Game New game: Star Trek Infinite

The late game is a complete mess. The Borg event was really disappointing and leads nowhere, so the true end game menace seems to be the infinite numbers of pirates who can send fleets into your territory and destroy your outposts with little warning - warp range damned. Then lots of bugs just develop, you're pretty much gonna end up at war regardless of what you do becauseof border tensions.

It's great, it just needs a lot of revision/fine tuning that I'm sceptical if it'll get. I do hope that whoever is running the Paramount games division takes this approach though, BSG Deadlock was fucking awesome and I'd love to see a crack with that battle system in Trek.
To make my current game a little interesting, I looked at what other races there were (with the play command and then by putting a number). Started some wars between the minor races for a laugh, as well as starting the Klingon - Cardassia war. At some future stage I'll get the Cardassians to declare war on me so I can claim some systems.
Well I've finished up a Klingon playthrough and enjoyed it a lot, it has some glaring problems and a few bugs - this is the BotF replacement I've waited years for. I'd recommend it, but be aware that it has quite the learning curve and you shouldn't be afraid to restart a few times. I've played Stellaris a lot and still had to restart a few times once i figured out a mechanic or how to specialise a planet better.
Mods are now working on steam. I reckon there will be more over the weekend released. I decided on starting a new Federation game. Might look at the Klingons over the weekend.
Romulans are a real challenge, I actually made a misstep in trusting the Federation who then dragged me into a war on two fronts that I couldn't fight.

Federation is a bit too easy and obviously the most fleshed out.
The only issue I've had so far is where some of the races will colonise - for example Vulcans should like a hot climate, but all the four Federations like the same climate. I know it would give an unfair advantage to Federation players.
As someone who has enjoyed it immensely, it should have had an early access period. Some things just don't work or transfer well from Stellaris. Some do.
Well, I played through the tutorial and a couple false-starts, then finished my first Federation play-through (on minimal difficulty). There are obviously some bugs and QOL issues (they could probably just do a group-replace of "FTL" for "warp," some neutral fleets had a "Borg" icon, one early Borg mission never depopulated, there's a literal mission about founding Deep Space Nine, but all the space stations around Bajor are the generic alien design, not the specific Cardassian one). Bajor being integrated into the Cardassian Union caught me by surprise, but I was able to send an envoy over to annoy them into starting a war with me, so I was able to liberate it (and a few other systems). I was disappointed that the Klingons allied with the Cardassians during the war, but for some reason, they just didn't care for me on this run the way they had before.

There was another odd thing, that was probably down to how Stellaris works. I was on pretty good terms with the Romulans the whole time through, and did the evacuation (that should probably a bit more hands-on than just "build one big transport then you're done), but they never really warmed to me. The culmination was after Romulus was destroyed, I surveyed the system, claimed it, then built an orbital habitat and colonized with a ship full of Romulans. I felt that was still a little weird, though, but then I noticed I could cede (some) systems in the trade deal box. I had a maxed out starbase, a very expensive artificial world, already populated by their own people, and the Romulans were so disinclined to trade with me that I had to throw in ten thousand tons of alloys without asking for anything back to get them to agree.

Part of it's probably down to having the game set to easy, but by that point I was maxing out on resources, no one was bothering me I had my science and science-adjacent ships on auto-survey, and was filling in starbases and mines sometimes, but not as a priority. The game had just gotten too big to manage by that point. I had dozens of fleets in the sidebar, hundreds of empty ones in the fleet manager, dozens of planets and starbases, even with them all set to "auto," and once I found the pirate headquarters and made peace, that was pretty much the end of things, and then I was waiting for ages with next to nothing happening, researching new technologies to get the Sovereign-class blueprints so I could reach the end of the mission tree (to be fair, I'd already won on "Civics" a while earlier, but that was very anticlimactic). Raising the cap for an individual fleet helped make that more managable, but it should've happened much earlier in the game, especially considering how having governments join the Federation inflates your fleet count (especially with useless, uncommanded science ships). By the time the Borg actually came, I was able to smash them easily. It probably would've been more challenging if they'd been quicker on the draw with their invasion instead of sitting at the highway nodes and waiting for me to come to them, with only a couple of ships actually attacking.

I do agree that this does feel very "beta." There's areas of polish missing (oddly, the Enterprise-D has custom textures, but the Enterprise-E doesn't), some strange decisions (I would've flipped the Intrepid and the Excelsior in the tech-tree, at the least), and I could use some more diplomacy options, especially among the big four (I couldn't figure out how to even ask the Romulans to help me with the Klingons and the Cardassians. You evacuate an entire homeworld, and that's the thanks you get...).
It feels early access because there are a lot of strange and easily fixable issues that shouldn't have got through any kind of QA which have become very common complaints. I think having to cheese a lot of the story missions can be annoying, sometimes it works in directing your Empire and sometimes it doesn't - perfect example is the Bajor/DS9 issue with the Federation.

It's still a lot of fun though and will no doubt have continuing support - it also looks like we're seeing official mod support for now. I definitely wouldn't play below Admiral difficulty once you know the mechanics.
Dev Blogs and updates have continued at a weekly pace, and this week's Dev Blog has announced they're doing a cross-promotion with Star Trek Online, where the Antares variant of the Miranda that STI (inexplicably) uses will be gifted to STO players who also own Infinite.
Might give it another whirl, but I'm waiting for a few more bug fixes and updates. I'm hoping in future major updates, they overhaul the Borg event and have a proper end game crisis. I think The Borg chain should be Federation exclusive, each faction should have their own crisis (Klingon Civil War, Romulan Supernova/Shinzon) and the end game should be The Borg.
I saw that about the STO. Been looking at the game, just busy with other things. Noticed there are several mods. I'll get around to playing at some stage.