Game New game: Star Trek Infinite

*Me, looking at the formation beacons on the ships and stations*

Those lights are blinking out of sequence. Someone should get them to blink in sequence.

This looks really good. I can't wait to immerse myself this weekend. I'll defintetly start with Federation but will end up trying all the factions at some point.
There are a few things in the video that bother me that are Stellaris hold overs, like Riker being 83 and the ships having numbers instead of -A or -B. I'm hoping mods fix that.
Here is gameplay from someone that got early access to the game. He starts from the beginning and plays for a couple of hours. I never played Stellaris so this was very helpful. Obvious spoilers.

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Looks like Stellaris with a Trek skin. Which is perfect. It's basically BotF but better.

Gonna be taking up most of my weekend...
Hoping one day we’ll see if it gets a console treatment. If it does well on PC/Macs, it may be worth their time to do a port.
Geez, the Steam forum for that game is toxic AF. Reminds me of why I avoid the fandom for the most part.

Hope the game goes well. I'm going to hold off for a sale.
Hoping one day we’ll see if it gets a console treatment. If it does well on PC/Macs, it may be worth their time to do a port.
They say no plans to do so but Stellaris works well on console and must be doing well as they keep releasing content (although lagging behind PC).

So I’m hopeful if this does well we’ll see it.
Geez, the Steam forum for that game is toxic AF. Reminds me of why I avoid the fandom for the most part.

Hope the game goes well. I'm going to hold off for a sale.
Steam forums are always full of trolls and extreme toxicity. I've been ploughing through BG3 recently and checked it out a few times, at least one topic is always on the front complaining about the LGBTQ+ agenda and being "forced" into being gay by some dweeb with an anime avatar.
Geez, the Steam forum for that game is toxic AF. Reminds me of why I avoid the fandom for the most part.

Hope the game goes well. I'm going to hold off for a sale.
Biggest gripes seem to be that it's too much like Stellaris. While it uses the same engine, I don't see the big deal. I use to love Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds and that used the Age of Kings engine. If the game is fun to play, what difference does it make?
Geez, the Steam forum for that game is toxic AF. Reminds me of why I avoid the fandom for the most part.
I thought about making a drinking game post about every time I saw someone say that this game was just stellaris with new skin, or that it was needed or people getting confused about who made. There are some good folks there.
Biggest gripes seem to be that it's too much like Stellaris. While it uses the same engine, I don't see the big deal. I use to love Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds and that used the Age of Kings engine. If the game is fun to play, what difference does it make?
The best Trek games like Elite Force and BotF were just mods of other games. I don't see anything wrong with it.
The game's live. Haven't played it yet, but I got the deluxe edition, and it's a little disquieting that the included soundtrack has no metadata in the files. And the filenames have no spaces. And that seemed to be how whoever got them uploaded them to Steam, since there are some guesses that seem to be incorrect with regard to spaces and apostrophes. Or maybe not, maybe there's a jazzy version of the Romulan theme from "Balance of Terror" and "The Raptor Swing" isn't a typo, but a pun.

(It's a typo. Though I can't blame whoever it was for also missing spaces/apostrophes in "Kal'Hyah," "Ni'var," and "Pledor Joi." I didn't even remember the last one.)
They need to improve that Klingon VA sharpish, it sounds like some random guy. It caught me off guard.
Will some one please create a mod for this game so that the interface looks more LCARS like and therefore more authentically 24th century Star Trek? They could hire Michael Okuda to help as he is good at making Okudagrams? :shrug:

Klingon interface needs to look more Klingon too, same for the other factions. This looks like a generic game with a loosely fitting Star Trek skin.