Karl Urban -- blond or brunet?

^ What the hell is that bitch Bruce Willis shooting at our boy for? I will mess him up! :klingon:


Old man my... :rommie::rommie::rommie:

The more I see things about this movie the more I want to see it. It is rare I say that about movies these days.
Well you sure can't say I never do anything for ya... cause I've been puttin in my hours this week. (Ok, so they are easy to find and/or (due to Comic Con craziness) pop up via my movie FB or Twitter feeds.. but the POINT is -- I think of you....)

Here is a PRIEST trailer.
Gotta say it does not look like my kind of movie. Too much violence.
A few brief glimpses of our Black Hat.
Most notably when they do a quick closeup ala "Indiana Jones-Under-the-hat" type reveal of his face at 1:08. Nice eyes.

But, other than that... he would have to look awfully good for me to even watch this on DVD I think. Or if it got really killer reviews, I would watch it. But that is about it.


There ya go.
Who's your mama?

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^ You are. :bolian:

And I thought the trailer for "Priest" looked interesting. I am a little sick of the post-apocalyptic future though.
I can deal with the post-apocalypic stuff... I kinda always like that concept. But the violence (whatever the hell those things are eating that person)... and that star-weapon (dont remember correct name) being thrown into someone's forhead.
I just don't think that SEEING that violence is necessary -- especially so graphically. It usually only adds gore (not meaning) to a story (ala DOOM).
That is what I dont like, really.
There are also about 4 pics on IMDB.com from Day 2, during the PRIEST panel.
THere is a very nice profile pic of him (he just can't take a bad picture).
But the weird thing is everyone on the panel looks annoyed, irriated and/or exhausted.
Now, I can believe exhausted... they are likely all jetlagged. But Urban looked reasonablyfresh in Day 1/RED pics.
Since before introducing the Panel they showed the trailer for PRIEST, I can't help but wonder if they are getting some questions they don't like.

Hmmm... guess I should at least find a link that picture for ya now...

(pause.... be right back....)

Nice Profile: http://www.imdb.com/features/comic_con/2010/galleries/comiccon2010_july23-rm1272479744

Everybody bored/tired/annoyed: http://www.imdb.com/features/comic_con/2010/galleries/comiccon2010_july23-rm1238925312

Knocked up by who? Karl? :devil:

THe secret is out. My "maybe-baby" is Karls.
I am waiting to pee on a stick until he is done with RED publicity. Don't want to distract him, ya know.

But, ya know... since we are all so close here.... I think it is safe to share the secret "sext" that Karl sent me a week after we conceived our maybe-baby-love-child:

URBANDWELLER (18:52): "Dearest Maria: Thank you so much for meeting me in JFK mens room #27, Stall 3, while I was traveling from the Toronto RED reshoots back to Auckland. It was the best 6 minutes... uh... 15 minutes... uh.... 4 hours.... I've had in two weeks. I'd like to promise to call but I tend to lose my cell phone a lot. Peace."
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Oh... common... that was funny.

Moving on...
I really thought you other ladies would be on comic con recon with me. I am sure there must be other pics or video out there.
Comon Ladies! Dazzle me!
Wow this thread got a ton of replies!! Shows how popular Karl Urban is!

I loved him as the new doctor and I like his hair color darker.
Why am I the only Urban stalker these days. I thought with Comic Con (and the massive promotions of RED that are starting) I'd be seein you ladies around!
You're not - but you do post highly entertaining stuff! I've been ogling Karl during bi-monthly LoTR mini-film fests and am often surprised to see him doing little things here and there! I haven't visited his Imdb page lately but his credit-list must be a mile long! FWIW I do think I like him brunet best but he sure is luverly in LoTR!!!
If ya'll want to sweat in front of your computers, I did a quick seach on youtube for "Comic Con Red" and found several videos of the panel discussion they did.
Haven't watched them yet, but of course he is there and (I am sure) occasionally answering questions.

Hot. Ugh. Don't even want to discuss it.
I have been waiting for WEEKS for a day in the 80s to arrive so I could take the kids to the zoo or beach (since the nearby beach water is yucky, it can't be too hot, cause no swimming)... .and I keep waiting! Any day it is not in the mid-90s (or above) it is because it is violently thunderstorming!

(Oh, and for anyone who cares: I am not knocked up after all. See... talking about it breaks the "curse." Disappointed, yet relieved -- if ya know what I mean!)

Judge Dredd producers say about Judge Dredd character: "He’s not going to take off his helmet..."

Well what the hell is the point of THAT?
Our boy is gonna star in a movie (granted, one that I probably will nearly hate due to the violence they want to make "more real")... and we can't see him?
That was a great interview.
And he hugged her at the end. Siiiiiiigh. Couldn't I just have been her for those 7 seconds???

Note to self: Don't randomly show up on Karl's doorstep. He won't be pleased.

(And no matter what he says... I think it is only a matter of time before he moves to L.A. If he keeps going there will just bee too many demands for his time for shooting, meetings, publicity, events... etc. It will be move to LA or never see the family... so they'll move and keep a house in NZ. I betcha. So sayeth I.)