Discovery ending with Season 5

For visuals maybe, they care about the actual lore. Several things invented by Picard made it into Discovery.
Well ya like all eras of Trek they care about their lore.

I can see it now. A new Trek show will air for the 75th anniversary and old desheviled Disco fans will cry about the destruction of canon and the shoehorning in of people who identify sexually as morlocks.

All of this has happened before, all of this will happened again.
There's a huge difference between a novel writer killing off Burnham in one of their books, and a novel writer getting a description of a uniform wrong.
I used to grit my teeth when the cover artist would get the uniforms wrong. Either just using an approximation of a Trek uniform (sometimes mix and match) or having the uniform not match the timeframe of the book.
I got better. ;)
I used to grit my teeth when the cover artist would get the uniforms wrong. Either just using an approximation of a Trek uniform (sometimes mix and match) or having the uniform not match the timeframe of the book.
I got better. ;)

Really? I was more annoyed that every Trek novel cover was just Photoshopped art of the actors or ships, and had nothing to do with the actual story the book was telling. I would long for the days when Pocket Books actually hired artists like Boris Vallejo to make actual art that actually had something to do with the subject matter.
I used to grit my teeth when the cover artist would get the uniforms wrong. Either just using an approximation of a Trek uniform (sometimes mix and match) or having the uniform not match the timeframe of the book.
I got better. ;)
I gave up looking at covers, especially for comics and such. They just flat out suck.
Really? I was more annoyed that every Trek novel cover was just Photoshopped art of the actors or ships, and had nothing to do with the actual story the book was telling. I would long for the days when Pocket Books actually hired artists like Boris Vallejo to make actual art that actually had something to do with the subject matter.
Yeah, I miss painted covers too. But I haven’t bought a Trek book In quite a while.
I have to admit that I won't really miss the 32nd century, and have always felt going there was ultimately a mistake. I think it was mostly done as a way to escape the criticism coming from a very loud subset of fans regarding alleged canon violations, which ultimately didn't really work considering so much of that criticism was centered on elements of production design such as alien make-up, lighting and set design philosophy, and the like; they remained the same, and so their criticism stayed as well. And with a total of 36 episodes taking place there, mostly focusing on the crisis-of-the-season after a few introductory stranger-in-a-strange-land stories, they didn't really have much time to flesh out the setting and make it interesting, which, combined with the decision to keep the Federation and Starfleet as the anchoring familiar safe bases to return home to, ultimately failed to really set it apart from the other timeframes of the franchise other than in the visuals, especially with the focus on rebuilding the Federation-As-It-Was.

The far future setting could've had great potential (such as a storyline about Discovery inspiring or even helping the creation of something completely new grounded in the ideals of the Federation of old, with the actual one existing as a rump state akin to the late Byzantine Empire in decline), but I feel the creators ultimately decided to play it safe instead due to their fear of further criticism, and it hurt the series on the long run in my view. As the end of Discovery approaches, I find that I'll be mostly missing the characters and the ship, but not the future they've arrived in.
I find that I'll be mostly missing the characters and the ship, but not the future they've arrived in.
Same. The characters draw me in Trek, not the setting, not the tech. And the 32nd century, even with some minor appeal, simply wasn't what I enjoyed.

I salute Discovery for giving characters like Burnham, Stamets, Saru and Tilly all to this franchise. Well worth it.
Discovery was a prequel, any changes made to the timeline in that show already happened from the perspective of TOS onward.
The NuTrek timeline shows us that's very much not how it usually works.

But I will give you a chance, Picard, Lower Decks, and Prodigy have all proceeded Discovery and are very explicitly set in the main timeline. Have any of those three shows referenced a single specific event from Discovery?
I'm beginning to think that the whole Burn plotline was a mistake. Discovery should've been sent right into the chaos of the Temporal Wars. I know it's not a popular storyline from Enterprise, but we could've had Discovery literally going from time period to time period, bringing in cameos from every era of Trek from Archer's time to crossing over with TNG, and maybe even the lost era between TOS and TNG. Archer, Janeway, DS9 characters, etc. could have shown up. Heck they probably could've found a way to fit in appearance by Shatner.

They could've turned Discovery back into that anthology show that was originally pitched and go out with a bang.
The NuTrek timeline shows us that's very much not how it usually works.
That's not true at all, not sure what you were watching.

Have any of those three shows referenced a single specific event from Discovery?
Someone already did it for me.

I'm beginning to think that the whole Burn plotline was a mistake. Discovery should've been sent right into the chaos of the Temporal Wars. I know it's not a popular storyline from Enterprise, but we could've had Discovery literally going from time period to time period, bringing in cameos from every era of Trek from Archer's time to crossing over with TNG, and maybe even the lost era between TOS and TNG. Archer, Janeway, DS9 characters, etc. could have shown up. Heck they probably could've found a way to fit in appearance by Shatner.

They could've turned Discovery back into that anthology show that was originally pitched and go out with a bang.
Sounds expensive. Cheaper to keep it in one place so you can reuse sets.
This scene alone ties Discovery directly to TNG (and of course TOS)
No? That just means the timeline hit a couple of the same points, not that it's the same.

Prodigy had the Discovery among a holographic display of ships in their 3rd episode, IIRC. Picard season 1 had the SNW/Disco 1701 holo at Starfleet HQ.
The Discovery class would have existed regardless of the timeline change in question.

Remember, for figuring out timeline effects you need to progress from the change outward like a ripple in a pound.

In this case, we would be looking at something like. A) Burnham dies in the desert, B) No war with the Klingons because the Shenzhou would have left the Beacon alone, C) The Spore Drive fails to get off the ground because they kill the Tardigrade. D) The project is completely scrapped because there's no Klingon War. E) No starship is in position to encounter the Sphere and it dies without transferring it's data to anyone. F) No Burn because the Kelpians were never freed.
Actually, all it shows is that Peck's Spock grew up to have the same or similar outcome as Nimoy's Spock did, only in this universe all of his actions were apparently influenced by Burnham.
He always was, Discovery is the same universe as all the other shows.

What the producers say trump any head canon people may have, Discovery is the same timeline as all the other shows.

Discovery (pre-season 3 of course) was a prequel, any event that happened in that show already happened from the perspective of the shows after it.
In this case, we would be looking at something like. A) Burnham dies in the desert, B) No war with the Klingons because the Shenzhou would have left the Beacon alone, C) The Spore Drive fails to get off the ground because they kill the Tardigrade. D) The project is completely scrapped because there's no Klingon War. E) No starship is in position to encounter the Sphere and it dies without transferring it's data to anyone. F) No Burn because the Kelpians were never freed.
G) Profits.
Nothing about it sounded sarcastic. There are real people who out there who argue that.

The Discovery class would have existed regardless of the timeline change in question.
Sure, but that isn't the Prime Timeline. Everything in Discovery is in the Prime Timeline.
Actually, all it shows is that Peck's Spock grew up to have the same or similar outcome as Nimoy's Spock did, only in this universe all of his actions were apparently influenced by Burnham.

No? That just means the timeline hit a couple of the same points, not that it's the same.
It explicitly spells out the intentions of the producers. Not to mention Gray being resurrected using the season one Picard Golem. If you're gonna say crap like it doesn't count because [conveluted multiverse nonsense], I might as well say the same and "prove" that TNG can't possibly be the same universe as DS9 or TOS because anything you say to show the obvious intent can be ignored the exact same way.

Oh and there's this:
"The Cage" is explicitly Discovery/SNW continuity despite the visual and attitude changes.