Karl Urban -- blond or brunet?

Why does Simon Pegg look like he arrives, goes in, stays for one minute and come straight out again - did he forget his door key or something?
I'm pretty sure those are all just the "good bits", edited together and posted as one YouTube clip. There could have been a couple of hours between Pegg's arrival and departure, but who wants to watch a closed door the whole time? Same for the rest -- there could have been gaps of many minutes between Cho's and Saldana's and Quinto's and Pine's departures, though they look here like bing-bing-bing, one after another. (I'd bet there were also a bunch of false-start, "hey, isn't that ______?" *start camera* "oh, s*** - it's just some nobody" *stop camera* bits which got left out, too.)


Well that's the sensible response ;)

I suppose it all looks like it's happening at the same time because it's all at night so the lighting never changes.

I wonder who decided that everyone got saloon cars except Zoe who apparently rates a mini-van.

And did Karl really call after the pregnant lady and say "I think you're a virgin!" or was that just my (horrified) hearing :eek:
I didn't hear that; but after the microphone eating, it's clear he'll do or say just about anything! :lol:

I actually never saw Zoë; I'm assuming she was in that knot that came out after Chris, surrounded by people.
And did Karl really call after the pregnant lady and say "I think you're a virgin!" or was that just my (horrified) hearing :eek:

I did hear the word "virgin," but can't catch the rest. I'm hoping it's just a private joke between the two of them. Although he does seem to have a touch of the outrageous in him, so it could very well be.

ETA: Jeri, Zoe is the one who walks across the street, right in front of the cameras while saying something like "Thanks, guys" (can't access it at work, so I'm not positive) and then gets into the minivan across the street from the door. There's another woman behind her. I don't remember whether she's before or after Chris Pine.
*wail* Trek's gone from my cinema of choice!

I shall have to go through this thread and watch all the interviews again - little snippets of Karl as McCoy :)

I have something that might tide you over, trampledamage. I'm hoping we can post links to stuff on You Tube here--I went through the rules and didn't see anything, but if I'm over the line here, mods, I apologize and please let me know. This is a video that was shot after the Star Trek premiere afterparty in London. Karl comes in about 2 minutes into it, and he's absolutely adorable--making hand gestures, singing, talking to people--plus he looks devastatingly handsome. Almost even better, he appears to be a gentleman (swoon). I came across it last night and had to watch it twice. I hope it takes care of the withdrawal!


Thanks for the link. Just watching him interact with them brought a smile to my face. He is a gentleman, and I also liked how Zach also talked briefly to the phototogs. Also enjoyed the impromptu singing that he did. :)
And did Karl really call after the pregnant lady and say "I think you're a virgin!" or was that just my (horrified) hearing :eek:

I did hear the word "virgin," but can't catch the rest. I'm hoping it's just a private joke between the two of them. Although he does seem to have a touch of the outrageous in him, so it could very well be.

Glad it wasn't just me!

We definitely need to take him out to dinner, it would be a blast!
Why does Simon Pegg look like he arrives, goes in, stays for one minute and come straight out again - did he forget his door key or something?
I'm pretty sure those are all just the "good bits", edited together and posted as one YouTube clip. There could have been a couple of hours between Pegg's arrival and departure, but who wants to watch a closed door the whole time? Same for the rest -- there could have been gaps of many minutes between Cho's and Saldana's and Quinto's and Pine's departures, though they look here like bing-bing-bing, one after another. (I'd bet there were also a bunch of false-start, "hey, isn't that ______?" *start camera* "oh, s*** - it's just some nobody" *stop camera* bits which got left out, too.)


Well that's the sensible response ;)

I suppose it all looks like it's happening at the same time because it's all at night so the lighting never changes.
Yeah, it's hard to tell with no other reference marks, but I've known people who did surveillance work in insurance-fraud cases and you do end up with a lot of junk footage while trying to get the good bits; you just edit out all the dross and save what you came for, which is what this clip looks like. It can't be much different for the paparazzi; they're just more obvious about it.

I wonder who decided that everyone got saloon cars except Zoe who apparently rates a mini-van.
She seems to have an entourage (or is that a posse? I'm so behind on the terminology, any more. :p )

And did Karl really call after the pregnant lady and say "I think you're a virgin!" or was that just my (horrified) hearing :eek:
I can make out what seems to be the word 'virgin', but for all I can tell he may have been talking about what airline they were flying out on in the morning. Looks like it could have been a joke, too, but the audio isn't clear enough to tell.

I actually never saw Zoë; I'm assuming she was in that knot that came out after Chris, surrounded by people.
ETA: Jeri, Zoe is the one who walks across the street, right in front of the cameras while saying something like "Thanks, guys" (can't access it at work, so I'm not positive) and then gets into the minivan across the street from the door. There's another woman behind her. I don't remember whether she's before or after Chris Pine.
Just after.
I have something that might tide you over, trampledamage. I'm hoping we can post links to stuff on You Tube here--I went through the rules and didn't see anything, but if I'm over the line here, mods, I apologize and please let me know. This is a video that was shot after the Star Trek premiere afterparty in London. Karl comes in about 2 minutes into it, and he's absolutely adorable--making hand gestures, singing, talking to people--plus he looks devastatingly handsome. Almost even better, he appears to be a gentleman (swoon). I came across it last night and had to watch it twice. I hope it takes care of the withdrawal!


:lol: Urban is the man.
He always looks like he's having an enormous fun being part of Trek.

He's one of those few actors I'd actually like to hang out for a beer or be friends with.
I was having nightmare thoughts yesterday evening.

That in Trek XII the writers and director decide they really want to show that this is a new universe. How best to do that? Kill off one of the main characters. But if you really want to screw with your audience's expectations, you take the Joss Whedon approach and don't pussy-foot around with one of the secondary set - like Chekov or Scotty. You go for the main three - like they attempted to with Wrath of Khan. But Spock's been killed before, you really can't kill Kirk.

So that leaves McCoy :eek:

I swear, if I hear Joss Whedon's name associated with Trek XII, I'm crawling under a rock and not coming out again!
I was having nightmare thoughts yesterday evening.

That in Trek XII the writers and director decide they really want to show that this is a new universe. How best to do that? Kill off one of the main characters. But if you really want to screw with your audience's expectations, you take the Joss Whedon approach and don't pussy-foot around with one of the secondary set - like Chekov or Scotty. You go for the main three - like they attempted to with Wrath of Khan. But Spock's been killed before, you really can't kill Kirk.

So that leaves McCoy :eek:

I swear, if I hear Joss Whedon's name associated with Trek XII, I'm crawling under a rock and not coming out again!
They've killed McCoy before, too, though, and that wasn't even allowed to stick until the end of the episode. Besides, if McCoy were to die, who's going to be the one to intone "he's dead, Jim"? There are some things you just don't mess with, and I think that may be one of them.
I was having nightmare thoughts yesterday evening.

That in Trek XII the writers and director decide they really want to show that this is a new universe. How best to do that? Kill off one of the main characters. But if you really want to screw with your audience's expectations, you take the Joss Whedon approach and don't pussy-foot around with one of the secondary set - like Chekov or Scotty. You go for the main three - like they attempted to with Wrath of Khan. But Spock's been killed before, you really can't kill Kirk.

So that leaves McCoy :eek:

I swear, if I hear Joss Whedon's name associated with Trek XII, I'm crawling under a rock and not coming out again!
They've killed McCoy before, too, though, and that wasn't even allowed to stick until the end of the episode. Besides, if McCoy were to die, who's going to be the one to intone "he's dead, Jim"? There are some things you just don't mess with, and I think that may be one of them.

Let's hope JJ knows that you are always right!
I am?

If it means McCoy doesn't get killed in the next movie, I'll swear to it :shifty:

Well let me throw this bit in... TOS worked so well because of the triad of characters working together to solve problems. Kirk played the leader with Spock representing logic and McCoy emotion. Kirk would not have been the effective leader he turned out to be without having those two voices in his life helping him to make decisions. You silence one of those voices you silence a key piece of the character puzzle. You also silence story conflict (logic vs emotion) and huge comic potential. Face it JJ, McCoy is hysterical. Always was, always will be.

And one last bit, Urban's performance is one of the things fans and non fans are raving about all over the net. He has won hearts and JJ would be stupid to mess with that.
This is the triad in the movie. They are introduced one, two, three -- and then McCoy. I think td should be vigilant. ;)
I was having nightmare thoughts yesterday evening.

That in Trek XII the writers and director decide they really want to show that this is a new universe. How best to do that? Kill off one of the main characters. But if you really want to screw with your audience's expectations, you take the Joss Whedon approach and don't pussy-foot around with one of the secondary set - like Chekov or Scotty. You go for the main three - like they attempted to with Wrath of Khan. But Spock's been killed before, you really can't kill Kirk.

So that leaves McCoy :eek:

I swear, if I hear Joss Whedon's name associated with Trek XII, I'm crawling under a rock and not coming out again!
Say it ain't so! :scared:

I don't think you (or we) have to worry about that. No way would they kill off McCoy. Urban/McCoy is one of the most (I would say the most) popular characters from the movie. He's now a main audience draw for the rest of the Alternate Timeline movies. :techman:

Unless they can bring him back ala Spock. I doubt they would want to do that though given how new this particular McCoy character is. They just recast him after all.
This is the triad in the movie. They are introduced one, two, three -- and then McCoy. I think td should be vigilant. ;)

Don't say things like that! M'Sharak and AstroSmurf were doing such a good job of reassuring me :)

Say it ain't so! :scared:

I don't think you (or we) have to worry about that. No way would they kill off McCoy. Urban/McCoy is one of the most (I would say the most) popular characters from the movie. He's now a main audience draw for the rest of the Alternate Timeline movies. :techman:

Unless they can bring him back ala Spock. I doubt they would want to do that though given how new this particular McCoy character is. They just recast him after all.
That's a better thought.

I don't even mind so much if they write him out for another reason - he stays on a planet somewhere or something. I just don't want him killed!