Karl Urban -- blond or brunet?

Have invited fellow Karl Urban fans over tonight to watch Doom. I watched the trailer and just know it's going to be terrible, but I am TOO EXCITED to see Karl as a soldier!!! :D
He's verrruh sexy in it. Since you already know the story's going to stink, you can concentrate on the important thing- watching Karl. :D
memo to self - watch Doom tonight (I have it on DVD now, mr trampledamage found it in the DVD bargain bin at Safeway :)

Last night, our NBC station went dark during the last 15 minutes of the Bourne movie, and Mr_Whatsit went and dug his DVD out for me--not an easy task--just so I could see what happened to Karl Urban's character. It takes a real man to do that, especially since he knew I didn't give a rat's patootie about the plot.

mr trampledamage sounds like a great guy. Isn't it wonderful to have a partner who encourages your hobbies? :guffaw:
Oh, good -- I was just going to ask how the movie went.

It's not my kind of movie (I don't care for spy-type stories), but he did a great job as the assassin. He was very (purposely) emotionless and chilling (and very hot in that short nightclub scene, as someone mentioned).

My husband really liked the movie, but then he's Mr. James Bond uber-geek, and had bought this DVD because he enjoyed the first Bourne movie so much. So I guess if you're into spy stuff, two thumbs up. If you're into Karl Urban, one-and-a-half thumbs up because he wasn't in it enough.
Oh, good -- I was just going to ask how the movie went.

It's not my kind of movie (I don't care for spy-type stories), but he did a great job as the assassin. He was very (purposely) emotionless and chilling (and very hot in that short nightclub scene, as someone mentioned).

My husband really liked the movie, but then he's Mr. James Bond uber-geek, and had bought this DVD because he enjoyed the first Bourne movie so much. So I guess if you're into spy stuff, two thumbs up. If you're into Karl Urban, one-and-a-half thumbs up because he wasn't in it enough.

Good description - and three thumbs up from me because I'm into spy movies and Karl Urban!

Luckily for me, Karl does have a tendency to be in movies mr trampledamage likes to watch - Bourne, LOTR, Riddick, Trek. So it makes it a lot easier for him to put up with my obsession! ;)

I've recently started using Karl's appearances in Bourne Supremacy as stuff to watch while I exercise. It's perfect because he rarely says anything at all, and most of that's subtitled so I can just watch without trying to concentrate on the sound.

The nightclub scene is my rest period :drool:
My husband really liked the movie, but then he's Mr. James Bond uber-geek, and had bought this DVD because he enjoyed the first Bourne movie so much...
Oh, yeah, hmm. My husband has those movies, too; I remember when he watched them, and I was willing to give them a pass. But that was before I'd met Karl, so I will have to look up the nightclub scene.
A belated thank-you to everyone for the birthday wishes and pictures! I missed Bourne, but that's alright. I am sure once I am in the land of the rising sun, I will be collecting Urbanstances. :) Oh, and had fun at IMAX, though the screen was small. Oh well! ;)
A belated thank-you to everyone for the birthday wishes and pictures! I missed Bourne, but that's alright. I am sure once I am in the land of the rising sun, I will be collecting Urbanstances. :) Oh, and had fun at IMAX, though the screen was small. Oh well! ;)

How long before you head to Japan?
How long before you head to Japan?

Less than three weeks! :cardie: It still has not sunk in! And I have so much more to do, before I go! :lol:

I printed out the PoA and Will today. Craziness!

But all the forms for my employment and visa are ALL DONE. I'm SO HAPPY about that. It was a lot of hurry up and wait. XD
Courtesy of the Zachary Quinto appreciation thread, a rather nice piccie of our Karl on set.

Whoohoo--Urban, Quinto, Saldaña, Pine and Abrams!:

(Uncropped with Pine and Abrams): http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae172/fenraven/ST09-On-Set-1.jpg

Thank you NileQT87 :)
Ah yes! I figured this pic would make its way to this thread. This has got to be one of my favorite pics of McCoy. Too cute. :drool:

And I figured it was time I actually posted in this thread instead of stalking it like I have for the past week! Karl Urban totally brings out the hyper active fangirl side of me!
Ah yes! I figured this pic would make its way to this thread. This has got to be one of my favorite pics of McCoy. Too cute. :drool:

And I figured it was time I actually posted in this thread instead of stalking it like I have for the past week! Karl Urban totally brings out the hyper active fangirl side of me!

You're amongst friends here ;)
you know i really like the bourne films and until the thread had not made the connection to urban...

He is one hot brunet :D

memo to self - watch Doom tonight (I have it on DVD now, mr trampledamage found it in the DVD bargain bin at Safeway :)

and did you watch it?

i must say, it is quite silly. typical action flick for 13 yr old boys who just like to play computer games, killing the big monsters, swearing & saving the girl.

i think it would have been more interesting if the doctor chick was an old girlfriend instead of his sister, then we could have seen him make out with her in all his sexyness and glory.

he looked VERY nice in it, all manly, being the rebel-soldier that he was. all in all, not a bad watch.