Game New game: Star Trek Infinite

The Clausewitz Engine stores every possible variable in an xml format so it should be very easy for the developers to implement any kind of Star Trek canon events with various alternate outcomes depending on player choice. Historical grand strategy titles using the same engine had very popular game mods that tried to offset the very random nature of the game by adding tons of historical events like the French Wars of Religion, the English Civil War, the War of Spanish Succession, giving options for the player to influence historical outcomes of succession crises or decide which side to join in a civil war, complete with alternate royal lineages up to the end of the game. If there's a variable governing it, an event could be written for it, with all kinds of conditions governing whether it gets activated or not.
The Clausewitz Engine stores every possible variable in an xml format so it should be very easy for the developers to implement any kind of Star Trek canon events with various alternate outcomes depending on player choice. Historical grand strategy titles using the same engine had very popular game mods that tried to offset the very random nature of the game by adding tons of historical events like the French Wars of Religion, the English Civil War, the War of Spanish Succession, giving options for the player to influence historical outcomes of succession crises or decide which side to join in a civil war, complete with alternate royal lineages up to the end of the game. If there's a variable governing it, an event could be written for it, with all kinds of conditions governing whether it gets activated or not.

I'm starting to think this game might be a better fit for a Babylon 5 scenario, and I kind of want to make it (I'm sure there's already a Stellaris mod, but is there one they way I'd do it?).
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They're not going to allow non-Star Trek mods on the Steam Workshop, though that wouldn't stop you from uploading it somewhere else.

It was mentioned in the Q&A that Paramount also has rules for mods, so that might be on them.


They're probably restrictive because of Paramount and the licensing agreements that come with this stuff. There were absolutely no mods for BSG Deadlock, not even basic ones like replacing portraits because of that.

The Stellaris workshop is full of stuff that should be struck down by copyright, including the Trek mod.
I've never played any of these. Are they open sandbox style? Or more akin to games where you simply choose missions, and follow a general storyline linear path?
I've never played any of these. Are they open sandbox style? Or more akin to games where you simply choose missions, and follow a general storyline linear path?

Stellaris being called "sandbox" wouldn't really be true. But no, one of the reasons I love it is because the early game is a lot of exploration and every game is different. But you will end up getting some missions that are the same. But, for example, Stellaris has end game events when the galaxy is settled and fully working. It also has stuff like mid game events and AI uprisings that are random. That's why the game if fantastic, there is no campaign, your game just develops naturally.

This game looks to be more controlled with set events and a campaign, but still lots of branching.
See, that's sort of why I loved Warframe so much (Nezha ftw! Klem!)--it was always different evvery time, and you could explore at your leisure. Tbh, Warframe is really just nerd porn with its stupefyingly detailed backgrounds and all.

As soon as I get more money, I'll be getting Mass Effect Legendary Edition, but the Star Trek games are on the list, too.
Stellaris (and other space 4X games are a lot of fun). It will be interesting to see what this game is like. I've heard a few things about certain hero ships (Enterprise-D and Cerritos, and probably others) - with what they can do.

There will be missions that can be done, Can still decide on what decide dealing with. There is a lot of grand strategy in this game. Watching some videos on youtube, as I'm pumped for this.
the Cerritos and Enterprise-D hero ships are immortal, when they loose a battle they'll just go MIA for a few in-game months and will re-appear needing to be repaired and recrewed.
the Cerritos and Enterprise-D hero ships are immortal, when they loose a battle they'll just go MIA for a few in-game months and will re-appear needing to be repaired and recrewed.
That could happen in Stellaris, your fleet or ships scatter during battle rather than fighting to the death, retreat and then turn back up later for refueling and restocking or to rebuild your fleet.
A twitch streamer named RevDeuce got permission to stream some of the press build of Infinite tonight at 9PM eastern
^ So I take that is about 3 hours or so (as Melbourne is about 15 hours ahead of eastern time in the USA). Awesome.
I just wish this thing was coming to Xbox. Maybe, like Stellaris, one day. I don't really have a modern-enough computer to run it.

I just wish this thing was coming to Xbox. Maybe, like Stellaris, one day. I don't really have a modern-enough computer to run it.
The system requirements have stuff listed that are a decade old or more.
You don't need a computer built in the last couple years to run it.