Game New game: Star Trek Infinite

Since there is a sale I am contemplating buying. How hard is it to learn, as it seems like a lot of management? Should I seek out the mods before starting, or start and then apply them? I will take any advice, as I am looking for a more casual playing experience.
Since there is a sale I am contemplating buying. How hard is it to learn, as it seems like a lot of management? Should I seek out the mods before starting, or start and then apply them? I will take any advice, as I am looking for a more casual playing experience.

I haven't played it for a while. It's not super easy to learn but more due to the amount of mechanics and possibilities. You'll restart a few times before you get the hang of it - I'm a Stellaris veteran and still restarted two or three times because I'd missed or forgotten a mechanic.

However if you just play on the lowest difficulty and play with the Federation, it'll give you a good start. Something kind of unique is that I've always found it easy enough to "roleplay" my race in Stellaris and still do fairly well. You don't need to cheese it to have a good time AND win.
Do not recall playing Stellaris I will take your advice and start with the UPF. Do I need to frequent save?

It autosaves and you can set how regularly it autosaves. But I wouldn't worry too much. By restart, I mean more that you realise you haven't been efficient or something - but that's just me.

UPF is the easiest because you can diplomacy so many species into your Federation quite easily and peacefully. Romulans are probably the hardest to play.
The development for this game is dead, innit?
What a pity.
I will still enjoy playing it from time to time. It was great to see TNG one-off cultures fleshed out a little, with empire names and emblems. And it yielded the Antares variant for use in STO.
They ended weekly patches at the beginning of December. There has been some talk about trying to continue development, but its not looking great so far.
I wonder if the game could be cannibalized and added into Stellaris (independently of the existing ST conversion mod).
This game was fun for exactly 4 playthroughs, each of the factions.

After that... kind of bleh. It's not bad by any stretch and was clearly made with some love for the source material. It's just a bit too limited.

I had the most fun with the Cardassians.
Not surprising. It was a fun idea, but it really didn't have much in the way of legs.

I'm still going to sit and wait patiently for a proper Birth of the Federation 2. Personally, i'd go more for a Civilization-type 4X game. I think it's a bit more accessible than a Stellaris clone. I think taking the base of Civ 6 could make a pretty decent Trek 4x, it has the ingredients already there.

I really want something that isn't focused on a specific era. It doesn't have to be crazy expansive, I think it's reasonable to do something like 4 main playable empires like Infinite does. Creating a metric ton of units is alot of assets to create, but I think it's reasonable to have an "ENT - TOS - TNG" progression for 4 empires. You don't need 50 ships for each era. Going with a Civ-type model, break it down into archetypes... "Melee", "Ranged", "Siege". You can add more types, but I think those three would suffice. If you want to be stingy and make less work, you need 9 ships per empire (well, you need like, freighters and colony ships and what not).