Discovery's Final Season: What Do You Hope to See?


Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
If anyone has put up a similar thread already, my apologies. But with Discovery's fifth and final season almost upon us, what are the things you would like to see or loose ends you would like tied?

For me:
-Klingons in the 32nd century
-Fate of Prime Lorca
-Crossover with Strange New Worlds and/or Picard
-Nods to all the other Trek series (anything from a character mention to the use of a species that debuted on a past series)
If anyone has put up a similar thread already, my apologies. But with Discovery's fifth and final season almost upon us, what are the things you would like to see or loose ends you would like tied?

For me:
-Klingons in the 32nd century
-Fate of Prime Lorca
-Crossover with Strange New Worlds and/or Picard
-Nods to all the other Trek series (anything from a character mention to the use of a species that debuted on a past series)

I can take or leave the Klingons thing. Given Discovery's handling of Klingons in the past i'd potentially rather just let that fade into the background.

Prime Lorca is probably a story for another time... or none at all. Realistically, his fate is... he died. Quickly after getting to the MU. I don't really see how it could be relevant to any of the 32nd century story.

Crossovers with SNW or PIC are somewhat problematic, given the immense time difference. The mentions of Picard last season are probably enough. Q could work because he's Q and it doesn't matter, but... I don't think the general vibe of Discovery works well for Q. I would give Discovery the biggest cookie ever if the Big Bad in S5 were the Extra-Dimensional synthetics from PIC S1, They've been a threat for thousands of years, they could fit just fine. OR something that happens in DSC S5 causes the anomaly from PIC S2... I could be down with that.

I can't really find where much of anything from SNW would make sense. Maybe the planet from the pilot shows up?

On the last one... yes, of course! I'm sure we will absolutely get that. They made Cardassian makeup for last season but never used it, or if they did it was in the background (not counting the half-Cardy President). Maybe do something with Illyrians?

The biggest thing I want is more about Kovich. I'd also like to get to know a bit more about the Emerald Chain.
1. I want to see some acknowledgment from the crew that they miss their families and want to find a way to travel back in time to the point they left.

2. More Kayla Detmer, and finally revealing what the head piece is for, and maybe they finally take it off

3. I don't know how they could bring in Prime Lorca, but as someone who is currently rewatching Season 1, I would like to see Prime Lorca

4. Something leading into Calypso

5. Saru and T'Rina get married

6. Airiem reappearing because it was an AI who doesn't really die.
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2. More Kayla Detmer, and finally revealing what the head piece is for, and maybe they finally take it off

I did think that was a bit odd that she still has it. There's been nearly a millennium of medical advancement... even by the 24th century her implant is probably unnecessary, or at the very least could be cosmetically hidden.

4. Something leading into Calypso

I'm fairly certain Calypso has been retconned out, or at the very least is something of a "what-if"/alternate timeline had the ending of Season 2 gambit not paid off.

Calypso seems like what would have been the "Plan B" for the situation.

That being said, I kind of forgot but I want more of the ships AI whatever-her-name is.
Sort of hooking into the time travel thing re: families. If they can't actually travel maybe they figure out a way to get messages sent back. That way Spock can receive a message from Michael in the future and it somehow figures into an episode of SNW.

Does that sound too dopey?
Sort of hooking into the time travel thing re: families. If they can't actually travel maybe they figure out a way to get messages sent back. That way Spock can receive a message from Michael in the future and it somehow figures into an episode of SNW.

Does that sound too dopey?

At least its something. One issue I had with the whole ship going into the 32nd century was everyone agreeing to leave their lives behind and go with Burnham. I just don't find that very realistic. If I were in that position, having to sacrifice everything to go into the far future, I don't know if I can make that choice. That whole thing felt rushed and not having any repercussions of it has felt like a missed opportunity for character growth.
There’s obvious “superficial” stuff I’d like to see. Like the USS Enterprise-Z (or whatever), the appearance of 32nd Century Klingons, maybe a sneaky reference to “the greatest person in Starfleet History…Chief Miles O’Brien”, etc…

but really I don’t want the season to end with finality. By that I mean, I want something open ended.

TOS and TNG ended with the Enterprise flying off with the promise of more adventures to come even if we didn’t see them (spoiler..we did). And yeah, I know “Turnabout…” wasn’t intended to be the finale but still.

DS9 ended with the main character dying and all but a few leaving “home”. Voyager ended with them getting home and an all but certainty of the crew breaking up. Enterprise kinda combined the two with the adventure ending, crew going separate ways AND a character dying.

Let the last shot of the final episode just be the Discovery spore jumping off to the next job. No tearful goodbyes, no dying, etc…
Let the last shot of the final episode just be the Discovery spore jumping off to the next job. No tearful goodbyes, no dying, etc…

I wouldn't hate if most of them... went home. Yeah yadda yadda "there's no time travel" but... there's plenty of ways to do it.

But i'm also ok with a somewhat open ended "Yay we fixed the Federation" and then we go on our merry way.
I wouldn't hate if most of them... went home. Yeah yadda yadda "there's no time travel" but... there's plenty of ways to do it.

But i'm also ok with a somewhat open ended "Yay we fixed the Federation" and then we go on our merry way.
went home in what context? home to Earth? home to their own respective planets? or do you mean home to the 23rd century?
I liken the Discovery crew to immigrants. Except instead of immigrating to another country in another continent, they've immigrated to another time. And they can't go back because of the situation. Not an uncommon issue with immigrants, depending on where it is they've immigrated from. Including within my own family. It's complicated. As is the case more often than people who don't have to deal with this might realize.

The crew have made their lives in the 32nd Century. So, I think they've accepted this is where they are now. Also, if you're going into space and leaving your home life behind, you're someone who wanted to get out and get away to begin with. Or maybe they don't have much to go back to.

To quote Star Trek V (yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, it doesn't matter what you think of the movie, that isn't the point), anyway, to quote Star Trek V: "All that time in space, getting on each other's nerves, and what do we do when Shore Leave comes along? We spend it together. Other people have families." "Other people, Bones, not us." Then cut to the end of the film. "I lost a brother once. I was lucky to get him back." "I thought you said men like us don't have families." "I was wrong."

I think this would've been an interesting thing to explore in third season. But, in the fifth season, it's too far after the fact. I think the Discovery crew views each other as their family. Being the only people they know who came from where they did and making the leap together.

Outside of that: Tilly hated her family. I think she's made a life for herself teaching at the Academy (I'm betting S5 takes place between semesters), Saru's got his career and he's with T'Rina, and Burnham has her career and she's with Book. So, they left their old lives behind (Saru's done it twice), but they have new lives now.

If SFA takes place in the 32nd Century, and the 32nd Century doesn't stop with DSC, then there might be other Star Trek series that take place there. So, I'd like for the opportunity for these characters to still show up. That's another reason why I want closure but not total finality.
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A buildup to the future of the Federation, a thread which will be picked up Starfleet Academy.

A USS Enterprise

Burnham taking a lead in the development of the UFP.

Saru finding a proper place for himself. Whether as a captain on another ship, or something else.

Stamets as a developer of the Spore Hub Drive across the fleet using 32nd century tech.

Culber become more of a therapist or Counselor than a medical doctor.

Zora becomes a totally independent lifeform.

Temporal investigations appearing in the finale.
I'd like a gratuitous cameo from someone in another Trek show, in holographic form. Say Micheal is going though shit and can't talk to anyone, so she summons a holo!Pike from SNW for a chat.

I'd just like an improvement from season 4, really. Give Paul something to actually do.
The problems with Discovery returning to the past are two-fold for me:
1) If it's not a predestination paradox, wouldn't that alter the timeline?
2) If it is a predestination paradox, I'd like to think folks in the future would know that Discovery was destined to return. Granted records could have been lost, but I think it's a more interesting story if they know/find out.