Karl Urban -- blond or brunet?

Help me ladies. My husband is doing nothing but working overtime and being "too tired."

Help me sublimate. Gimme something good. I neeeeeeed it.

I'm a bit late - but try this thought on for size...

(from the Commodore's lounge check-in thread after I mentioned Karl Urban in a different conversation)

^ Okay, so yesterday I was at the Vegas Con waiting for the Rat Pack show to start. And they're playing this "Doctor McCoy" song over the sound system. It was basically techno.dancy music with some guy with a deep voice repeating, "Doctor McCoy....Doctor McCoy."

And all I could think of was that if Karl Urban was going to turn into a male stripper, this would be his music.

And thanks for the IMDb update - I'll go take a look :)

I need to watch Trek again, I'm missing McCoy.
Did this thread vanish somehow? If so, I think it is my duty to bring it up to date and resurrect it.
Since most of his other movies are kinda....well....not well received (thank goodness for RED)... It is all about star trek.
Wow, am I ever late to the party lol. Well i just found this forum and boy am I glad I did, i just got an hour long dose of Karl Urban yumminess :P.
Also I just wanted to say that I just got my book from amazon, The Karl urban Handbook, a must have for all karl fans, it has pictures and alot of information on him, I mean nothing you cant find on the internet but at least you can take this book everywhere you go.... including the bathroom for some *alone* time without bringing your whole laptop and having your hubby look at you with a puzzled stare. hahaha.
Love Karl Urban and Love this forum, keep it alive! XOXO
OMG. You just gave me something else to spend my nonexistent spare $$ on. Not to mention a whole new concept of reading in the bathroom. Man, this is a fun forum!