Karl Urban -- blond or brunet?


Okay... okay, I'm going

And I'm back!

Shoulders, shoulders, shoulders... shoulders to hug you :)



And just because I can (and to return us to the original topic of the thread :lol:) - two from The Two Towers

one of Eomer looking seriously pissed

And the beginning of the scene with my favourite line in it. "I would cut off your head, dwarf, if it stood but a little higher off the ground"


I do like a man in uniform :D
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That second one works for me.... is he... (cough) in the back seat of a car?
Oh... the thoughts now crashing around my hormonal brain...
And my work here is done... Night-night!

(Yes, that one is the back seat of a car - there's other shots from the same set, I'll hunt them out tomorrow)
I thought I should contribute a bit to the pic parade... since I demand them.

I apologize for only putting up links -- and not uploading the shots -- but since I am a photographer my computer is always crammed full of photos I am working on (or am about to work on). So, even with the external hard drives I have, I am pretty much forced to limit stuff I save on my computer to my work-photos or pics of my kids.

Here is a pretty page with a dash of suit porn.
I also ask you to look at the screen grab of the Interview with Mr. Hot Guy and Zoe Saldana. I think she is looking at his crotch. (OK, she probably isn't... but I would be.)

Here is a quiz I found.
Let's see how much is or isn't accurrate (as if we could tell, since info is different everywhere and he seems pretty protective of his privacy).

(Ok, you might not want to bother with the quiz... it is kind obvious and old... and they make you sign up for Flixster.)
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Six foot one... *happy sigh* :hugegrin:

(quick tech note - you don't need to save on your computer to get embedded pictures, use photobucket or imageshack - photobucket lets you copy the URL of the picture and upload it directly, I expect imageshack does too.)
Six foot one... *happy sigh* :hugegrin:

(quick tech note - you don't need to save on your computer to get embedded pictures, use photobucket or imageshack - photobucket lets you copy the URL of the picture and upload it directly, I expect imageshack does too.)

Some places say 6'2" but I suspect that is publicist embellishement (cause it makes us siiiiigh).

Didn't know about the photobucket thing... I already have photobucket accounts, though... it is where I make my galleries from (for my photog website) and another account where I keep my personal pics for friends...
The upload from URL option is now hidden away in a drop-down menu in the top-right corner of the upload photos section (labelled more upload tools) - just right click on the picture you want to save select "Copy Image Location" and paste that into the URL line.

And since I had to go into photobucket to check all that, have some photos :D



I love these two, because he looks like he's going to break into the car!
I like it cause he is clearly in the middle of a busy road, and I think "Ooo, look, he stops traffic." It looks like the waited until the light changed then jumped out of the car and shot pics.
When photographing stuff I sometimes find myself in the middle of a street (hoping a car doesnt come, or that I can get the shot before it does) -- so I have no trouble believing that is what they did.

Ok... gotta stop over-analyzing the angles and reflections and such and just enjoy...

(Do ya ever worry that one day the Lust of our Dreams will Google his name and end up in this thread? Jeepers... I'd have to just stamp "freak" on my forehead and get it overwith before the Restraining Order was filed...)

(Psst... Karl... call me.)

There is something seriously wrong with me.

I just realized I fantasize more about taking this man's picture than... well... you know... (wink wink nudge nudge).

Hey Jeri! Long time no see in the land of Karl :)
Hey, td! I do keep up time to time with the world's most popular thread. ;) Which I started. So, are you all thawing out up there? Today, May 15, is Chicago's official last frost date, so I may now plant my flowers.
It's a crime, ain't it?

Ok Ladies, entertain me.
Facebook is freaking out... both little boys are taking naps (the 3 year old even REQUESTED it (which is noteworthy on it's own)), I have two loads of laundry in progress, and my husband is still on a business trip.
So... "Karl" me.