Facts About Captain Robau

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A Captain Robau drunkl thread would be legendary.

Also, the Great Barrier would never protect the milky way from Robau. It would not even protect the Twix or the Snickers. :guffaw:

Robau approves of that joke, BTW.
Doctor Who travels in a police box (whatever that could be), but Captain Robau travels in a whole police station, with a small prison annex.
Robau drank 100 times more than you last night, and downed another 100 shots, and the only thing he feels today is a slight annoyance that he wasn't drunk enough!

He still isn't sure what a hangover actrually is
A Red-Matter black hole didn't destroy Vulcan. Robau happened to be looking at Vulcan through a viewscreen as he divided by zero.
Robau drank 100 times more than you last night, and downed another 100 shots, and the only thing he feels today is a slight annoyance that he wasn't drunk enough!

He still isn't sure what a hangover actrually is

BLASPHEMER!!! Of COURSE he knows what it is--he just isn't in the mood for one.
If God is all powerful, can He create a boulder so heavy that even He can't lift it? Answer: Only if Robau lets Him.
Robau is so badass that he got ME to put an end to my sabbatical from the Trek BBS and return! ;)
Einstein's Theory of Relativity is about how the space-time continuum warps around Robau so that he can impregnate everyone in creation.
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