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Karl Urban -- blond or brunet?

Re: Karl Urban -- blond or brunette?

Welcome Mrs_Whatsit!

I so understand that whole left over "guilting cause I'm teenybopping lusting over a man older than my father" thing. I had the same problem at 12, during the early reruns. How can you sit around and squee with your little friends over that? They're obsessing over the Bay City Rollers and Donny Osmond (or god forbid, one of the Brady Bunch boys) and you're thinking about Dr. McCoy explaining "things" to you. With a demonstration. You're not quite sure what that entails, but you know it would be a hell of a lot more interesting than winning a date from Teen Beat.

You're describing my teenybopper years perfectly! While my sister and her friends were squeeing over Bobby Sherman, I had the hots (not that I realized what those were then) for Dr. McCoy. I liked the older, intelligent men--Adam Cartwright (Bonanza), Artemus Gordon (Wild, Wild,West), Mike Nesmith (The Monkees), et al. My friends all thought I was weird, so I stopped telling them about my crushes.

Now they'd think I was weird because my crushes are too young. Oh well, can't win, not gonna bother to try. :techman:

P.S. Welcome, Toruika! I've only been here since yesterday, but I already know it's a great group!
Re: Karl Urban -- blond or brunette?

You're describing my teenybopper years perfectly! While my sister and her friends were squeeing over Bobby Sherman, I had the hots (not that I realized what those were then) for Dr. McCoy. I liked the older, intelligent men--Adam Cartwright (Bonanza), Artemus Gordon (Wild, Wild,West), Mike Nesmith (The Monkees), et al. My friends all thought I was weird, so I stopped telling them about my crushes.

Now they'd think I was weird because my crushes are too young. Oh well, can't win, not gonna bother to try. :techman:

P.S. Welcome, Toruika! I've only been here since yesterday, but I already know it's a great group!

Thank you, Mrs. Whatsit! :)

My first character crush was on Iceman from Spiderman and His Amazing Friends. :lol: So it takes all kinds, no worries, right? Hmm, but from TOS? Probably Chekov and Sulu both. I'm guessing, though, to be fair.

Forgot to mention, before I forget. Brunet! :lol: Oh, and I need to make up a t-shirt sometime that says, "Doctor McCoy cured me of my ex-BF!" I was all mopey and gripey over love lost until I walked into the movie and went all mooneyed. :rolleyes:
Re: Karl Urban -- blond or brunette?

^ Iceman from "Spiderman and His Amazing Friends"?! Me too! I swear that was really the only reason why I watched that show as a kid. I think that may have something to do with why I had such a crush on him in the X-Men films. *sigh* If I was Rogue I would have wanted to be cured too. Yummy...

And I plan to make one last trip to see the movie tomorrow afternoon. It will be gone soon and I don't want to miss seeing it again. Then I will have to painfully wait until the DVD drops to get another fix of McCoy. Or I could finally take my action figure out of the box... :devil:
Re: Karl Urban -- blond or brunette?

^ Iceman from "Spiderman and His Amazing Friends"?! Me too! I swear that was really the only reason why I watched that show as a kid. I think that may have something to do with why I had such a crush on him in the X-Men films. *sigh* If I was Rogue I would have wanted to be cured too. Yummy...

And I plan to make one last trip to see the movie tomorrow afternoon. It will be gone soon and I don't want to miss seeing it again. Then I will have to painfully wait until the DVD drops to get another fix of McCoy. Or I could finally take my action figure out of the box... :devil:

Oh yes! He was the first of many superhero crushes for me. The funny thing is, when I got into the X-Men comics, I developed a little crush on Beast. Must be a McCoy thing, really. I found out there was a ST:TOS/X-Men crossover comic, so I might have to find a reprint of that, if I can... someday.

Oh! My turn to say: Me too!!! Out of curiosity, I pulled up the local theatre page tonight and after tomorrow, ST2009 will be gone! So I'm going to go tomorrow and see me some Bones! And maybe some Captain Cupcake, too.
Re: Karl Urban -- blond or brunette?

td, I sincerely hope you are feeling better! If we call the doctor, don't let him give you the Melvaran mud flea vaccine. Thanks for the link to the article.

Hi, Toruika! Welcome to the board. :) Where overseas are you going?
Re: Karl Urban -- blond or brunette?

Hi, Toruika! Welcome to the board. :) Where overseas are you going?

Thanks, Jeri! :) I'm leaving Georgia for Gunma, Japan in one month! I'm going to be an assistant language teacher of English over there (for at least 1 year). I've just found out that my apartment is a glorified closet, but I kind of figured that'd be the case. :lol: I'm still thinking I'll get the cardboard stand-up of McCoy, though. Gotta have some company, right?

Aside: Whoever linked FMLMccoy from Twitter, you have done the improbable. THIS is what it took for me to finally join Twitter, after all of the hubbub.:rolleyes:
Re: Karl Urban -- blond or brunette?

Hi, Toruika! Welcome to the board. :) Where overseas are you going?

Thanks, Jeri! :) I'm leaving Georgia for Gunma, Japan in one month! I'm going to be an assistant language teacher of English over there (for at least 1 year). I've just found out that my apartment is a glorified closet, but I kind of figured that'd be the case. :lol: I'm still thinking I'll get the cardboard stand-up of McCoy, though. Gotta have some company, right?

Aside: Whoever linked FMLMccoy from Twitter, you have done the improbable. THIS is what it took for me to finally join Twitter, after all of the hubbub.:rolleyes:

Welcome to the board Toruika and good luck in Japan. Oh, I think you have to treat yourself and get that fabulous McCoy cardboard. Plus, think of all the fun you'll have trying to explain it to house guests.
Re: Karl Urban -- blond or brunette?

Aside: Whoever linked FMLMccoy from Twitter, you have done the improbable. THIS is what it took for me to finally join Twitter, after all of the hubbub.:rolleyes:

I dunno who is acutally using that account, but the stuff they come up with is funny as hell. :lol:
Re: Karl Urban -- blond or brunette?

I'm still thinking I'll get the cardboard stand-up of McCoy, though. Gotta have some company, right?
It's lightweight and will be no tribble atall. :) Best of luck on your exciting and interesting adventure! :)

I asked M'Sharak to edit the topic post to read "brunet," and many thanks to our awesome moderator for that. :) (Regular posters can't edit after a certain amount of time.)
Re: Karl Urban -- blond or brunette?

Welcome to the board Toruika and good luck in Japan. Oh, I think you have to treat yourself and get that fabulous McCoy cardboard. Plus, think of all the fun you'll have trying to explain it to house guests.

Thank you, dmleo! :) I've been working towards this opportunity for several years, now. It hasn't quite all sunk in yet, though. And yeah, the more I think about it, the more I just -gotta-! He can be my personal guardian, even though--thankfully so, there won't be so many mukade to deal with as I first feared. I'm going to be up on the 3rd floor. Phew!

I dunno who is acutally using that account, but the stuff they come up with is funny as hell. :lol:

I know. :) And "he" was quick to return the follow. That gave me quite a chuckle.

It's lightweight and will be no tribble atall. :) Best of luck on your exciting and interesting adventure! :)

I asked M'Sharak to edit the topic post to read "brunet," and many thanks to our awesome moderator for that. :) (Regular posters can't edit after a certain amount of time.)

Yeah. It still may cost a pinch or two, but I'm thinking it'll be cheaper than sending over the sombrero.

Addendum: Showed Mom the stand-up McCoy. She asked if it was a blow-up doll. :eek: I said, no.... It's -cardboard-. She replied that it needs to be a blow-up. Then she started making hugging motions and noted it needs to be wired to hug back. :guffaw:

Well, at least we know the apple don't fall far from that treebranch, hm? :alienblush:
Last edited:
Re: Karl Urban -- blond or brunette?

Welcome to the board Toruika and good luck in Japan. Oh, I think you have to treat yourself and get that fabulous McCoy cardboard. Plus, think of all the fun you'll have trying to explain it to house guests.

Thank you, dmleo! :) I've been working towards this opportunity for several years, now. It hasn't quite all sunk in yet, though. And yeah, the more I think about it, the more I just -gotta-! He can be my personal guardian, even though--thankfully so, there won't be so many mukade to deal with as I first feared. I'm going to be up on the 3rd floor. Phew!

I dunno who is acutally using that account, but the stuff they come up with is funny as hell. :lol:

I know. :) And "he" was quick to return the follow. That gave me quite a chuckle.

It's lightweight and will be no tribble atall. :) Best of luck on your exciting and interesting adventure! :)

I asked M'Sharak to edit the topic post to read "brunet," and many thanks to our awesome moderator for that. :) (Regular posters can't edit after a certain amount of time.)

Yeah. It still may cost a pinch or two, but I'm thinking it'll be cheaper than sending over the sombrero.

Addendum: Showed Mom the stand-up McCoy. She asked if it was a blow-up doll. :eek: I said, no.... It's -cardboard-. She replied that it needs to be a blow-up. Then she started making hugging motions and noted it needs to be wired to hug back. :guffaw:

Well, at least we know the apple don't fall far from that treebranch, hm? :alienblush:

I'm actually grateful that McCoy isn't a blow up doll who hugs back, otherwise I would never leave my apartment. :lol:
Re: Karl Urban -- blond or brunette?

Addendum: Showed Mom the stand-up McCoy. She asked if it was a blow-up doll. :eek: I said, no.... It's -cardboard-. She replied that it needs to be a blow-up. Then she started making hugging motions and noted it needs to be wired to hug back. :guffaw:

Well, at least we know the apple don't fall far from that treebranch, hm? :alienblush:

I love your mom--my kind of lady! Who do we petition for a McCoy blow-up doll? It'd be a best-seller just from everyone here! :drool:

P.S. My sister-in-law and her family lived in Japan (Hiroshima) for three years when my brother-in-law was transferred there for a work project. They absolutely adored Japan, and miss it so much. You're in for an awesome adventure, I'm sure!

ETA: Hmm, you have a point, dmleo. If I don't leave the house, I don't earn a living, which means no more buying grown-up girl toys.
Re: Karl Urban -- blond or brunette?

I'm actually grateful that McCoy isn't a blow up doll who hugs back, otherwise I would never leave my apartment. :lol:

Hmmmm.... Yeah, that could pose a problem or two. Methinks some ladies will be sending their SOs to the barber for a new 'do and buying some blue polos...

I love your mom--my kind of lady! Who do we petition for a McCoy blow-up doll? It'd be a best-seller just from everyone here! :drool:

P.S. My sister-in-law and her family lived in Japan (Hiroshima) for three years when my brother-in-law was transferred there for a work project. They absolutely adored Japan, and miss it so much. You're in for an awesome adventure, I'm sure!

ETA: Hmm, you have a point, dmleo. If I don't leave the house, I don't earn a living, which means no more buying grown-up girl toys.

:lol: Yes, Mom is the original trekker and geek-girl. She was as excited to see the new movie as I was, though she is tickled that I've seen it as much as I have. You know, there are folks who make moulds for sci-fi body armor, so it is possible..... :rolleyes:

Ooh, awesome! Yes, my oldest brother was stationed in Yokosuka, in the early 90s, so my family is very excited for me. (They'll likely visit!) I'm just not looking forward to the veeeery long flight. Oof!
Love the Karl pics Crusher Disciple, especially the second one.

How hot can a man get?

Welcome Toruika! :)
Thank you, mythicdove! :) So glad to be here!

Well, gang. I just got back from seeing it for the 4th time. I'm going to be in such withdrawal, awaiting DVD/bluray release. (As are we all, I'm sure..!)

I am hoping that with the success of this movie, we'll see a graphic novel or two come out for those three years during the academy, as well as Nero and rommie crew on the prison planet. One can only hope! More McCoy is always a good thing (unless it's MU McCoy! ...maybe).

And for some reason, your quote made me think of the opposite, which is very wrong, since it's Travolta. "I got chills, they're multiplyin'! And I'm losing control.. o/~" :p
Can somebody teach me how to shrink this and turn it into an av? My GIF sensi is having net problems and I can't figure out how to do it. :(

Try this:

I just spotted Crusherbunny wearing this in the other thread. :lol:

Nice work. :techman:

Why, thanks. ;)

(That 70kb limit is a bear. :eek: I can also teach you how to do it if you want.)
NCC-1701 may be the one to ask about how to get the file size down. He and orac have made some pretty awesome animated avs with surprisingly tiny filesize.

Yeah, from what NCC-1701 (who is the av master as far as I'm concerned) has taught me, minimizing the number of pixels that change from frame to frame is the key. He's a master of subtlety when it comes to his avatars.

I really need to pick up the whole Rihannsu compendium. Or whatever it's called.

ETA: Gifties!!!!!



That second one is studly... but in that first one he looks a little uncomfortable. Like someone has spinach in their teeth and it annoys him but he can't decide whether he should tell them.

NCC-1701 may be the one to ask about how to get the file size down. He and orac have made some pretty awesome animated avs with surprisingly tiny filesize.

Yeah, from what NCC-1701 (who is the av master as far as I'm concerned) has taught me, minimizing the number of pixels that change from frame to frame is the key. He's a master of subtlety when it comes to his avatars.
I suspect that there will be limits to what can be achieved using that method with that particular image, though. There's a heck of a lot of movement to contend with.

That second one is studly... but in that first one he looks a little uncomfortable. Like someone has spinach in their teeth and it annoys him but he can't decide whether he should tell them.


I dunno- I kind of like it. If he was playing Caesar at the time, I'd say he was about to launch a snide comment at Pompey.
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