Night Court revival

Last week's sensitivity-training episode didn't do much for me. The only part I really liked was the payoff of the Wyatt/Dan "thank you" subplot.
Last week's sensitivity-training episode didn't do much for me. The only part I really liked was the payoff of the Wyatt/Dan "thank you" subplot.
So what was wrong with it? Seems like it opened up a whole bunch of possibilities, and giving every one some thing fun.
Is it not on this week?

They took the week off.

This type of week skipping doesn't make much sense, annoying... I also avoided this thread for a minute because i thought there was a new episode and didn't want to be spoiled.

=== And just so you know...

March 5 is "Chips Ahoy" = Dan weasels his way into a legendary underground Navy poker game during FLeet Week. I wonder if Wyatt will have spent time as a casino worker, giving him an in , in this episode (or else military time, even if it is brief)

And then March 12 -- the eagerly anticipated "Wheelers of Fortune" "Surprises are in store for Dan when the Wheelers return to court after more than 30 years" Wonder how many Data/ Next Generation jokes are in store for us.

Interesting that Dan is the main character for both episodes.... but they should have something for everyone to do.
It wasn't on this week, but we happen to be watching the original on DVD during dinner this week, so that worked out okay. :lol:
The name's Wheeler. Bob and June Wheeler.

Ask for no substitutes.

Night Court is on my list of all-time favorite TV shows but I'm not sure how I feel about this. Is Larroquette the only returning cast member? I'll give it a shot unless it's only on a streaming service, but sometimes when they revive these old shows you definitely get a feeling of 'you can't go home again'. I think the tone of the show is going to be very different.

Marsha Warfield returned as Roz in one episode, IIRC.
So... This week had some moments. And I'm pretty sure they were all Olivia. OTOH, I don't actually remember how the poker game ended. That's bad, right?

MAYBE a couple of moments with Wyatt. Sometimes a week of sitcom TV is just a week of sitcom TV.

The last five or ten minutes did embrace the madness that is Night Court rather nicely.
We're watching the original during dinner this week, and landed on the story arc where Harry fostered Leon, played by Bumper Robinson, the kid who had a shoe-shine stand in the courthouse. THAT would be an interesting thread to revisit in the new show. He's sorta-kinda-maybe Abbie's foster brother, sorta. He's still working, doing mostly cartoon voices these days.