Karl Urban -- blond or brunet?

OK... I know this is OT... but ya'll seem a bit more cultured than the average Trekkie (Trekker?). And this is too cool not to mention:
James Earl Jones and Vanessa Redgrave will do "Driving Miss Daisy" on B'way in the fall.
What, I ask you, could be more excellent?
(Though I am equally excited about Elaine Stritch and Bernadette Peters in "A Little Night Music")

We now return you to your regularly scheduled "Drool and Suit Porn" thread. :-)
I thought I'd say Happy 4th of July to fellow Americans... and post one of my favorite heart-sparking, incendiary, hormonal firework-inducing photos:

He is the master of perfection when it comes to facial stubble. Some guys would just look like they haven't showered or stayed up all night playing World of Warcraft. But he makes it sizzle.
You are made of awesome, Mrs Whatsit! I was coming in to post an account of that interview from JoBlo.com - but I don't have audio!

I shall save that for this evening :)
Anyone here gonna be stalking comic-con posts? I think one of you said a while back you thought our Lusty Man was gonna be there. Alas, I am not enough of a geek to know where to search for comic-con posts/pics. I tried the actual site, but star names don't even seem to be listed.
^ Oh my. He looks fantastic in that shirt plus I adore his haircut. Both really show off his face very well.

And speaking of shirts, I love Helen's. I am still sad.
Weird... this was the first new post on my Facebook page right after I posted here.
(And not cause I have his name tagged in any way... just cause I "like" a movie site and this is their latest story.)


What do you think his necklace is? I kept staring at it trying to figure it out.

Notice he is doing the "&#*k-me eyes and the classic Urban "stance" in the pic above?

^ Oh my. He looks fantastic in that shirt plus I adore his haircut. Both really show off his face very well.

And speaking of shirts, I love Helen's. I am still sad.

She looks so cute.
How can she be cute... and a bad-ass at the same time?
I totally want to be her when I grow up.

Read her comments in the RED panel discussion... she's hysterical....
