped out of historical existence, I’m pretty okay with the Kelvin movies arguing that first-strike vigilance and a constant war footing are wrong and quickly giving the Vulcans a new start on a new world; with Picard having a Federation drifting towards darkness shown the error of its ways and start to change back; and with Discovery specifically creating a new era of hope with the lost Federation becoming strong and idealistic once more as it rebuilds a better galaxy.

If appreciating that is naive and fanatical (and angrily posting about other fans having BadWrongFun! isn’t, somehow), then Trek always has been.
There was a time when Star Trek was completely dead in the water. ENT had just been cancelled, Nemesis bombed, everyone involved in their production was burned out, and Trek on TV and film for the foreseeable future was at a standstill. Then a professional movie producer came along and made a few films for the general audience, which turned out to be a complete success and let the powers that be know that Star Trek was still a viable property if done right. But then they hired this guy who wanted Star Trek done completely differently, got fired before he could really fuck things up, but unfortunately his influence still permeated what was left, and Trek to this day is still reeling from that choice.

My point? Blame Bryan Fuller.
The books aren't canonical (I'm sure Prodigy will clash with the Janeway book, just as Picard's show did with his), but even so... it's all just stories. If I don't like it, I'm like "well that was shit" and move on.

Look at Terminator, they've ignored sequels, more sequels, prequels and TV spin offs. It's all just stories.

Plus, not every hero gets a glorious end. That's one of the things I loved so much about Logan. Charles Xavier was great although flawed, and his ending was miserable and depressing and sad. It was very, very real. And that worked for me. YMMV.
I'm not sure how this thread is Lit-centric when most people were talking about the shows, but the mistake was probably bringing up Trek Lit at all. If you had just stuck with the shows/movies themselves, the thread might not have gotten moved. But since it did get moved... well, all the show/movie talk is off-topic for this forum, and you already started an almost-identical thread in Trek Lit to discuss the books, so this thread is redundant and I'm therefore closing it.

If anyone wants to further discuss the literature part of the thread (not the movies/shows), the other thread is here.

Also, since this thread is now under Trek Lit house rules, I'm spoiler-coding the parts that could be considered story ideas.

Now it's mostly available on streaming services which people have to pay for and also sign up for some streaming service where 95% of the content is downrigt crap, dystopian movies and series.

No one, except the most fanatical or naive Star Trek fans will pay for that.

Additionally, calling all your fellow board members who currently subscribe and watch the current shows "fanatical or naive" is basically trolling. I'm just giving you a friendly for that because it wasn't originally posted in my forum, but I would recommend you don't go there again.
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