Karl Urban -- blond or brunet?

How about some Mirror-McCoy :p

I swear. Someone has something against male art majors, for putting goatees on evil characters. XD (If I had a nickel for every male art major I've known in college, I'd have enough for at least a $5 footlong from subway!)

But yes, saw that earlier when I was guest-lurking. Love it! :) I bet he's a bit of rough and tumble, don't you?
So, here's a question for all you nuMcCoy fangirls out there... Read any good nuTrek fanfiction featuring our beloved doctor?

I've been reading some slash fic from the Livejournal kirk_mccoy community. I'm so hetro that I usually like it better when one of them gets turned into a girl.
I've been reading some slash fic from the Livejournal kirk_mccoy community. I'm so hetro that I usually like it better when one of them gets turned into a girl.

I have a difficult time picturing McCoy at least full-coital gay. "You want me to put my what -where-? Good God, Jim! Your @$$ is disease and danger, wrapped in darkness and silence!" So I can see where you'd want the gender-switch ones...

I guess I'll just have to rely on my MarySue-ish daydreams, for now. ;)
I have a difficult time picturing McCoy at least full-coital gay. "You want me to put my what -where-? Good God, Jim! Your @$$ is disease and danger, wrapped in darkness and silence!" So I can see where you'd want the gender-switch ones...

Agreed! I can see Mc Coy with another man, maybe Spock. But not Kirk for the same reasons.

I guess I'll just have to rely on my MarySue-ish daydreams, for now. ;)

I hear ya. I think I'd make a wonderful second Mrs. Mc Coy. :luvlove:
Agreed! I can see Mc Coy with another man, maybe Spock. But not Kirk for the same reasons.

I hear ya. I think I'd make a wonderful second Mrs. Mc Coy. :luvlove:

Hmm. I guess I'd just need to read an example, sometime. XD I tend to shy away from yaoi/slash fandom, but I flirted with the genre once upon a time.

...And my fantasy self is soooo Mary Sue. It's really sad. I can't allow myself to write it, because I've been putting off my own original fiction long enough. If I pen anything, it had better be my novel! LOL (Nevermind that if I did write the MSue, I'd never forgive myself! XD)
...And my fantasy self is soooo Mary Sue. It's really sad. I can't allow myself to write it, because I've been putting off my own original fiction long enough. If I pen anything, it had better be my novel! LOL (Nevermind that if I did write the MSue, I'd never forgive myself! XD)

Oh, me too. But have lots of fun playing director and playing scenes in my head. I've gotten really great with pacing, costume, dialogue, etc.

Trek has made me into the filmmaker I am today.

...'scuse me while I start crying like the little bitch I am. :lol:
Oh, me too. But have lots of fun playing director and playing scenes in my head. I've gotten really great with pacing, costume, dialogue, etc.

Trek has made me into the filmmaker I am today.

...'scuse me while I start crying like the little bitch I am. :lol:

LMAO! ^5

There's been a lot that's fallen onto the editing floor, too, I'm sure! I had a giggle at how silly I've gotten with some of it. At one point, the term "marshbuckling" was used. (Roasted marshmallows on a wire brandished as a sword. ._.; And no, Sulu wasn't there... ) Nevermind the foot that held the wire. "Fastest toes in the galaxy!" Yes, better this stuff stays in my mind where it can do the least amount of damage...

*offers hanky with Starfleet insignia on it*

Edit: Though you may find it interesting that I did pair up "Tim" Olsen and "Dev" Puri, who both held the same ranks and positions on myverse Yorktown as they did (on JJverse Enterprise), which MSue had served on as acting ensign.

...this is so sad.
How about some Mirror-McCoy :p


I love that picture so much! Thanks again, SalvorHardin :techman:

Just looking through photos from the Sydney premiere (and I'm amazed, whoever the Australian Daily Telegraph had taking the photos has managed to capture everyone from the worst possible angle!)

Luckily, someone else was doing the photo shoot from the hotel the day before:


WOW..that's the first word that popped into my head. What a lovely picture of the handsome doctor. I was reading the other posts , when I just stopped dead in my tracks when I saw this picture.

Thanks for posting, trampledamage!! :)

Purely altruistic, I assure you. There's no gain in it for me, I just do this for you all.... no, really :angel:
I have a difficult time picturing McCoy at least full-coital gay. "You want me to put my what -where-? Good God, Jim! Your @$$ is disease and danger, wrapped in darkness and silence!" So I can see where you'd want the gender-switch ones...

Agreed! I can see Mc Coy with another man, maybe Spock. But not Kirk for the same reasons.

Well I certainly picture McCoy with another man... namely me :alienblush:... but I can't see him with Kirk either.

And I would also agree with Toruika's assessment about Kirk's ass. He always did spread himself a little thin. :rommie:
...And my fantasy self is soooo Mary Sue. It's really sad. I can't allow myself to write it, because I've been putting off my own original fiction long enough. If I pen anything, it had better be my novel! LOL (Nevermind that if I did write the MSue, I'd never forgive myself! XD)

My "fun" writing has always been my Mary Sue Me/Dr. McCoy fanfiction that I've written for myself since the mid-1960s. No one's ever seen it but me, and no pair of eyes but mine ever will see it, but it's gotten me through some rough periods in my life--I guess you could call it comfort writing.

Now, with the introduction of nuMcCoy, Mary Sue Me is one happy, happy fictional girl! :cool:
...And my fantasy self is soooo Mary Sue. It's really sad. I can't allow myself to write it, because I've been putting off my own original fiction long enough. If I pen anything, it had better be my novel! LOL (Nevermind that if I did write the MSue, I'd never forgive myself! XD)

My "fun" writing has always been my Mary Sue Me/Dr. McCoy fanfiction that I've written for myself since the mid-1960s. No one's ever seen it but me, and no pair of eyes but mine ever will see it, but it's gotten me through some rough periods in my life--I guess you could call it comfort writing.

Now, with the introduction of nuMcCoy, Mary Sue Me is one happy, happy fictional girl! :cool:

"Don't taunt me, woman!" ;) I kid, I kid... It is tempting, but I'd feel SO guilty to write that instead of the novel... but then... if it gets me back to writing, then maybe it'll get me back into writing the novel and omgdon'ttauntmetowriteMarySue, aiiiie....!

Admittedly, my humor kicks in, too. Half the time when it gets sappy, I throw Q in to chide my MSue.... Totally knocking past the fourth wall, practically.



There should be a MSues Anonymous meeting thread, I swear...
Agreed! I can see Mc Coy with another man, maybe Spock. But not Kirk for the same reasons.

Well I certainly picture McCoy with another man... namely me :alienblush:... but I can't see him with Kirk either.

And I would also agree with Toruika's assessment about Kirk's ass. He always did spread himself a little thin. :rommie:

Poor Kirk-booty, gets no love.

Or too much, apparently. :}
My "fun" writing has always been my Mary Sue Me/Dr. McCoy fanfiction that I've written for myself since the mid-1960s. No one's ever seen it but me, and no pair of eyes but mine ever will see it, but it's gotten me through some rough periods in my life--I guess you could call it comfort writing.

Agreed. And some dry spells.

Now, with the introduction of nuMcCoy, Mary Sue Me is one happy, happy fictional girl! :cool:
That's what made me upset at first with Urban taking on Mc Coy. I've called the crew my "uncles" and "aunt" for so long that the idea of knocking duty boots with one just made me feel.....weird.

There should be a MSues Anonymous meeting thread, I swear...

Hmmm...thread idea?

Poor Kirk-booty, gets no love.

Or too much, apparently. :}
Yeah, that's the thing with me. Too many women makes me wonder if I'd get lost in the shuffle.

And the fact that after we met David Marcus I used to pretend that Kirk was my dad when I was a kid. Hey- with one in every port, it was possible. :lol:
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That's what made me upset at first with Urban taking on Mc Coy. I've called the crew my "uncles" and "aunt" for so long that the idea of knocking duty boots with one just made me feel.....weird.

I loved your previous signature about your beloved uncles now being hot. Between that and your Dancing Karl avatar, your posts make me smile a lot, CD. And I'm sure the Urban/McCoy guilt is fading pretty fast, isn't it? How could it not be when it opens so many delightful possibilities?
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I loved your previous signature about your beloved uncles now being hot. Between that and your Dancing Karl avatar, your posts make me smile a lot, CD. And I'm sure the Urban/McCoy guilt is fading pretty fast, isn't it? How could it not be when it opens so many delightful possibilities?

Well, how many women feel that comfortable about boinking their uncles when they get young and hot? Not. Me. :lol:

But, I dunno- something about the actual movie made that discomfort I felt watching the "Disease and Danger" spot go away. With Pine, it was easier since I'd seen him in Princess Diaries 2 and had already thought he was cute.

Urban I had never remembered seeing in squat, so I think that's what made it worse and really threw me. And although I'd bend Zach Quinto over and make him holler in a heartbeat, I didn't think he was that hot as Spock.

But I'm okay. I'd do Mc Coy in a heartbeat. But I'm having a little more trouble with my "dad."

God, I need therapy. Lots and lots of it.
Anybody seen Counselor Troi recently????
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I loved your previous signature about your beloved uncles now being hot. Between that and your Dancing Karl avatar, your posts make me smile a lot, CD. And I'm sure the Urban/McCoy guilt is fading pretty fast, isn't it? How could it not be when it opens so many delightful possibilities?

Well, how many women feel that comfortable about boinking their uncles when they get young and hot? Not. Me. :lol:...

But I'm okay. I'd do Mc Coy in a heartbeat. But I'm having a little more trouble with my "dad."...

God, I need therapy. Lots and lots of it.
Anybody seen Counselor Troi recently????

No therapy. Addicts never admit their addiction.:lol: The only thing that ever works is a major family/friends intervention- which in this case, the only appropriate reaction by the addict is a "fire everything" phaser barrage.

BTW... for the deviants among us (which I think includes most of us), may I recommend http://community.livejournal.com/st_xi_kink

PWP on demand! Post your idea for your favorite Mary Sueish story, and someone will take up the challenge. Of course, there is a plethora of other folks's ideas to peruse.

I'm merely an enabler.
I loved your previous signature about your beloved uncles now being hot. Between that and your Dancing Karl avatar, your posts make me smile a lot, CD. And I'm sure the Urban/McCoy guilt is fading pretty fast, isn't it? How could it not be when it opens so many delightful possibilities?

Same here. DancingKarl is so hypnotic. *_* Makes me want to buy a McCoy AF that much more... Damnation! :scream:

Something that happened with me is that McCoy was totally asexual to me, growing up. After this movie, even TOS McCoy is "darlin'" and charming. Mind you, there's been several years since I've gone back to was TOS, and I'm older now, so the age gap is not gaping...

Plus, I've lived in Georgia for several years now, and I know how Georgia boys can be. :adore:

Well, how many women feel that comfortable about boinking their uncles when they get young and hot? Not. Me. :lol:...

But I'm okay. I'd do Mc Coy in a heartbeat. But I'm having a little more trouble with my "dad."...

God, I need therapy. Lots and lots of it.
Anybody seen Counselor Troi recently????

Not by blood! Doesn't count! XD
Kirk's bravado and swaggery is a turn off for me. He's too close to being a jock. I'm ubergeek and ubernerd, and I don't go for players, either. In myverse, MSue reacts to Kirk's pick-up lines about like this:

"OMG, you're hitting on me? Isn't that quaint?" And tosses in a SW homage, "Move along. These aren't the chicks you're looking for." Of course, also in myverse, MSue was an RA to the girls' dorm that Uhura and Gaila were in, so she got to see all the broken hearts. She (like me) is a bit of a mammabear...

Our luck, Deanna would be otherwise engaged, and we'd end up getting therapy from her mother... and end up even deeper in addiction.

No therapy. Addicts never admit their addiction.:lol: The only thing that ever works is a major family/friends intervention- which in this case, the only appropriate reaction by the addict is a "fire everything" phaser barrage.

BTW... for the deviants among us (which I think includes most of us), may I recommend http://community.livejournal.com/st_xi_kink

PWP on demand! Post your idea for your favorite Mary Sueish story, and someone will take up the challenge. Of course, there is a plethora of other folks's ideas to peruse.

I'm merely an enabler.

Sure they do, before they relapse! Auuughhh...

Why did I click the link? Nooooooo.... I think I might start the MSue thread.. would it need to go in Fanfiction? There might be one there, already... haven't checked. I'll do that now.

G0d-D4mn!t! :scream: :p
BTW... for the deviants among us (which I think includes most of us), may I recommend http://community.livejournal.com/st_xi_kink

PWP on demand! Post your idea for your favorite Mary Sueish story, and someone will take up the challenge. Of course, there is a plethora of other folks's ideas to peruse.

I'm merely an enabler.

I tried to join that one, but it says it's closed to new members. :( So I figure I'm missing out on the really good ones only members get to see. :wah: