=/\= Chapter One =/\=
Stardate 58069.58 (March 11, 2381. 09:31 Federation Standard Starship Time.)
USS Mjolnir
Interstellar space, Sector 25712, United Federation of Planets.
“Captain’s log Stardate 58069.58,
The Mjolnir has been patrolling the border of the Romulan Neutral Zone for a month; ever since our return tae Star Station Echo from our little… outing… tae the Epsilon Vega. So far our patrol has proven uneventful; the most exciting thing we picked up on sensors was a class two comet that is moving through interstellar space. It seems that the Romulan Star Navy is keeping the flow o’ refugees fleeing the pending supernova tae a minimum. We are currently heading for the research outpost at Tarod Nine where we will check on the well being o’ the researchers there and tend tae any needs they may have before continuing on our assigned patrol route.”
Once he finished dictating his log entry Callum pressed a control on the desktop to stop the recording and file the log entry in the computer database. Once the computer had filed the log entry in its database Callum stood up and walked around the ready room desk and walked to the alcove that contained the replicator and the door that was labeled ‘Captain’s Head’. Once he reached the replicator Callum ordered a Lime pick-a-pop After the clear bottle of bubbly green liquid materialized on the replicator’s receiving platform Callum picked it up and walked to his seat at the ready room desk and sat back down. As Callum took a sip from his mug of iced Klingon coffee the ready room’s door chime sounded to signal that someone was waiting for him to give them permission to enter.
“Enter.” Callum said saying Starfleet’s standard command/invitation to let whoever was on the other side of the door know that it was okay to enter.
Seconds later the ready room door slid open with a whoosh allowing his fiancee, the ship’s human raised Orion ops officer, Lieutenant Commander Navesh Tymoshenko to sashay into the ready room wearing the mini-skirt version of the Starfleet duty uniform. Walking around the ready room desk and hopping up so she was sitting on the desktop beside Callum with her legs crossed at the ankles she sat there in the mini-skirt version of the standard uniform Navesh flashed him a broad smile as he looked up at her and placed his hand on her leg just above her bare knee.
“What can ah dae for ye, mah bonnie lass?” Callum said after taking a sip of his one major vice – Lime pick-a-pop – and setting the bottle down on the ready room desk.
“I just got off the comm with the commodore.” Navesh said referring to her father – Commodore Richard Tymoshenko – by her rank based nickname for him, “He told me to tell you he says hi and that he picked up a nice bottle of scotch for the next time we’re planet-side.”
“Tae be honest, ahm surprised that he’s taken such a liking tae me.” Callum said honest, “After all ye are his only daughter.”
“And he knows how happy you make me.” Navesh said, “Oh I almost forgot! He wanted me to tell you that he says, and I quote, ‘Hurry up and pick a date for the wedding. I’m not getting any younger and I want grandkids to spoil rotten while before the senility kicks in’.”
“Oh lordy.” Callum said with a chuckle.
“He also said; ‘if there’s someone specific you want to perform the ceremony let me know and I’ll get them for you.”.” Navesh said.
“Well, I bet he’ll be surprised when he finds out that Jim agreed tae perform the ceremony.” Callum said.
“You heard back!” Navesh squealed excitedly, “He agreed?!”
“Aye, lass he did.” Callum explained, “He said, and I quote, ‘It’d be my pleasure’.”
"I'm not sure what will surprise him more, That THE Captain Kirk is alive or that he's performing our wedding ceremony." Navesh said
Before Callum could say anything his combadge chirped to indicate that he had an incoming hail waiting for him. Flashing an apologetic look at Navesh as he reached for his combadge Callum tapped it to open the comm-link before speaking.
“MacLeod here. Go ahead.” Callum said after tapping his combadge.
“Commander Rel here, Captain. We’re approaching Torad Nine.” Damrus’s disembodied voice said coming from Callum’s combadge.
“Can ah assume that ye’ve already contacted the outpost, Commander?” Callum said.
“You can, sir.” Damrus replied, “We’ve dropped to sub-light and have been assigned a priority flight path for immediate entry into the flight control zone so we can enter the our assigned orbit. Also, Lieutenant Washbourne has requested permission to link up with the SI relay that is apparently on Tarod Nine to update his intelligence database.”
“I’ve said it before and ahm sure ah’ll say it again… ye are just too damned efficient, Commander. Tell the Lieutenant tae go ahead with his link-up. Ah’ll be right there.” Callum said.
“Aye, sir. Rel out.” Damrus’s disembodied voice said before the comm-link quietly clicked closed after Damrus finished speaking.
“Sorry mah love, duty calls.” Callum said.
“It’s alright.” Navesh said hiding the disappointment she was feeling.
Turning from Callum and walking around the ready room desk Navesh led the way past the blue octagon of the ready room’s holo-communicator and onto the bridge. Passing by the helm and ops stations Callum walked towards the captain’s chair as he watched Damrus stand up and step away from the center seat.
“Report, Commander Rel,” MacLeod’s voice rumbled, the thick Scottish brogue settling in the air like a light mist.
“All systems nominal, Captain,” Commander Damrus Rel replied. His voice was a melodic baritone, lacking the harshness of some of the other species aboard the bridge, “We are on final approach to Tarod Nine. The outpost is broadcasting standard Federation identification codes. Their systems are fully operational, though they report a recent… anomaly in long range subspace scans.”
Lieutenant Vhela, a barzan with the almost granite stillness of her people, was already working at her console said, “The anomaly appears localized to a small area of space. It looks to be some sort of subspace distortions."
A low growl emanated from the tactical station. Lieutenant Gratakka, the hulking Nausicaan, leaned forward, his scarred face grim. “Could it be Romulan tech? They DO like to play their games near the border.”
Callum stroked his five o’clock shadow beard. “Possibility, Lieutenant. But we dinnae want tae jump tae conclusions. Mister. Washbourne, what does Starfleet Intelligence have on unusual subspace anomalies in this sector?”
Lieutenant Malcolm Washbourne, a man who always seemed slightly out of place on the ship and who was hiding the secret of his genetic augmentation, tapped at his console. “Nothing specific, Captain, though we do have records of similar, less pronounced anomalies dating back several centuries. They are usually short-lived, and rarely last more than a couple hours.”
After a moment Nerah spoke up from the helm, “We are now in orbit of Tarod Nine, Captain.”
“We are being hailed by the outpost, Captain.” Damrus said after sitting down at the first officer and communications station and once Nerah finished speaking.
“On screen, Commander” Callum ordered as he tapped on the inside of the command chair’s right side hand rest with his thumb and turned to face the over-sized viewscreen on the forward bulkhead.
Seconds later the viewscreen at the front of the Mjolnir’s bridge was filled with the image of a Benzite Starfleet officer with commander’s pips on the collar of his red undershirt and the typical breather that Benzites wore in standard class M atmospheres to add the elements that their physiology required that weren’t normally present in class M atmospheres. With a smile on his face that was partially obscured by his catfish-like whiskers he began speaking.
“I am Commander Jalesh, the commanding officer of the Torad Nine outpost. To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking to?” The Benzite asked.
“Ahm Captain Callum MacLeod.” Callum said standing up and standing in front of his Mark VII command chair, “How can we be o’ assistance?”
“My medical officer has a submitted a wish list of medicines that he was hoping that you’d be able fulfil. We’d replicate them here but we don’t have the replicator patterns for them and even if we did our replicators are too old and aren’t capable of the necessary resolution to replicate them.” Commander Jalesh said.
“Send your wish list to us and we’ll see what we can dae. Ah dinnae make any promises though, after all we’re an escort ship nar a hospital ship.” Callum said, “Is there anything else we can help ye with?”
“To be honest, yes. My chief engineer is having some difficulties with our long range sensor array and was hoping that you could assist.” Commander Jalesh said.
“Ah’ll have mah chief engineer beam down tae see what he can dae tae help ye oot. Anything else?” Callum asked.
“No, sir.” Commander Jalesh replied.
“Mah ex-oh will reach oot tae ye once we’ve discussed the situation with my chief engineer and figured oot when he can beam down. Mjolnir out.” Callum said.
Once the viewscreen changed to the image of orbital space around Tarod IX Callum turned to face Damrus at the first officer and communications station and said, “Ye have the bridge, Commander. Please see tae the necessary arrangements, Ah’ll be in mah ready room.”
“Aye, sir.” Damrus said acknowledging Callum’s order standing up so he could assume the center seat as Callum began to cross the bridge as he headed for the ready room.
Walking across the bridge past the helm and ops stations Callum walked into the ship’s ready room. As the ready room doors whooshed closed behind him Callum walked over to the replicator and ordered a lime pick-a-pop materialized on the replicator’s receiving platform Callum picked it up and walked towards the ready room desk and walked around the desk once he had reached it Callum sat down in the seat behind the desk.
As Callum sat down in his seat the door chime sounded signaling that someone was waiting for him to give them permission to enter the ready room. Looking at the door Callum wondered who was wanting to come in as he wasn’t expecting anyone.
“Enter.” Callum said saying Starfleet’s standard command/invitation to let whoever was on the other side of the door know that it was okay to enter.
Seconds later the ready room door slid open with a whoosh allowing the ship’s joined Trill counselor, Lieutenant Reyna Vyn, to walk into the ready room. As she walked up to the desk Callum spoke.
“What can ah dae for ye, Lieutenant?” Callum asked looking at the counselor.
“I was hoping that I could speak to the personnel on the outpost. I feel that I should do a basic psychological assessment on the station personnel. They have been assigned to the outpost without the benefit of a counselor and with very limited recreational activities” Reyna said.
“It makes sense when ye put it like that, Lieutenant.” Callum said, “Tell Commander Rel that ah told ye tae speak tae him about making the arrangements.”
“Yes, sir. Thank-you.” Reyna replied.
“No, thank-you.” Callum said with a grin on his face. Continuing on he said, “Was there anything else that ah can dae for ye?”
“No, sir.” Reyna replied.
“In that case ye can consider yourself dismissed, Lieutenant.” Callum said.
“Aye, sir.” Reyna said before turning and heading for the ready room door.
As the ready room door whooshed open allowing Reyna to leave the ready room Callum spoke to the computer saying, “Computer, compile a report on the current political status of the Romulan Star Empire.”
“Requested function will require a link up with Starbase Twenty-Three’s astro-political computer database.” The standard Starfleet computer voice replied.
“Understood, initiate uplink and compile the report. Authorization MacLeod alpha nine-one-eight-two-baker.” Callum said to the computer.
A moment later the computer voice said, “Uplink established. Compiling report. Requested function will require ten standard minutes to complete.”
“Understood.” Callum said to the computer.
Picking up the clear bottle Callum took a long sip of his favorite drink enjoying the taste. Putting the bottle down Callum turned to look at the viewscreen on the bulkhead behind the desk and the image of the Scottish highlands it was displaying and began thinking of home and what he would want to show to Navesh when they were next in the neighborhood either on leave or an assignment.
“Report compiled.” The computer voice ten minutes later snapping Callum out of his reverie.
“Understood. Terminate uplink and put it on screen on my monitor.” Callum said ordered the computer as he turned to face the desktop monitor.