Game New game: Star Trek Infinite

Will some one please create a mod for this game so that the interface looks more LCARS like and therefore more authentically 24th century Star Trek? They could hire Michael Okuda to help as he is good at making Okudagrams? :shrug:

Klingon interface needs to look more Klingon too, same for the other factions. This looks like a generic game with a loosely fitting Star Trek skin.

I'm having fun with it, but it could have done with a little more effort in the presentation. Something that annoys me about these games too - the damn music. Why can't we get something that doesn't sound like wallpaper? Even the track "The Enterprise" or "Make it so" doesn't sound like anything like TNG.
Not bad so far. Found that consoles code work, so it was handy giving myself some alloys and influence. Hopefully there will be some mods so other things can be improved.
I have tried Stellaris but gave up due to the complexity and necessary time investment.

For 30 bucks i am giving this another shot because of all the familiar elements but man, that complexity is back with a vengeance. I'll give it a more in depth look over the weekend. Wanted to play Klingons but i guess i'll stick with the Federation to learn the mechanics of the game.
Played a bit more, it kinda feels like it has that problem that many Trek games seem to have with licenses. It'd feel like it'd be better off starting in the Enterprise era and proceeding to mid-game being TNG.
^ That would have been interesting to see. Still having fun with the game. Maybe in time there will be other Starfleet ships and information on what research is needed for certain ships.

So far the only military ship I can build is Miranda class. Played about 8 or 9 years in the game. Might look at it again after dinner. Working on getting the Enterprise-D. I could cheat, but I want to get it the proper way.
Probably be mods or DLC for Earlier eras. And certainly the Gamma and Delta Quadrants. (I wasn't paying enough attention to the questlines and took too long to get through some time, so I missed Evacuating Romulas and didn't spend any effort on Bajor. I could have done both, but again I wasn't paying attention to what I needed to complete the questlines.) Maybe a second, non-tutoral playthrough will get those completed (I image I'll have the USS Cerritos for an actually playthrough.)
^ From what I understand there will be no console versions. Only available on PC and mac.

Tuskin38 - Agreed. Even thou I have around 900 hours in Stellaris, most of those are from several years ago, as I lost interest in the game over the last few years. This is more fun - even with some technical problems, such as unable to see the artwork.
I'm debating whether to get the game now or wait. I want the game. I love space 4X games a lot. I am a huge Star Trek fan. I used to play Birth of the Federation for hours. I enjoy Stellaris. Having a Star Trek game with the Stellaris mechanics is a dream come true. But a lot of early reviews on Steam say the game is basically unfinished, bare bones. For example, it only has 4 playable races, only one map to play that is small. $30 for an "unfinished" game seems a bit steep. I'm seeing a lot of mixed reviews. And knowing how Paradox does things, we will likely see a bunch of patches and paid DLCs that will "finish" the game. So it might be worth waiting for the DLCs that complete the game? Also, the game will likely be on sale at Christmas time. So perhaps wait for the Christmas sale and pick up the game at a discount?
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I'm debating whether to get the game now or wait. I want the game. I love space 4X games a lot. I am a huge Star Trek fan. I used to play Birth of the Federation for hours. I enjoy Stellaris. Having a Star Trek game with the Stellaris mechanics is a dream come true. But a lot of early reviews on Steam say the game is basically unfinished, bare bones. For example, it only has 4 playable races, only one map to play that is small. $30 for an "unfinished" game seems a bit steep. I'm seeing a lot of mixed reviews. And knowing how Paradox does things, we will likely see a bunch of patches and paid DLCs that will "finish" the game. So it might be worth waiting for the DLCs that complete the game? Also, the game will likely be on sale at Christmas time. So perhaps wait for the Christmas sale and pick up the game at a discount?

I am doing the same thing, waiting for patches and when the game is cheaper
Missions are a really cool way to differentiate it from Stellaris, but it still needs work because you can easily get blocked from the requirements.
Unfortunately, the Mac version has a bug where it crashes if you try to play the tutorial. Starting a normal campaign works fine, but I've never played Stellaris before, and it does not seem to be the kind of game where you can just figure out what to do cold. There have already been a couple of hotfixes, hopefully it'll be solved in the next couple days.
I just kept playing Stellaris til I "got it". Same here.

I'm having fun, but there are some weird decisions when it comes to the game and the bugs are jarring. The lack of ship designs is jarring, I only have access to Miranda and Intrepid. Surely it would have been Miranda -> Excelsior or Ambassador? The overall presentation is decent enough, but I think a bit more effort on the UI to make it look like each race would have been welcome. Same with sound effects, they don't sound like Trek phasers or torpedoes - it still sounds like Stellaris.
I got some mods from the paradox page - which I am hoping will improve the game. One is getting Excelsiors at the start of the game.

Bur checking they don't seem to work or appear.
Man, it's a lot of fun but the Borg thing as Klingons was a real immersion breaker. Not only that, but they were extraordinarily easy to beat with my starting ships and tech.
I've gotten Miranda, Intrepid, Excelsior, California, and Defiant-classes. the last Borg related mission says something about having a number of Sovereign-class, so I image we get those at some point.

A lot of the missions are front loaded so you need to get through a bunch of stuff in the first 50 years (when Romulus explodes). In Stellaris, you don't really get to the larger ships until you are over a hundred years into the game. Miranda seem to translate to Destroyer. Intrepid as a Cruiser. Defiant comes with the upgrade of the Enterprise to the 1701-E, and seems like a Corvette sized ships with a kick. Excelsior seems to be the Battleship, so I image the Sovereign is the Titan-class.

Star Trek: Infinite's Victory screen shows that the game (on default) will end in the year 2646. So three hundred years after the start of the game. Last I played I was in I think the year 2411, or so, and pretty much explored every star system, but it will take a long time to expand into all of that. I did notice that there are some stars away off near the edges of the map. The anomalies are not in the same place every time, and I think the minor powers are in different places aside from the starting ones that each major power is expected to interact with from turn one.

The hardest part for me so far has been Bajor. Liberating it seems to be an issue if you let Cardassia absorb it (which I thought would have started a way if they went to integrate...I was wrong). I did get into a war with myself allied to the Romulas against both the Cardassians and Klingons, but I didn't have enough Influence to claim Bajor (needed something like 280 Influence for just the one system). And because the Federation can only fight defensive wars, I can't claim the system outside of a how am I suppose to get Bajor liberated now? I got another two hundred years, so maybe another war will happen...its just that with all the systems still needing to be taken, it will be hard to keep 300 or so Influence handy just for Bajor (Stellaris has Influence for claims down a lot lower...also for just taking systems. The lowest I've seen is 86 Influence, with some systems being 103 or 120 without might difference. I've not quite gotten use to how the warp ranges function in relation to starbases and if that can be upgraded with upgraded starbases or not. I know there is tech that will increase ranges, but it seems like I have a lot of tech to go through still.

I image there will be DLC and mods that add the other quadrants (and powers, mostly from the Delta Quadrant since we saw more of those on Voyager's trip, while the Gamma Quadrant has basically just the Dominion). I don't think you will be the Borg at any point (unless you are the Crisis). But I could see someone modding the game into the 2140s or 2240s starting period, or even a Kelvinverse version starting in 2233 with Nero's entry and the destruction of the USS Kelvin in place of the Khitomer Massacre. For the 2140s, there could either be more major powers, or you could be just about any minor power, as Earth, Vulcan, Andor, Tellar, would all be minor powers. The NX-01 Enterprise would be the mission for Earth in that era. For the 2240s, the Major powers could replace Cardassia with ther Gorn Hegemony, and the NCC-1701 Enterprise would be the mission, Either with Pike's Crew or Kirk's Crew, or have that even be an upgrade path of the Enterprises.
It needs a big rebalance and an update. I did a Klingon playthrough that was going swimmingly, then I got The Borg. Who I swifted defeated with my four fleets (with the default fleet power because the tech has failed to pop) of only Bird of Preys. The dumbest part was that Janeway joined me, the Klingons, after coming home from the Delta Quadrant. It was more of a mid-game inconvenience rather than a universe ending crisis like Stellaris has. Then Janeway is now available to me as a scientist/explorer in charge of a Klingon vessel. It also says she is a Klingon. The fuck?

The Borg event should be Federation exclusive if they're doing that and the Klingons get something else. It also should be an actual end game event. Considering that I beat them back with such a weak fleet of starter ships. I think it should just be a massive Cube turning up and let it play out naturally like in BotF.