We all have Trek films we're underwhelmed by. Films that somehow missed the mark. So here is your chance to make a better film. You're in the executive offices of Paramount and you have the power. Pitch your flick.
My pitch is for Generations. This was supposed to be the handoff from TOS to TNG and somehow they fumbled the play.
The limited the action of the TOS crew. Which, IICR is why Nimoy said no. Not sure why Dee passed. So we wound up with Doohan and Koenig in what amounted to cameos. Nimoy also turned down the chance to direct because problems he found with the script.
No fanboy beauty shot of the the A and D. These were (and are) the two most iconic ships in the Franchise. Not seeing them together is a missed opportunity. The B just doesn't cut it.
The villains weren't all that compelling
Yesterday's Enterprise should have been the template
Give it a budget that can accommodate both casts and give Nimoy the director's chair and more creative control.
The Pitch
Taking a cue from the end of TUC (" This is the final cruise of the Starship Enterprise under my command. This ship and her history will shortly become the care of another crew.") The Enterprise-A is headed to Earth where the command crew will move on to other assignments.
Kirk has been promoted to Admiral so he can retire at that rank.
Spock has resigned his commission to accept a full time position in the Federation Diplomatic Corps
McCoy is headed back to Georgia to truly become an "old country doctor".
Sulu is still Captain of the Excelsior and is on board for the hand off to a new crew that includes his daughter, Demora.
Scotty has bought a boat and is looking into places to sail it.
Uhura has accepted a teaching position at Starfleet Academy.
Chekov has been promoted and will be taking the post of XO on the Excelsior.
Also on board are Chapel and Rand (cameos).
Enroute they encounter a phenomena known as the Nexus. The ribbon of energy lashes out at the Enterprise and consoles explode sending crew flying. Among those injured are Demora and Sulu steps in to take the helm. The ship vanishes into the Nexus.
On board the D we cut to the HMS Enterprise Holoprogram and the bits of business with Worf and the hat. A red alert sirens sounds and the command crew scrambles to the bridge. On the view screen is the Nexus. Its energy is flaring, wreaking havoc with the Enterprise's instruments and controls. Finally there is a major flare and the ship's systems shut down. When they come back on the ship has been damaged by the Nexus ribbon. It's crew is scrambling to get things under control and find out what happened. They are all shocked when the legendary NCC-1701-A appears on screen.
The crews join forces and discover that time is unraveling. By pulling the A and it's crew out of time is causing repercussions in the timeline. Soon the future of TNG will no longer exist. (So there can be some timey-wimey shenanigans with Yar and Wes cameos). The Nexus is not natural, someone is using it alter the flow of history. Who is behind this? Q? Klingons? Dr. Soran? Romulans? A classic TOS villain? A classic TNG villain? Both?
Along the way the crew discuss legacy, mortality and family. All while sciencing the heck out of the problem and battling the forces controlled by the entities behind the Nexus. (No not a fricking Bird of Prey)
Kirk's reaction to Worf as a Starfleet officer might be interesting. What he accomplished in TUC has had an impact. Maybe Worf is a big Kirk fan.
Needs more character beats of course. That will take some thinking
Berman, Braga and Moore seemed set on destroying so let's stick with that. The D crew winding up on the A for a scene or two might be fun.
Needs a lot more work but that's the basics.
My pitch is for Generations. This was supposed to be the handoff from TOS to TNG and somehow they fumbled the play.
The limited the action of the TOS crew. Which, IICR is why Nimoy said no. Not sure why Dee passed. So we wound up with Doohan and Koenig in what amounted to cameos. Nimoy also turned down the chance to direct because problems he found with the script.
No fanboy beauty shot of the the A and D. These were (and are) the two most iconic ships in the Franchise. Not seeing them together is a missed opportunity. The B just doesn't cut it.
The villains weren't all that compelling
Yesterday's Enterprise should have been the template
Give it a budget that can accommodate both casts and give Nimoy the director's chair and more creative control.
The Pitch
Taking a cue from the end of TUC (" This is the final cruise of the Starship Enterprise under my command. This ship and her history will shortly become the care of another crew.") The Enterprise-A is headed to Earth where the command crew will move on to other assignments.
Kirk has been promoted to Admiral so he can retire at that rank.
Spock has resigned his commission to accept a full time position in the Federation Diplomatic Corps
McCoy is headed back to Georgia to truly become an "old country doctor".
Sulu is still Captain of the Excelsior and is on board for the hand off to a new crew that includes his daughter, Demora.
Scotty has bought a boat and is looking into places to sail it.
Uhura has accepted a teaching position at Starfleet Academy.
Chekov has been promoted and will be taking the post of XO on the Excelsior.
Also on board are Chapel and Rand (cameos).
Enroute they encounter a phenomena known as the Nexus. The ribbon of energy lashes out at the Enterprise and consoles explode sending crew flying. Among those injured are Demora and Sulu steps in to take the helm. The ship vanishes into the Nexus.
On board the D we cut to the HMS Enterprise Holoprogram and the bits of business with Worf and the hat. A red alert sirens sounds and the command crew scrambles to the bridge. On the view screen is the Nexus. Its energy is flaring, wreaking havoc with the Enterprise's instruments and controls. Finally there is a major flare and the ship's systems shut down. When they come back on the ship has been damaged by the Nexus ribbon. It's crew is scrambling to get things under control and find out what happened. They are all shocked when the legendary NCC-1701-A appears on screen.
The crews join forces and discover that time is unraveling. By pulling the A and it's crew out of time is causing repercussions in the timeline. Soon the future of TNG will no longer exist. (So there can be some timey-wimey shenanigans with Yar and Wes cameos). The Nexus is not natural, someone is using it alter the flow of history. Who is behind this? Q? Klingons? Dr. Soran? Romulans? A classic TOS villain? A classic TNG villain? Both?
Along the way the crew discuss legacy, mortality and family. All while sciencing the heck out of the problem and battling the forces controlled by the entities behind the Nexus. (No not a fricking Bird of Prey)
Kirk's reaction to Worf as a Starfleet officer might be interesting. What he accomplished in TUC has had an impact. Maybe Worf is a big Kirk fan.
Needs more character beats of course. That will take some thinking

Berman, Braga and Moore seemed set on destroying so let's stick with that. The D crew winding up on the A for a scene or two might be fun.
Needs a lot more work but that's the basics.