Karl Urban -- blond or brunet?

Travesty. This thread on page 2 again.
Did folks notice the yummy movie-still in the "Caption Contest" thread? I don't think I've ever seen such a clear still from that scene (after Vulcan goes boom).
Travesty. This thread on page 2 again.
Did folks notice the yummy movie-still in the "Caption Contest" thread? I don't think I've ever seen such a clear still from that scene (after Vulcan goes boom).
I think it's the same as the image in the sixth row, right, on this page.
Travesty. This thread on page 2 again.
Did folks notice the yummy movie-still in the "Caption Contest" thread? I don't think I've ever seen such a clear still from that scene (after Vulcan goes boom).
I think it's the same as the image in the sixth row, right, on this page.

Oh... never seen it. I actually had thought the entire scene was shot with shallow depth of field... so he was always out of focus. Obviously I am too busy going hormonal at that moment to notice correctly.

Oh my.
Tell me that site does not have every scene up there FRAME BY FRAME??? Cause that is kinda scary.
It's not quite frame-by-frame, but they've got screencaps covering the whole movie reasonably thoroughly. The index is here.
Just want to wish our favorite Kiwi a very happy birthday today! I hope Karl's doing something enjoyable on his birthday.

I'm giving us the present, though. For you, mariajl, my very most favoritest SUIT PORN photo!!!! :drool:

(sighs happily)

I needed that.

And now... for Karl...
(in sexy Marilyn Monroe whispery-voice).... "Happy Birthday to yoooooou...."
(Call me... you know you want to....)

I wish I could wrap myself up and mail myself to him as a present. But I don't think his wife would understand. heh.

Happy birthday, Karl. (38, I believe.)
^ I love that. However, I believe the restraining order precludes my sending anything to Mr. Urban. That would include myself. :(

Mr. UrBAN, you'd better do something drool-worthy soon. I am starting to develop deep, serious feelings for Mark Salling of GLEE.
I hope it's good. I love Helen Mirren, and it looks fun... but that type of comedy can go south if not done right. Great cast (though I am not a big Bruce Willis fan).
Looks like Our Karl is a bad boy and looks good. Sigh.
I agree, the cast looks strong and the trailer's a lot of fun. Story writer Warren Ellis is pretty well-regarded, I think, but I don't know very much about the director (other than that he did The Time Traveler's Wife previously) or the people who wrote the screenplay.
It has Karl being sexy and Helen with a machine gun? I am THERE! This thing has got to be awesome. :bolian:

I know... right... even if it is crap in terms of plot, it has with Urban and Mirren it will be prime eye-candy and super fun.
Just watching that trailer makes me want to be Helen Mirren when I grow up.
KU does look pretty in the trailer, and while it seems a little cliched, the movie still looks like it would be fun. :)
I can totally deal with cliche as long as it is GOOD cliche.
In fact, these days... with a gazillion kids and too much stress... I'd rather not have to think when entertained. Therefore, cliche does it for me.
(Hence my propensity for chic lit, eye candy obsessions, and daydreams of a certain actor with gelled hair, facial stubble, and a rip-away suit.)

Which reminds me... Karl STILL hasn't called me.
Do you think I am being too subtle?
Just found that trailer myself - should have known M'Sharak would be first with the news :lol:

Haven't watched it with the sound on yet, but even with no talking the movie looks awesome. I can't wait for it to get to cinemas! (But then I'm a fan of Bruce Willis action movies anyway, so I was already sold even before they got to Karl, Helen, Morgan and John!)