Ok. What is the chance of a Picard spinoff?


Red Shirt
Season 3 was a hit by fans and critics. It was in the top 10 of streaming shows according to Nielsen (the first Star Trek show to make it). It seems like a no brainer.

What are the chances of a spinoff in your opinion? I know I want it! I agree with Terry Matales, 25th century is the present time of Star Trek.

I want to see 7 as captain. The growth of Jack. I want to see more legacy characters like Kira, O'Brien, Mortak, Bashir, Paris, etc.
It remains to be seen.

Personally I would say that *a* 25th century shows chances are better than most, but budgets don't always care about that.

In terms of viewers and reviews Picard Season 3 has been a success, this is true. You'll get the usual dissenters and people who either hate revived Trek or think they can do better..but given some of the behavior of the cast..it seems something could be up
A year ago, I would have said that the chances of a Star Trek: Seven of Nine/Star Trek: Legacy/Star Trek: Enterprise-G (whatever you want to call it) spinoff would have been very high. Terry Matalas has proven he can deliver a very popular show that is broadly satisfying even to people like me who were more skeptical, and he clearly laid the groundwork for a spinoff starring Seven of Nine to carry the baton into the 25th Century. And it seemed like having this spinoff ready would enable Paramount+ to continue its goal of releasing new Star Trek almost every week of the year.

But, in the past year, streamers have started to come under much heavier external economic pressure than they did previously. All the major studio streamers have been operating at a loss for a while as part of a strategy to build up a large enough back catalog to entice subscribers to stay subscribed all year round; it was the plan to operate at a loss for a few years. But they've all been around a few years now, and unless I'm mistaken the single-studio streamers are mostly not turning a profit yet, and Wall Street is starting to put much more pressure on their studios to get the streamers to turn a profit. That means cutting costs.

And while Picard season three has been a ratings hit, I suspect a lot of that comes from the novelty of reuniting the Next Generation cast. I think Jeri Ryan is more than capable of headlining a TV series, but I don't think she's going to be able to entice people to tune in at the same rate the Next Generation cast reunion could.

We already know that Paramount+ is committed to keeping Strange New Worlds in production at least through season three. We know they're ending Discovery after season five and we know they've ordered a Starfleet Academy spinoff from Discovery. I speculate that this Starfleet Academy show will be cheaper to produce than Discovery or Strange New Worlds, because it can probably do a lot more Earth-based sets that don't need to be as expensive as starship sets, and because it can probably use the existing 32nd-Century set infrastructure from Discovery (like the Federation Headquarters sets), in much the same way that The Next Generation saved money by redressing sets originally built for the TOS films.

Ultimately, I think (and I could be wrong about this) that the question is whether Paramount+ will be able to turn itself around and earn a profit, and that part of that question is whether the money saved by producing Starfleet Academy will enable them to afford to produce Legacy alongside Strange New Worlds and Starfleet Academy. If nothing else, the fact that they've already built quite a few sets for the Enterprise-G gives them some affordability advantages. But it's not clear to me yet whether or not Paramount+ will be able to afford to continue to produce three very expensive-looking sci-fi action shows simultaneously.

Alternately, maybe they could but we'd see a major reduction in all three shows' budgets? Beats me. Modern TVs have such high resolution that I wonder if it's even possible to do a lower-budget show that looks decent anymore.
I think with the success of Picard (due to the pull of TNG nostalgia) the showrunner and fans being so vocal, plus Discovery coming to an end, I think it's pretty likely. I'm sure that's how they could factor in Janeway too rather than giving her a show of her own.

Reading that back though I think it's more wishful thinking on my part but it makes sense to me!
Here's the thing..for me.

A Matalas driven 25th century series would be interesting

But SNW is fun

I'm gonna go with fun, I've got enough stress in my every day life for anything more interesting
A year ago, I would have said that the chances of a Star Trek: Seven of Nine/Star Trek: Legacy/Star Trek: Enterprise-G (whatever you want to call it) spinoff would have been very high. Terry Matalas has proven he can deliver a very popular show that is broadly satisfying even to people like me who were more skeptical, and he clearly laid the groundwork for a spinoff starring Seven of Nine to carry the baton into the 25th Century. And it seemed like having this spinoff ready would enable Paramount+ to continue its goal of releasing new Star Trek almost every week of the year.

But, in the past year, streamers have started to come under much heavier external economic pressure than they did previously. All the major studio streamers have been operating at a loss for a while as part of a strategy to build up a large enough back catalog to entice subscribers to stay subscribed all year round; it was the plan to operate at a loss for a few years. But they've all been around a few years now, and unless I'm mistaken the single-studio streamers are mostly not turning a profit yet, and Wall Street is starting to put much more pressure on their studios to get the streamers to turn a profit. That means cutting costs.

We already know that Paramount+ is committed to keeping Strange New Worlds in production at least through season three. We know they're ending Discovery after season five and we know they've ordered a Starfleet Academy spinoff from Discovery. I speculate that this Starfleet Academy show will be cheaper to produce than Discovery or Strange New Worlds, because it can probably do a lot more Earth-based sets that don't need to be as expensive as starship sets, and because it can probably use the existing 32nd-Century set infrastructure from Discovery (like the Federation Headquarters sets), in much the same way that The Next Generation saved money by redressing sets originally built for the TOS films.

Ultimately, I think (and I could be wrong about this) that the question is whether Paramount+ will be able to turn itself around and earn a profit, and that part of that question is whether the money saved by producing Starfleet Academy will enable them to afford to produce Legacy alongside Strange New Worlds and Starfleet Academy. If nothing else, the fact that they've already built quite a few sets for the Enterprise-G gives them some affordability advantages. But it's not clear to me yet whether or not Paramount+ will be able to afford to continue to produce three very expensive-looking sci-fi action shows simultaneously.

Alternately, maybe they could but we'd see a major reduction in all three shows' budgets? Beats me. Modern TVs have such high resolution that I wonder if it's even possible to do a lower-budget show that looks decent anymore.
I remember being so certain that there would be another session of Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance because not only it was it such great storytelling but from a budgeting perspective they'd already built the majority of puppets and sets but then... well, it just never happened. You're right that fan demand is one thing but all these decisions are based on profit which, currently, may not be there
Fairly likely, and it will probably be early 2400s. Question is what the crew will be.

Jon Frakes has expressed a lot of interest as an Admiral Riker, Jeri Ryan's Captain Seven, Michelle Hurd's Raffi, Ashley Sharpe Chestnut as Sidney LaForge, Jack Crusher, etc.

There's an interested core there already. LeVar Burton has expressed interest in coming back in a less-frequent yet still recurring role as Geordi, etc.
Jon Frakes has expressed a lot of interest as an Admiral Riker, Jeri Ryan's Captain Seven, Michelle Hurd's Raffi, Ashley Sharpe Chestnut as Sidney LaForge, Jack Crusher, etc.

There's an interested core there already. LeVar Burton has expressed interest in coming back in a less-frequent yet still recurring role as Geordi, etc.

Yeah, I think it's clear that all the ingredients are there to do Star Trek: Seven of Nine/Star Trek: Legacy. The only question is whether Paramount+ can afford to do it (or, rather, whether Paramount+ thinks Seven of Nine/Legacy would attract enough regular subscribers to be worth the cost).
As long as the production is stuck in California (which was one of SPS's requirements..I can't blame him, I'd hate to have to travel like that for work at 80+)..it won't be affordable.
In my magical creative Q moment of unlimited power.

1: 25th century Jeri Ryan led show, 3 seasons of 12-15 episodes. Some TNG cast as recurring supporting characters. Dealing with the post-Frontier Day issues and the post dominion war bajoran/cardassian/klingon relations. There's the DS9 opportunity

2: SNW

3: 2320-2350's era Starfleet Academy series dealing with the "lost era"

I have spoken
As long as the production is stuck in California (which was one of SPS's requirements..I can't blame him, I'd hate to have to travel like that for work at 80+)..it won't be affordable.

Yeah, I think it's a given that Paramount+ would want to produce the show in Toronto.
Prior to the announcement that they were planning to go ahead with the Starfleet Academy show I would have said high.

Now though? I would say it's unlikely because that show and SNW are likely to eat up Paramount's entire live action Star Trek budget.
I think the only reason the SFA show is gonna be a 32nd century thing is to take advantage of existing Discovery assets, so it'll be cheaper.
I've been kind of dubious of it happening, but the past few days, I've started to admit that I could seeing it actually happening. There's definitely a lot of support on twitter, in media, and around for it that I didn't expect. So still dubious but definitely seeing a lot of support I wasn't exactly expecting. Idk. I can see it happening but wouldn't be surprised either if it doesn't.

I assume the cast would be Seven, Raffi, Jack, Sidney, and a few other new characters. Terry Matalas keeps bringing up Kestra being in the Academy and Jonathan Frakes is the main TNG cast member hyping it up so I guess they'd toss her on there too as the ensign so Riker and Deanna can make appearances. I don't love the idea of the show basically being Seven and Raffi having to supervise and mentor all the legacy kids so I hope there's more to it than that if it happens. I'd love it however if this lead to us being able to get some real follow up on some DS9 or Voyager characters and storylines though.

I don't think it'd do as good as Picard because there's not the reunion aspect to it. But I do think Seven is popular enough that she could get enough people interested.
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It not being a TNG reunion-ish story will diminish viewership but IMO will make the writers less likely to engage in unabashed nostalgiabaiting

Yes of course you will have some people who rage at anything and everything because of any number of reasons, so any legacy characters coming back like Kira, or Bashir, or Alexander or Ezri would invariably produce screaming, but those people either need to adapt or be ignored..they're not genuine most of the time.

I'm not sure the budget would be there in any case..the 90's were a super super rare time when you had two concurrent full scale trek shows for the majority of the decade (TNG and DS9 had a two season Overlap, DS9 and Voyager had a 4 season overlap) plus *four* major motion pictures in one decade at the same time as multiple TV series running.

That lightning isn't gonna come back