Discovery Renewed for Season 5

What completely new, non-foreshadowed arc will they come up with for next season?

Honestly, this is the element of Discovery (and maybe Picard, we'll have to see how Season 2 ends) works that I hate the most. There is no plan for what will happen from season to season, meaning in a certain sense there's less structure than DS9 had. So ultimately, absolutely nothing of consequence for next season happened, other than Book's ship getting destroyed and maybe a few casting changes (Tilly/Gray/Book may or may not be on the show).
A thing happens and then they spend the next 12 episodes trying to find out why the thing happened and who did the thing. All will be answered in the final episode with 10 minutes of hugging at the end.

Pretty much, except next season is only 10 episodes.
My point is I find season long arcs where nothing has any long-term consequence just as irritating as single-episodes of Voyager where nothing has any long-term consequence. In both cases you're putting artificial constraints upon your story and the natural ramifications it should have upon the characters.
My point is I find season long arcs where nothing has any long-term consequence just as irritating as single-episodes of Voyager where nothing has any long-term consequence. In both cases you're putting artificial constraints upon your story and the natural ramifications it should have upon the characters.
That's pretty much been my experience with fiction, and Trek specifically. Long term consequences are not as much of a thing. And I'm making peace with that. Discovery is moving in to that Trek mold of episodic style storytelling and everything is good at the end because that is what is being indicated by the loudest voices in the audience.

Make of it what you will.
...putting artificial constraints upon your story and the natural ramifications it should have...
I.e., not organic where organic storytelling seems to be fairly consistently valued even across trends.

...Long term consequences are not as much of a thing. And I'm making peace with that. Discovery is moving in to that Trek mold of episodic style storytelling and everything is good at the end because that is what is being indicated by the loudest voices in the audience.
Not to defend STD - at all - but maybe the voices have finally gotten tired of all the vile deconstructionism. TOS generally ended on a positive note without assassinating the characters or their character in the process. And that began before the audience was truly known.
Not to defend STD - at all - but maybe the voices have finally gotten tired of all the vile deconstructionism. TOS generally ended on a positive note without assassinating the characters or their character in the process. And that began before the audience was truly known.
I think you might be on to something, but I doubt that's the full picture. I think it is an assumption that we do that it should always be positive. Except, then I watch the Orville and it's not. So there's more to it than just "vile deconstructionism" which I don't see present in Discovery.
Looking forward to next season. I’m genuinely surprised that they’ve left it to have a cold start, though. Even if they thought Season 4 might be the last (those last 15 minutes suggest as much), I’m surprised they didn’t film a tag to pop on the end that would at least give us a hint of next season. I’m more surprised about this, than I was when they did similar at the end of Season 3.

Discovery has never given us a big cliffhanger to end the season, but I feel like Season 1 and 2 did a cracking job of leaving us with a hint of where things were headed, and us wanting more. Neither 3 or 4 have done that, and I worry that there’s only so many times you can do a cold start for a season (on a serialised how) and have it pay off.
I suspect the only time we'll see a season that isn't neatly wrapped again is if the show is given a two-season final renewal at some point (possibly after next year?).
....So, Was Stacy Abrams playing the President of Earth, or was she playing The EARTH? (she's large enough - That's why some call her "Stacy Ass-hams") Kurtzman does NOTHING but RUIN TV franchises. F- him!