Night Court revival

Rumor has it that Kate Micucci will be playing the Wheeler's daughter (should be fun). The original Carol Anne Wheeler, Keri Houlihan hasn't done any acting since 1992.

At least we can stop wondering if she got "Chuck Cunninham'd" since she was only in the first of three appearances by the Wheelers.
More Kate Micucci is always a major plus, no matter the role!
I found last week's musical/funeral episode with Richard Kind mediocre, though Gurgs's subplot was the best part; Lacretta has a good singing voice.

There are a lot of strong voices in the cast -- maybe they should do a whole musical episode.
Just kidding.-- i know we got someone who won't comment on this episode for a week ;)

Let's see: John Astin alive. Richard Moll deceased. Anybody else use that catch phrase on NC: TOS?

Buddy, of course, would also be Abby's grandfather, making an appearance quite natural.

It really is sad we won't ever see Richard Moll. It would have been amazing

If John Asttin would be willing -- it'd be awesome.

ANy chance he could bring Sean Astin as well?

Do we think the HR guy will be back?

COunt me in too as saying without a doubt. He kinda has the personality of Abby's ex-fiance. And plenty of other situations they can bring him in.

I'd be shocked if he didn't return.

Wyatt is fitting in very nicely and I quite enjoyed his little feud with Dan. As one of the few people who actually liked Neil, even I think it's already clear Wyatt works better with these characters than Neil ever did.

Neill was kind of a one-note character --- a "loser" that they never really addressed. Being a child of an Asian immigrant parent -- i can totally see that being the theme of an episode --disappointing your parents.they will have him fit in wherever they can't with anyone else (so DJ and male stripper this episode). LOved his DJ rendition of the court flow of cases.

Wyatt, on the other hand, has had so many jobs (and friends with connections0 that

I really do like how they are switching up interactions every episode so everyone has an episode with another cast mate. That builds them as a workplace family (don't tell the HR guy!)
This was one of the best episodes. The barber shop quartet was wonderful. Dan is a genius.

Olivia is still my favorite. I don't even think the actress changed at all. They just figured out how to write for her.

I really do like how they are switching up interactions every episode so everyone has an episode with another cast mate.
Excellent way to put it.
This was one of the best episodes. The barber shop quartet was wonderful. Dan is a genius.

Olivia is still my favorite. I don't even think the actress changed at all. They just figured out how to write for her.

For me, Olivia in the first season felt like one of those SNL sketches where the comedian is trying to hard.

I think you're right that the writing for her has been better...but i also think directors are better using her.

Excellent way to put it.

Thank you! -- In the way Dan meant it at the very end of the episode --and not the Dan Fielding way in 99% of the episode!


Night Court of the 2020's is the first sitcom i have watched regularly for over 30 years, and one of the few i am watching first run (as opposed to all the syndicated reruns when i was a kid.
My only problem is the rapid-fire delivery and my tires old hearing problems. I miss a LOT of the dialog. I'm resisting turning on the CC out of stubbornness, but I may have to soon.