Dune Part 2 2023 (24, 25, 26...)

For some reason my Infinity War crowd was more fired up overall than the one for Endgame. Anytime a major character first showed up they went nuts. When Wakanda first came up on the screen the guy next to me completely lost it.
An audience that watches a great movie with you is heaven. An audience that talks during the movie or does other things (cell phones!) during the movie is hell.

The latter is more common to me. This is why I always say: fuck people and big social gatherings. SFX holds up on the smaller screen just fine. Favorite beer, favorite snack, good movie and no stupid annoying humans around. I love my tv and sofa.
The latter is more common to me. This is why I always say: fuck people and big social gatherings. SFX holds up on the smaller screen just fine. Favorite beer, favorite snack, good movie and no stupid annoying humans around. I love my tv and sofa.
Yeah, I think that some times. But then I get to see Return of the Jedi (even if it was the Special Edition) on the Big Screen and I realize "Nope. Not like this at home." Wow.
Endgame had to be seen in the theater. Not just for scale but also for audience.
I will admit, Endgame was one of those movies you had to see ASAP when it was released because everyone was talking about it, but otherwise, there was nothing unique to the theatre experience, at least for me.
Oh, that Oppenheimer thing wasn't bad either.
In my case, Oppenheimer was actually a negative theatre experience. The theatre was crowded, resulting in some stranger sitting next to me. And that guy was jumpy, any time there was a loud noise, he'd leap out of his chair like a cartoon character. Near the end of the movie just before the nuke goes off, I sat there thinking "fuck, he's totally going to jump, isn't he?" And sure enough, he did.
Are most audiences that reactive? I've never had an audience act like that during the movies I've seen.
The Force Awakens certainly had quite the interactive audience when I saw it in theatres, with people clapping and cheering at various points in the movies.
The latter is more common to me. This is why I always say: fuck people and big social gatherings. SFX holds up on the smaller screen just fine. Favorite beer, favorite snack, good movie and no stupid annoying humans around. I love my tv and sofa.
Cheaper too.
Finished the knock off Ornithopter while watching the Dune miniseries tonight. Turned out pretty good. Couple missing pieces (lots of sand getting in that cockpit) but nothing that stoped the build like the last time I had a knock off set. The landing gear couldn't stay on, wasn't solid enough to hold up the Thopter. Will do the official one soon.



All I can say about "Dune 2" is that Usul has called up a BIG one! Yeah, I know that I am easily dazzled by effects and the like, and I have only read the novel one time. Yet I was thoroughly engrossed the entire 2h 46m run time. Didn't even try to go to the bathroom until afterward. :angel:

When you do get to the film definitely see it in IMAX if at all possible!
I'm definitely going to see the film at the (supposedly world's tallest IMAX) next week but I'm not sure when. It all depends on my work schedule which hasn't been released yet. Unfortunately, I won't be able to see it on the opening weekend and that fact is killing me.

On the plus side, at least I can't be spoiled on it. :lol:
Got my ticket for Tuesday night next week. Turns out I have to work nights all week and that's the earliest English language screening I can attend. Oh well, not like I have to look out for spoilers with this one.
Everyone says there is no spoilers, but then you go and see Villeneuve used Ridley Scott's plan of Paul and Jessica incest, Jodorowski's plan of Paul dying and hive minding the universe, Lynch's rain, the miniseries' hats, and Alia rapid aging 30 years so it's not as creepy when she hooks up with Duncan.
Yeah, when Scott was making it Alia was Paul's daughter, not Leto's.
Swell. But I thought you were talking about what is in the movie.

Unless that IS in the movie. Think of the things that they've taken out or de-emphasized because we're a more sophisticated audience than Herbert was, but they're going to introduce THAT?!?